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Specimen Plants

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  1. Aloe castanea is one of the larger ‘shrub’ aloes available to the home gardener.

    Aloe castanea

    Cat's Tail Aloe

    Commonly known as the Cat's Tail Aloe, Aloe castanea is one of the larger ‘shrub’ aloes available to the home gardener. The rosette gives rise to multiple, fuzzy, orange racemes which are held upright and curve like a cat’s tail.

  2. Aloe microstigma, forms beautiful rosettes of blue green leaves that are adorned with conspicuous white spots.

    Aloe microstigma

    Cape Speckled Aloe

    One of the most attractive and floriferous of Aloes of South Africa, Aloe microstigma, forms solitary or small clumps of beautiful rosettes of blue green leaves. The leaves are adorned with conspicuous white spots, which contrast nicely with the reddish teeth along the margins.

  3. Aloe striata, commonly known as the Coral Aloe is one of the prettiest of all succulents.

    Aloe striata

    Coral Aloe

    Aloe striata, commonly known as the Coral Aloe is one of the prettiest of all succulents. The smooth, blue-green leaves are edged with a pink or red margin and it blooms with coral coloured flowers. Grown with Agave, cacti or other succulents, they make stunning indoor displays.

  4. From midsummer it produces airy panicles of purple-green flowers that that almost touch the ground.
    In summer Anemanthele lessoniana produces open, airy panicles of purple-green flowers that give the plant a pleasing overall arching habit. The leaves become bronzed and turn orange-red in winter - This is still one of the most beautiful of all light grasses.
  5. Brugmansia sanguinea 'Red Datura'

    Brugmansia sanguinea 'Red Datura'

    Angels Trumpet, Tree Datura, Eagle Tree.

    Brugmansia sanguinea is probably the most spectacular of the species and distinguished from all others by the abundance of vibrant fiery red blooms. The elegant, trumpet-shaped flowers starting out yellow blend into a burst of brilliant red and makes an exciting addition to any garden or conservatory.

  6. Canna indica is a superb tall strain with gorgeous foliage and bright vermillion blooms.

    Canna indica

    Canna Lily

    Canna indica is a superb tall strain with gorgeous foliage and bright vermilion red blooms. Growing to around 150cm tall, the wide banana-like leaves add a tropical feel to the garden. They are ideal to plant at the back of a border where they are in full sun, or to add colour to a partly shady area.

  7. With their lush tropical foliage and showy flowers, Canna make borders and beds come alive with their bright colours all summer long until first frosts.

    Canna 'Large Flowered Hybrids' create an undeniably tropical look, producing large flowers in hot colours in yellow, gold, fiery orange and red. With their lush tropical foliage and showy flowers they make borders and beds come alive with their bright colours all summer long until first frosts.

  8. Coleus blumei 'Wizard Mixed'

    Starting at: €2.25

    The 'Wizard' Series is an excellent example of the new developments of coleus, it is the best seed raised strain for bedding and containers. From the brilliant apricot-bronze Sunset, to red-veined maroon Velvet Red, each is a distinctive work of art. The heart-shaped leaves show their colour early and keeps its hues right through the worst summer heat and humidity. Available in single colours or as a mix.

  9. Crambe are all about stature. Plant them and stand well back.

    Crambe cordifolia

    Heartleaf crambe

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    I like magnificence in the garden. Either those plants which over perform, or those which are so rare that they stop one in ones tracks, or those that designers call 'statement plants'. Crambe cordifolia is one such plant. All about stature, plant them and stand well back.
  10. Crambe maritima 'Lilywhite'

    Crambe maritima 'Lilywhite'

    Seakale, Wildflower of Britain and Ireland
    Ancient Crop.
    Crambe maritima is a lovely dual purpose plant. This delicacy from the olden days has a unique delicate flavour, forced Seakale is a real delicacy. In the garden, it can be grown as an eye-catching and fragrant border plant. It has perhaps the most beautiful of all large glaucous leaves.
  11. The Umbrella Plant is a very popular house plant and commonly grown as a marginal pond plant.

    Cyperus alternifolius is a very popular both as a house plant and pond plant. The bracts are symmetrically arranged in an umbrella formation and held atop elegant stems that sway with the breeze, giving a tropical touch to the garden. They are also excellent when used in fresh or dried floral arrangements.

  12. Deschampsia cespitosa is a lovely variety of ornamental grass especially valued for it’s tall flower plumes.

    Deschampsia cespitosa

    Tufted Hairgrass

    Deschampsia cespitosa is a lovely variety of ornamental grass especially valued for it’s tall flower plumes. The sprays of airy delicate flowers, eventually changing to bronze add texture and colour to the winter garden and deliver a knock-out punch to cut-flower arrangements.

  13. Deschampsia cespitosa 'Pixie Fountain'

    'Pixie Fountain' is a dwarf variety of Deschampsia cespitosa, just as pretty as its larger cousin. The flower stems growing to a height of 60cm. Perfect for many situations, adding dimension, texture, and a breezy quality to the garden.

