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Silver Foliage

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  1. The foliage can be used as a foil for more colourful flowering plants and is useful for cutting.

    Artemisia ludoviciana

    Louisiana sage

    Prized for its beautiful silvery foliage, the fine grey-white stems of Artemisia ludoviciana bear silvery-white leaves that are fragrant, fuzzy and soft. This finely textured plant adds a different element to the garden, the texture and leaf form setting them apart from those other garden plants with rather less refined foliage.

  2. Cerastium tomentosum var. columnae

    'Snow in Summer' lives up to its name in late spring when the foliage is smothered in luminous white flowers. Beautiful used as a path edging, in a stone wall or cascading over containers. Try it amongst your spring bulbs - tall lily flowering tulips above a dense carpet of white Cerastium… Breathtaking!

  3. This beautiful highly versatile, aristocratic border plant has become very much in vogue in recent years.

    Cerinthe major purpurascens

    Blue Shrimp Plant, Honeywort, Blue Wax Flower

    This beautiful highly versatile, aristocratic border plant has become very much in vogue in recent years. Oval, fleshy blue-green leaves spiral up the stem with tightly packed, sea blue bracts - and then the finale - small clusters of rich purple-blue tubular, nodding flowers which are adored by bees.

  4. Whether you are into the culinary arts or edible landscapes, you may want to put this plant at the top of your list.
    Whether you are into the culinary arts or edible landscapes, you may want to put this plant at the top of your list. Chosen by the RHS as one of the top plants of the last 200 years, Cardoons are aristocrats in both the ornamental and the vegetable world.
  5. Digitalis purpurea heywoodii 'Silver Fox' is an elegant and rare foxglove that is ideal for borders or containers.

    Digitalis 'Silver Fox' is one of the most beautiful dwarf Foxgloves for the cottage garden and border. Growing to just 60 to 70cm tall, the creamy-white speckled bells are flushed with soft lavender-pink. An elegant and rare foxglove that is ideal for borders or containers.

  6. One of my favourites for the back row and I love the prickly blue balls in July.
    One of my favourites for the back row. The rounded, violet-blue flower heads on silvery, branched, leafy stems are actually much softer than they look. An unusual colour and structure, so a great conversation piece and an excellent dried flower.
  7. Eucalyptus cinerea has highly fragrant round, or egg-shaped silvery leaves that grow in pairs.

    Eucalyptus cinerea 'Silver Dollar'

    Tasmanian Blue, Florists Eucalyptus

    Currently one of the most desirable floristic materials, popularised by social media influencers, Eucalyptus cinerea has fragrant, blue-grey, round leaves that have remarkable durability and remain in good condition for weeks after cutting. The stems can be seen hanging in steaming showers where their fragrance can truly be appreciated.

  8. Eucalyptus citriodora is a beautiful, fast growing species.

    Eucalyptus citriodora is a beautiful, fast growing species with sword shaped leaves that have an amazing citrus fragrance when crushed. the essential oils mainly consist of 80-90% citronella - at outdoor events a lush garland of eucalyptus helps keep insects at bay.

  9. Eucalyptus gunnii 'Silver Drop' is a wonderful fragrant foliage plant that is in high demand in the cut flower trade.

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    Eucalyptus gunnii 'Silver Drop' is a wonderful fragrant foliage in high demand in the cut flower trade. Bred especially to provide small round, blue-green leaves that are better for fine floral work. Use it as filler in mixed bouquets where they add interesting colour, texture and aroma.

  10. Eucalyptus parvifolia 'Small leaved'

    Eucalyptus parvifolia 'Small leaved'

    Syn: E parvi or E. parvula, Aka Kybean Gum

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    Eucalyptus parvifolia is an extremely versatile variety that makes a wonderful bouquet addition. It can be grown as an annual from seed if started early, each shrub-sized plant produces loads of stems that are perfect for flower arranging and can also be dried for later use.

  11. Wonderfully ornamental, Eucalyptus pulverulenta 'baby blue' is the silver dollar of florists worldwide.

    Eucalyptus pulverulenta 'Baby Blue'

    Silver-leaved Mountain Gum, Florists Eucalyptus

    Wonderfully ornamental, Eucalyptus pulverulenta 'baby blue' is the silver dollar of florists worldwide. The elliptical, aromatic, blue-green leaves are stacked along lengthy, multi-branched stems. This cultivar of bridal bouquets and garlands, the bluish grey of its foliage makes it a wild card for floral arrangements.

  12. Euphorbia myrsinites is a charming plant that deserves to be better known.

    Euphorbia myrsinites

    Myrtle Spurge

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    Euphorbia myrsinites is a charming plant, a prostrate-growing evergreen with trailing stems that are clad in spiraling grey-blue leaves. An easy, tough, tidy groundcover and one of the most useful and highly ornamentally plants to grow in the garden.
  13. Dainty diminutive Festuca glauca is one of the most tactile of the evergreen grasses.

