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Tender Plants

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  1. Aloe castanea is one of the larger ‘shrub’ aloes available to the home gardener.

    Aloe castanea

    Cat's Tail Aloe

    Commonly known as the Cat's Tail Aloe, Aloe castanea is one of the larger ‘shrub’ aloes available to the home gardener. The rosette gives rise to multiple, fuzzy, orange racemes which are held upright and curve like a cat’s tail.

  2. Aloe ferox, commonly known as The Cape Aloe is a distinctly handsome plant.

    Aloe ferox

    Ferocious Aloe, Cape Aloe

    The Cape Aloe is a distinctly handsome plant, with broad, lance-shaped, fleshy leaves and a large candelabra-like flower-head. There are usually between five and eight branches, each carrying a spike-like head of many flowers.

  3. Aloe microstigma, forms beautiful rosettes of blue green leaves that are adorned with conspicuous white spots.

    Aloe microstigma

    Cape Speckled Aloe

    One of the most attractive and floriferous of Aloes of South Africa, Aloe microstigma, forms solitary or small clumps of beautiful rosettes of blue green leaves. The leaves are adorned with conspicuous white spots, which contrast nicely with the reddish teeth along the margins.

  4. Aloe striata, commonly known as the Coral Aloe is one of the prettiest of all succulents.

    Aloe striata

    Coral Aloe

    Aloe striata, commonly known as the Coral Aloe is one of the prettiest of all succulents. The smooth, blue-green leaves are edged with a pink or red margin and it blooms with coral coloured flowers. Grown with Agave, cacti or other succulents, they make stunning indoor displays.

  5. Begonia boliviensis ‘F1 Sun Cities Mixed’

    Begonia boliviensis ‘F1 Sun Cities Mixed’

    Pendula or Hanging Begonia, Tuberous Begonia

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    Elegant cascades of vivid, elongated flowers with large, arrow-shaped, neatly serrated, green leaves. Begonia boliviensis ‘F1 Sun Cities Mixed’ feature the three ‘Sun Cities’ of the USA: ‘San Francisco’ has slmon-pink blooms, ‘Santa Barbara’ features white blooms and ‘Santa Cruz’, fiery red blooms

  6. Begonia x hybrida ‘F1 Funky Mixed’

    Begonia x hybrida ‘F1 Funky Mixed’

    Pendula or Hanging Begonia, Tuberous Begonia

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    Be prepared to get your funk on. The Funky Begonia has entered the dance floor, and she's ready to boogie all summer long. Huge, voluptuous flowers with superior heat tolerance and semi-trailing yet dense, sturdy growth habit, in six fantastic colours – Light Pink, Bright Pink, Orange, Red, Scarlet and White.

  7. Cactus 'Mixed Species'

    Growing cacti is an addictive hobby and be much easier than commonly perceived. This premium cactus seed mix of a variety of species includes the famous and magnificent Saguaro Cactus. They germinate easily, grow slowly, but compared to many plants need relatively little care.

  8. With their lush tropical foliage and showy flowers, Canna make borders and beds come alive with their bright colours all summer long until first frosts.

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    Canna 'Large Flowered Hybrids' create an undeniably tropical look, producing large flowers in hot colours in yellow, gold, fiery orange and red. With their lush tropical foliage and showy flowers they make borders and beds come alive with their bright colours all summer long until first frosts.

  9. Cobaea scandens is an impressive climber and is one of the fastest-growing and most trouble-free vines you will ever grow.

    Cobaea scandens

    Cathedral Bells, Cup and Saucer Vine

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    Cobaea scandens is an impressive climber and is one of the fastest-growing and most trouble-free vines you will ever grow. Extremely attractive when scrambling upward through trellis work, archways, over small buildings or old trees.
  10. A favourite of many gardeners is the beautiful and fast-growing Cobaea scandens.

    Cobaea scandens alba

    White Cup and Saucer Vine, White Cathedral Bells
    Cobaea scandens alba will appeal to anyone who longs for something with panache and visual impact. This rare variety has clear white flowers and will fill the air with a very pleasant honey scent throughout the growing season.
  11. Coleus 'Kong Empire' is a mix from the Kong series.

    Coleus blumei 'Kong Empire Mix'

    A Premium Shade variety

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    Over the past few years, the new breeding of Coleus has exploded them into hundreds of wild and crazy types of colours and forms. Overwhelmingly the favourite is the Kong series for its sheer presence, each leaf is easily as big as your palm, and probably twice as large as the next biggest Coleus you can buy.

