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  1. Achilleahave clustered flower heads of tiny white flowers that from a distance look like little patches of snow resting on the grass.

    Achillea millefolium 'Proa'

    Yarrow, Wildflower of Britain and Ireland

    Achillea millefolium 'Proa' is an improved yarrow, a selected form that is higher yielding, with higher essential oil content, better flower production, and the flowers are more uniformly white. Preferred by those who use yarrow medicinally.

  2. Achillea have clusters of tiny white flowers that from a distance look like little patches of snow resting on the grass.

    Achillea millefolium 'Yarrow', Organic

    Wildflower of Britain and Ireland
    These native wildflowers have clustered flower heads of tiny white flowers that from a distance look like little patches of snow resting on the grass. This famous herb is terrific as a wildflower clump in a blooming meadow, they are also a favourite for cut and dried flower arrangements. Organic Seed.
  3. Achillea ptarmica 'The Pearl' flowers in only three months from seed.
    A favourite of garden designer Gertrude Jekyll. The 'Pearl' is excellent for the middle of a sunny, well-drained border, especially when planted as a large drift. A unique, easy and reliable plant to add to any border.
  4. White Agapanthus is dazzling against a dark green backdrop.

    Agapanthus Getty White is a sparkling plant with dense clusters of white flowers on erect stems. It is a sparkling plant and is dazzling against a dark green backdrop. They are terrific as cut flowers and are suited to both formal and modern style arrangements.

  5. and the flowers are highly attractive to butterflies and bees.

    Alcea rosea ‘Chater's White’ is a dramatic, upright plant, with a spike-like inflorescence that is covered with large buds that open, in a staggered manner, from June to September, from the bottom to the top. Fully double and almost pom-pom in appearance, the fine crepe texture of the petals is so delicate that it allows light to pass through.

  6. In summer, Ammi majus bears an abundance of large round blooms made up of clusters of tiny white florets.

    Ammi majus 'Queen Anne's Lace'

    Queen Anne's Lace, Bishop's Flower
    Ammi majus is tall, branching flower, with finely divided, feathery foliage. In summer, it bears an abundance of large round blooms made up of clusters of tiny white florets on tall, branched, slender stems. The delicate clusters add beauty and depth to bouquets and meadows alike.
  7. Ammi visnaga 'Green Mist' is a new variety of Queen Annes Lace, with larger, darker green umbels

    Ammi visnaga 'Green Mist'

    Queen Anne's Lace, (Syn Visnaga daucoides)

    Ammi visnaga 'Green Mist' is a new variety of Queen Annes Lace, with larger, darker green and more mounded umbels than its cousin Ammi majus. It flowers from June to September the blooms are initially flattened and lime green, turning white. The textured flower heads are a flower arrangers dream.

  8. Ammi visnaga 'Green Mist' is a new variety of Queen Annes Lace, with larger, darker green umbels

    Ammi visnaga, Organic

    Queen Anne's Lace, (Syn Visnaga daucoides)
    Ammi lends a delicate airiness to any border and is often used to create a cohesive flower bed. It associates well with both annuals and perennials and makes an excellent addition to wildlife gardens, luring bees and butterflies to the nectar rich flowers. Organic Seed.
  9. Wood Anemones growing on a south-facing edge of a wood all turn their heads to follow the sun from east to west.

    Anemone nemorosa 'Wood Anemone'

    Wildflower of Britain and Ireland

    Out of stock

    This lovely woodlander makes a striking impact in the spring garden. The Irish-born exponent of wild gardening, William Robinson, adored Anemone nemorosa. Writing in his English Flower Garden in 1883, he begins by saying "there is little need to plead for their culture".
  10. Antirrhinum majus 'F1 Twinny White'

    Antirrhinum majus 'F1 Twinny White'

    Double, azalea type snapdragon

    'Twinny White' snapdragons produce large 'butterfly' or 'azalea' flowered blooms that jostle one another for space on compact plants. Given sunshine and well-drained soil, they grow vigorously and flower freely. The plants are exceptionally weather tolerant, and are excellent performers in both heat and rain.

  11. Blooming from early summer right through to mid-autumn, they are an all-around excellent garden performer.

    Worldwide, Antirrhinum is one of the most important 'summer cut-flowers', grown year-round in greenhouses they are adored by florists and gardeners alike. An all-around excellent garden performer, 'Snowflake' produces densely packed spikes that bloom in succession with pure white flowers.

  12. 'Munstead White' is a handsome and very vigorous form selected by early twentieth-century garden writer and designer Gertrude Jekyll.

    Aquilegia vulgaris 'Munstead White'

    Also known as 'Nivea'

    Out of stock

    'Munstead White', also known as 'Nivea' is a most handsome and vigorous Aquilegia. Reputed to have been specially selected by early twentieth-century garden writer and designer Gertrude Jekyll. Their abundant, bee-pleasing, white flowers will bloom in late spring and early summer are perfect for shade.
  13. It can be used in borders and is excellent for trailing over the edges of containers, over stones or down walls.

