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  1. The leaves of lemon balm have the scent of lemon with a hint of mint.

    Lemon Balm, Melissa officinalis, Organic

    Bee Balm, Sweet Balm, Balm Mint, Blue Balm.
    Lemon balm is a very special herb with a number other uses. The leaves have the scent of lemon with a hint of mint. It is refreshing served in summer drinks such as Pimms or lemonade, use to flavour fruit, in sorbets and deserts or with a green salad. Organic Seed.
  2. Monarda 'Panorama' must be rated a marvelous achievement in the perfection of the whorls of flowers and the brilliance of the colours.

    Monarda didyma 'Panorama Mix'

    Bee Balm, Bergamot. Oswego Tea, Horsemint

    'Panorama' must be rated a marvelous achievement in the perfection of the whorls of flowers and the brilliance of the colours. In many shades of scarlet, bright red, pink, salmon and crimson, each plant bears up to 20 long stems. They are as long-lasting as they are dramatic and excellent for cutting.

  3. Each flower consists of a large number of curving tubular flowers growing out from a central point, creating a shaggy dome of petals.

    Monarda didyma 'Panorama Red Shades'

    Bee Balm, Bergamot. Oswego Tea, Horsemint

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    Monarda 'Panorama Red Shades' is the first separate colour available from seed. This foolproof plant is trouble-free and a joy for the garden and vase. They bloom profusely with very distinctive flower-heads, each plant bearing up to 20 long stems and are as long-lasting as they are dramatic.

  4. Monarda fistulosa 'Bergamot'

    Monarda fistulosa 'Bergamot'

    Bee Balm, Oswego Tea, Horsemint

    Monarda fistulosa, also known as Bergamot is famed for its medicinal qualities. While in the perennial border these lovely plants produce a mass of mauve-purple blooms (even in their first year from an early sowing) and have uniquely scented foliage. Highly attractive to bees and butterflies.

  5. 'Border Ballet' is a striking new catmint with flowers in shades of blue and pink

    Nepeta grandiflora is one of the best garden plants in this family. 'Border Ballet' is a striking new catmint, lusher than true catnip, with dark green leaves. It flowers in shades of blue and pink in perfect harmony. This easy to sow and grow perennial flowers in the first year of sowing.

  6. Nepeta subsessilis ‘Dark Blue Panther’ is a dark blue, large-flowered Nepeta which flowers during the first year.

    Nepeta subsessilis 'Dark Blue Panther'

    Misogawo-so, Japanese Catmint

    Nepeta ‘Dark Blue Panther’ is the dark blue flowered variety and sister to 'Pink Panther' and the beautiful white 'Snow' Panther. This award winning variety starts to flower just 15 weeks after sowing and can be can be grown as an annual or as a flowering perennial.

  7.  ‘Pink Panther’ is a large-flowered, pink Nepeta which flowers during the first year.

    Nepeta subsessilis 'Pink Panther'

    Misogawo-so, Japanese Catmint

    Nepeta subsessilis 'Pink Panther' is the pink form of large-flowered Nepeta which is grown from seed and flowers during the first year. It can be grown as an annual or as a flowering perennial. Flowering from June until the end of September, they work well as an informal low hedge or mixed in the border with other annuals or perennials.

  8. Nepeta ‘Snow Panther’ is the only white flowered Nepeta available.

    Nepeta subsessilis 'Snow Panther'

    Misogawo-so, Japanese Catmint

    Recognised as having the largest flowers of all the nepetas and only one with white flowers, Nepeta subsessilis 'Snow Panther' flowers during the first year and can be grown as an annual or as a flowering perennial. This award winning variety is extremely attractive to bees and butterflies they are also excellent for containers.

  9. Pennyroyal has attractive whorls of lilac-blue flowers appear in mid to late summer, held above the foliage on stout stems.

    Pennyroyal, Mentha pulegium

    Pudding Grass, Pulegium
    Wildflower of Britain and Ireland, Ancient Crop

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    Pennyroyal is a cottage garden plant of old. This highly aromatic herb has a strong peppermint scent to its dark green leaves, even more so than other mints. With attractive whorls of lilac-blue flowers, it can be used to carpet a shady corner or make a 'lawn' smelling deliciously of peppermint.

  10. Pycnanthemum pilosum 'Mountain Mint'

    Pycnanthemum pilosum 'Mountain Mint'

    American Mountain Mint

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    This attractive plant will be equally at home in the flower border or keeping company with the sage and thyme in your herb garden. Delightfully aromatic, the floral-peppermint scent is subtly different from other mints. Mountain mint is a great nectar plant, its honey is much sought after.

  11. 'Mignonette' has captured the hearts of gardeners and poets for centuries.

    Reseda odorata 'Mignonette'

    Sweet Scented Mignonette

    Reseda odorata is an ancient plant with a long recorded history. 'Mignonette' has captured the hearts of gardeners and poets for centuries. The flowers are intensely fragrant, with a sweet and spicy scent, they make a wonderful addition to floral arrangements, even dried, the flowers retain their fragrance for several months.