    Diminutive Festuca glauca makes a tight mound of steely blue, needle-like blades and is one of the most tactile of the evergreen grasses. Planted as a specimen or in swathes across a garden, the colour is so unexpected it can't help but catch the eye.

  14. Helichrysum italicum is an easy to care for silver-leaved perennial. Endowed with interesting shapes and textures it provides contrast among green-leafed plants.

    Helichrysum italicum

    Italian Helichrysum, The Curry Plant
    Helichrysum italicum is an easy to care for silver-leaved, perennial. In addition to its lovely light silveriness the foliage is endowed with interesting textures which provides contrast among green-leafed plants and the clusters of yellow flowers are useful for cutting.
  15. The plant forms a tight mound of eye-catching silver foliage, around 45cm tall by 60cm wide.

    Helichrysum thianshanicum

    Silver spike or Icicle plant. Marketed as 'Goldkind'

    From the Tian Shan Mountains of northern China comes this tough little subshrub that is among the finest expressions of silver foliage to be found. Helichrysum thianshanicum is a superb silver leaved evergreen, subshrub that forms a tight mound of eye-catching silver foliage.

  16. Also called True Lavender or Fine Lavender. The fragrant flowers have been used in perfumes, poultices and potpourris for centuries.

    Lavandula angustifolia 'Lavender Vera'

    True English Lavender, Old English Lavender

    Starting at: €1.75

    Lavendula angustifolia is an excellent plant for low informal hedging and as a specimen evergreen for borders and formal gardens. Flowering generally begins from mid to late June to early July. The flowers have a rich sweet scent and are highly attractive to bees and other beneficial insects.

  17. Munstead Lavender is named from Munstead Woods, the home of famous garden designer Gertrude Jekyll.

    Lavandula angustifolia 'Munstead Dwarf'

    Dwarf English Lavender, Hedge Lavender

    Munstead Lavender is a fragrant robust English lavender that, due to its short size and tightly held blooms, makes a great hedge. It flowers profusely in the spring, after which a good pruning will provide an attractive grey bush with highly aromatic leaves.

  18. Lavender stoechas is favourite both for its intense fragrance and for the short dense flower spikes.

    Lavandula stoechas 'French Lavender'

    Butterfly Lavender, Spanish Lavender (US)
    Lavender stoechas is an old variety, cultivated for more than 400 years, it is a favourite both for its intense fragrance and for the short dense flower spikes. French Lavender blooms from spring to frost and has a good clean scent.
  19. Russian Sage is one of the great garden plants of all time. 'Taiga' is the first available as a first year flowering perennial.

    Russian Sage is one of the great garden plants of all time, but if you've been frustrated by their floppy nature, this new variety will be a welcome addition. Growing to about 60 to 75cm tall, Perovskia atriplicifolia 'Taiga' is also the first Russian sage available as a first year flowering perennial.

  20. Salvia argentea is prized for its spectacular, large, furry silver-grey leaves.
    Salvia argentea is prized for its spectacular, large, furry silver-grey leaves. The plants form an attractive mound that provide a dramatic background for colourful summer flowers. It complements purple or magenta flowers and looks gorgeous in a ‘white’ garden.
  21. Santolina or lavender cotton is a Mediterranean small shrub with soft, woolly, finely divided foliage, that make neat, rounded bushes.

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    Santolina, commonly known as Lavender Cotton is a small shrub with soft, woolly, finely divided foliage, that make neat, rounded bushes. They are valuable for mass planting, ideal for knot gardens and small hedging around herb gardens etc. It will stand any amount of clipping and shaping - a perfect plant for control freaks.

  22. A plant you can pet!...Bees love it…children love it….and you just have to stoke it on the way past!

    Stachys byzantina

    Lambs' ears, Woolly Betony
    Also known as Stachys lanata, or olympica

    What can I say? Its a plant you can pet!...Bees love it…children love it….and you just have to stoke it on the way past! Lambs' ears is a well-known ground-covering perennial, popular for its soft, fluffy foliage, plus, it’s a great silver accent in between all the green going on in the garden.

  23. Verbascum bombyciferum ‘Arctic Summer’

    Verbascum bombyciferum ‘Arctic Summer’

    'Polar Summer', 'White Bride' or 'Silver Lining'

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    One look at this species of Verbascum and you will realise why it is also called ‘Arctic Summer’. Tall, white, fleecy flower stems emerge from felted evergreen leaves in early summer. Its stems and leaves are covered in a silvery down that gives it an appearance of being permanently covered with frost.

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