    Arabis alpina subsp. caucasica 'Snowcap'

    syn A. alpina 'Schneehaube'
    Wall, White or Mountain Rockcress
    One of the earliest spring flowers to appear, Arabis 'Snowcap' with dense masses of snow-white flowers looks wonderful in containers or under spring-blooming bulbs, the pretty white flowers will fill the void when yearning for blooms is tugging at your core.
  14. Arenaria montana is a classic little alpine or rock garden plant, still relatively unknown to many gardeners.
    Arenaria montana is a classic little alpine or rock garden plant, still relatively unknown to many gardeners. The plant forms prostrate mats of evergreen foliage, blanketed by large white flowers. They are at their loveliest spilling over walls and will quickly fill in the spaces between stepping stones.
  15. Not so well known is the beautiful white form of Borage with pure white flowers.

    Borage, Borago officinalis alba, White Borage

    Starflower, Bee Bread, White Borage

    The herb borage is a well known annual. Not so well known is the equally beautiful form 'alba' which boast pure white, perfectly star-shaped flowers. Each flower is centred by five black stamens which heighten the drama. The flowers are edible, garden visitors can be converted to herbal advocates simply by offering a taste of its white flower.

  16. The herb borage is a well known annual with beautiful sky blue flowers and succulent foliage.

    Borage, Borago officinalis, Blue and White Mix

    Starflower, Bee Bread, White Borage

    The herb borage is a well known annual with beautiful blue flowers. Not so well known and not often written about is the equally beautiful form 'alba' which boast pure white, perfectly star-shaped flowers. This mixed pack of seeds gives both blue and white forms.

  17. The Chrysantella series is a magnificent form and is rightfully considered a masterpiece of flower breeding.

    Callistephus chinensis 'Chrysantella, Phantom of the Opera'

    Premium China Aster, Chrysanthemum form

    The large milk-white flowers of Aster 'Chrysantella Phantom of the Opera' are nothing short of spectacular. Perfect for use in wedding work, the entire growing process from seedling to flower taking just 10 to 15 weeks to complete. Cut flowers last much longer than other varieties and just one plant is enough to create a bouquet.

  18. 'Amor White' produces stunning blooms of white, star like flowers each with a dark purple-blue eye.

    Catananche caerulea 'Amor White'

    Cupids Dart, Love Plant.

    Catananche caerulea 'Amor White' produces stunning blooms of white, star like flowers each with a dark purple-blue eye and unique papery petals. The blooms rise on single stems above neat clumps of grey-green foliage. Super when planted the border, they also make a wonderful, long lasting cut or dried flowers.

  19. Centaurea 'Snowman' is a double flowered cultivar with wonderful fluffy, white flowers on densely branched upright plants.

    Centaurea cyanus 'White Boy'

    Double Cornflower, Bachelors Button

    Starting at: €1.65

    Cornflowers are great plants for the cutting garden or border, and this fine cultivar is no exception. Centaurea 'White Boy' is a double flowered cultivar with wonderful fluffy, white flowers on densely branched upright plants. This is the white member of the series which is also known as White Ball and Snowman

  20. Cerastium tomentosum var. columnae

    'Snow in Summer' lives up to its name in late spring when the foliage is smothered in luminous white flowers. Beautiful used as a path edging, in a stone wall or cascading over containers. Try it amongst your spring bulbs - tall lily flowering tulips above a dense carpet of white Cerastium… Breathtaking!

  21. Cimicifuga racemosa var. cordifolia displays impressive long racemes of chalky-white blooms that resemble fluffy candles.

    Cimicifuga racemosa var. cordifolia

    Actaea racemosa var. cordifolia

    Out of stock

    Actaea cordifolia comes into its own late in the season, when multiple stiff and stout stems emerge from the base of the plant. It displays impressive long racemes of chalky-white blooms that are composed of numerous, tiny individual star-like, fragrant flowers.

  22. Actaea simplex, formerly Cimicifuga simplex 'Atropurpurea' is an exceptionally beautiful selection.

    Cimicifuga simplex 'Atropurpurea'

    Actaea simplex Atropurpurea Group

    Actaea simplex 'Atropurpurea' is an exceptionally beautiful selection, valued for its large Astilbe-like leaves of purple black. Its dark hue makes a wonderful backdrop for colourful foliage and flowering shade plants. In late summer, long, fluffy spires in pale pinkish-white, rise above the dark foliage.

  23. A favourite of many gardeners is the beautiful and fast-growing Cobaea scandens.

    Cobaea scandens alba

    White Cup and Saucer Vine, White Cathedral Bells
    Cobaea scandens alba will appeal to anyone who longs for something with panache and visual impact. This rare variety has clear white flowers and will fill the air with a very pleasant honey scent throughout the growing season.
  24. Coleus blumei 'Wizard Mixed'

    Starting at: €2.25

    Out of stock

    The 'Wizard' Series is an excellent example of the new developments of coleus, it is the best seed raised strain for bedding and containers. From the brilliant apricot-bronze Sunset, to red-veined maroon Velvet Red, each is a distinctive work of art. The heart-shaped leaves show their colour early and keeps its hues right through the worst summer heat and humidity. Available in single colours or as a mix.

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