  12. Cut sprigs of rosemary and place with roasted meats, especially lamb, pork, chicken and turkey.

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    Rosemary can be used for ornamental, culinary and medicinal purposes. The aromatic, evergreen shrub, native to the dry hills of southern Europe and North Africa, can be grown as a clipped hedge, along the edge of a retaining wall, pruned and shaped as topiaries and as a container patio plant.

  13. Savory, Summer Savory, 'Midget'

    Savory, Summer Savory, 'Midget'

    Summer Savory, Garden Savory

    Summer savory 'Midget' is a compact variety, this fast-growing annual provides an abundant supply of leaves, growing quickly to a height of about 25cm. With slender bronze green leaves and rose-white tubular flowers which bloom from July to September.

  14. Winter savory has a heavier aroma and a sharper pine type flavour, while that of summer savory is sweeter and more delicate.

    Savory, Summer Savory, Organic

    Summer Savory, Garden Savory
    The leaves of Summer savory are so tender that they can be added fresh to salads or used as a garnish. Used in herb combinations it brings out the best in stews and vegetable dishes, and shines as a seasoning for roasting meats, fowl, and fish. Organic Seed.
  15. Easy to grow, Winter Savory makes an attractive border plant for any culinary herb garden.

    Savory, Winter Savory

    Mountain Savory, Garden Savory

    Winter savory, the perennial savory has the same properties as its summer relative Summer savory, although it has a heavier aroma and a sharper pine type flavour. The small perennial shrubs are semi-evergreen, retaining their leaves in all but the coldest gardens and remain useful all year round.

  16. Sweet Annie has been used for centuries in its dried form in wreaths

    Sweet Annie, Artemisia annua, Organic

    Sweet wormwood, Qing Hao

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    Artemisia annua, commonly called Sweet Annie is a graceful annual with tall stems with fine bright green ferny foliage. With sweetly fragrant foliage it has a wide variety of uses both medicinal and for handcrafting but is most often grown for fresh and dried arrangements. Organic Seeds.
  17. Sweet Cicely was formerly a widely cultivated culinary herb, but now only occasionally grown in the herb garden.

    Sweet Cicely, Myrrhis odorata

    Garden Myrh, Anise

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    Sweet Cicely is an attractive plant that is a striking component of herb gardens and hedgerows. Growing to around 90cm, umbels of tiny white flowers appear from spring to early summer. Formerly a widely cultivated culinary herb, the fern-like leaves are deeply divided and smell of aniseed when crushed.

  18. Gorgeous to the point of excess, Tagetes 'Queen Sophia' produces blooms with deep orange-to-russet petals, intricately edged with russet and gold.
    Tagetes 'Queen Sophia' is an extremely popular, award winning variety that was introduced in the early 1900’s. Gorgeous to the point of excess, it produces semi-double blooms. Deep orange-to-russet petals that are intricately edged with russet and gold.
  19. Thyme, English Winter.

    Thyme, English Winter.

    English Winter Thyme, Garden Thyme

    Thymus vulgaris 'Winter Thyme' is one of the savory herbs, which are main course herbs used to flavour hardy meals, bone warming soups, and piquant sauces. They blend their essence with other savory herbs like Tarragon and Savory to create some memorable flavours.

  20. Thyme, French Summer

    Thyme, French Summer

    Thyme de Provence

    Aromatic French Summer Thyme has more narrow, pointed leaves with a bit of a grey tint. The famed culinary thyme from France, it is higher in essential oil content than other varieties and reputedly the most flavoursome Thyme you can grow with a stronger and sweeter taste.

  21. Thyme, French Summer, Organic

    Thyme, French Summer, Organic

    Thyme de Provence
    Aromatic French Summer Thyme has more narrow, pointed leaves with a bit of a grey tint. The famed culinary thyme from France, it is higher in essential oil content than other varieties and reputedly the most flavoursome Thyme you can grow with a stronger and sweeter taste. Organic Seed.
  22. This citrus thyme has a strong orange scent and flavour without any bitter aftertaste.

    Thyme, Orange Scented. Thymus fragrantissimus

    Orange Thyme, Fragrant Thyme

    Orange Scented Thyme is a useful and versatile plant. The grey-green leaves are extremely fragrant with a with a delicious scent of balsam and oranges. An excellent herb and ideal added to a bouquet garni, they blend their essence with both savory and sweet dishes to create some memorable flavours.

  23. Thymus serpyllum ‘Creeping Thyme’

    Starting at: €2.45

    Thymus serpyllum is one of the most versatile groundcovers. Forming dense evergreen cushions of flowers these low maintenance plants don’t require mowing, watering or care, and can take a lot of abuse. Its leaves can be used as a culinary herb and its uses in the garden are almost unlimited.

  24. Valeriana officinalis is a graceful wildflower that is native to Europe and Western Asia.

    Valeriana officinalis

    Valerian, Wildflower of Britain and Ireland

    Valeriana officinalis is a graceful wildflower that is native to Europe and Western Asia. The tall, branched flower stalks are held atop a low mound of foliage, the densely clustered flowers are sweetly scented and usually white with a hint of pink.

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