  14. Euphorbia characias forms a natural rounded shape, and brings structure and an architectural quality to the garden, while the colour and texture offer almost endless contrast possibilities.

    Euphorbia characias subsp wulfenii

    Mediterranean Spurge

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    One of the grandest of plants, Euphorbia characias 'Wulfenii' has upright stems clothed with whorls of fleshy, mat grey-green leaves that lend the whole plant a textural quality that is unparalleled. From March to June the plants are topped with intense chartreuse-green flowers'.

  15. Euphorbias give us some of the best early spring herbaceous colour, but Euphorbia polychroma has the most impact.

    Euphorbia polychroma

    Cushion spurge, Many-coloured spurge.
    Euphorbias give us some of the best early spring herbaceous colour, but Euphorbia polychroma has the most impact. This compact variety grows to only 50cm with a great mound of yellow-green flowers in spring and echoes the daffodils.
  16. Gunnera is one of the biggest and most spectacular, architectural, herbaceous plants, commonly thought of as giant rhubarb.

    Gunnera manicata

    Giant Rhubarb

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    Gunnera is one of the biggest and most spectacular, architectural, herbaceous plants. With gigantic, deeply lobed, deep green leaves, they look best standing as specimen plants or beside a large pond where the reflections reveal the undersides of the leaves
  17. Milium effusum Aureum takes on an almost magical quality, bringing incandescent light to the shady places it prefers.

    Milium effusum 'Aureum'

    Bowles Golden Grass
    Milium effusum Aureum has a magical quality, bringing incandescent light to the shady places it prefers. As the season progresses tiny golden, bead-like flowers on hair-thin stems arch gracefully creating fountains of gold.
  18. Muhlenbergia capillaris display dramatic arching plumes of soft pink flowers,  reminiscent of headdresses worn by Vegas showgirls.

    Muhlenbergia capillaris 'Pink Muhly Grass'

    Mist grass, Pink Hair Grass

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    Even people who aren’t familiar with ornamental grasses often know Muhlenbergia capillaris. With dramatic arching plumes of soft pink flowers reminiscent of headdresses worn by Vegas showgirls, a large planting of this wonderful grass is enough to stop traffic.

  19. Muhlenbergia lindheimeri bloom with panicles of muted purplish grey tones, aging to an antique silver that festoon the winter landscape.

    Muhlenbergia lindheimeri

    Lindheimer's Muhly Grass

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    Muhlenbergia lindheimeri is a warm-season grass that has a strong vertical form with effusive, arching, blue-green foliage. It sends forth slender, perfect-for-cutting inflorescences on upright stems. Panicles of muted purplish grey tones that age to an antique silver and festoon the winter landscape.

  20. Boston ivy is a wonderful ornamental vine with elegant, dark green glossy foliage which is replaced with a vivid range of crimson reds in autumn.

    Parthenocissus tricuspidata veitchii 'Boston Ivy'

    Boston Ivy, Bostonian Ivy, Wall Ivy

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    Boston ivy is a wonderful ornamental vine. The elegant, dark green glossy foliage is replaced with a vivid range of crimson reds in autumn. Sensational for covering walls, fences and arbors. If allowed, it will grow to impressive size and can turn the most mundane masonry building into a stately wall of foliage.
  21. Paulownia tormentosa is known by many names; regardless of what you want to call it, there is no doubt about its impressive ornamental features.

    Paulownia tomentosa

    Royal Paulownia, Empress, Princess or Foxglove Tree
    Paulownia puts on an awe inspiring show in spring. Its soft chamois velvet buds open into large violet to blue, trumpet-like blossoms which fill the air with a sweet fragrance. Huge downy leaves appear after the flowers have opened. They are an architectural delight.
  22. With its long period of flowering, Phlomis russeliana is a justifiably popular plant.

    Phlomis russeliana

    Jerusalem Sage, Turkish Sage
    Phlomis russeliana is a justifiably popular plant, with lovely sage-like rosettes of heart shaped leaves. From late spring, right through to early autumn, whorls of hooded, soft yellow flowers appear. Each plant can contain as many as fifty individual blooms creating a magnificent candelabra effect.
  23. 'The Dwarf Pomegranate' is one of the best compact, ornamental shrubs for courtyards and small gardens.
    The Dwarf Pomegranate is one of the best compact, ornamental shrubs for courtyards and small gardens, its compact size makes it suitable to containers. Producing breathtaking orange/red trumpet-shaped flowers which are followed by orange/red fruit.

  24. Stipa gigantea, the Golden Oat grass ranks among the finest of all garden plants.

    Stipa gigantea

    Golden Oats
    Stipa gigantea is the most dramatically beautiful of all grasses. It has the wonderful and fashionably transparent quality of providing height without bulk, tall stems of golden oat-like flowers allow glimpses into the garden beyond.

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