  12. Coleus 'Kong Red' displays a broad vein in a brilliant red down the center of each leaf.

    Coleus blumei 'Kong Red'

    A Premium Shade variety

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    Grown for its outstanding foliage colours, the Kong series of coleus boasts extremely large leaves with irregular edges, each leaf is easily as big as your palm, and probably twice as large as the next biggest Coleus you can buy. 'Kong Red' displays a broad vein of brilliant red down the centre of each leaf.

  13. Coleus 'Kong Rose' has huge leaves that are rose in the center surrounded by a band of burgundy that follows veins out to the chartreuse edges.

    Coleus blumei 'Kong Rose'

    A Premium Shade variety

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    Coleus has enjoyed a resurgence in popularity. The new breeding has taken a handful of series and exploded them into hundreds of wild and crazy types of colours and forms. Coleus 'Kong Rose' has huge leaves that are rose in the center, with a band of burgundy that flows out to chartreuse edges.

  14. Coleus 'Kong Salmon-Pink' have huge leaves, coral in the center, with chocolate-brown edged in bright green.

    Coleus blumei 'Kong Salmon-Pink'

    A Premium Shade variety

    Featuring huge leaves that are coral in the centre and edged in bright green, Coleus 'Kong Salmon-Pink' is a 'Premium Shade' variety, that are great for large containers and mass plantings, performing best and showing the most intense colour in full shade, they also work well for indoor plant programs. It's hard to go wrong with this plant.

  15. Coleus 'Kong Scarlet' has huge leaves that are dark red with veins trailing out to chartreuse edges.

    Coleus blumei 'Kong Scarlet'

    A Premium Shade variety

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    Coleus 'Kong Scarlet' has huge leaves that are dark red with veins trailing out to chartreuse edges. Coleus colours become more vibrant when they get more shade. This is very unusual behaviour, and explains why Coleus is a popular choice for under-the-tree plantings and shade-of-the-building gardens.

  16. Coleus blumei 'Wizard Mixed'

    Starting at: €2.25

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    The 'Wizard' Series is an excellent example of the new developments of coleus, it is the best seed raised strain for bedding and containers. From the brilliant apricot-bronze Sunset, to red-veined maroon Velvet Red, each is a distinctive work of art. The heart-shaped leaves show their colour early and keeps its hues right through the worst summer heat and humidity. Available in single colours or as a mix.

  17. Coleus blumei, 'Black Dragon'

    Coleus blumei, 'Black Dragon'

    Painted Nettle. Flame Nettle

    This wonderful Victorian type coleus ‘Black Dragon’ forms a riot of rumpled leaves in velvety purplish black leaves, each bordered by frilly edges. The ruby red centres are sometimes flecked with violet or pink. Easy to grow from seed, they will show their first colours in as little as two weeks.

  18. The prettiest and neatest Coleus to come along in quite a while, 'Chocolate Mint' offers rich cocoa coloured foliage with a trim mint-green scalloped edge

    Coleus blumei, 'Chocolate Mint'

    A Premium Sun variety

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    The neatest Coleus to come along in quite a while, 'Chocolate Mint' offers rich cocoa coloured foliage with a mint-green scalloped edge. A 'Premium Sun' variety, they perform at their best in a position of full sun and are quite heat and drought tolerant outdoors. The leaves are very uniform, turn them over and they gleam bright mint. Scrumptious!

  19. Coleus 'Coral Candy' features unique, multicolored foliage on a uniformly compact plant.

    Coleus blumei, 'Coral Candy'

    A Premium Sun variety

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    Coleus 'Coral Candy' features a new plant form - narrow, serrated leaves that gracefully drape down the mounded plants. The first seed raised coleus to ever win the coveted AAS Winner designation - AAS Judges noted that this beautiful variety holds its colour well, even when grown in full sun and holds up nicely in the autumn.

  20. Wizard Coral Sunrise feature coral pink heart-shaped leaves with contrasting shades of olive and intense bright green margins.

    Coleus blumei, 'Wizard Coral Sunrise'

    Painted Nettle. Flame Nettle

    Coleus have been perfected, the new varieties have colours that intensify in sun, but can also thrive in shade. “Coral Sunrise” is an excellent example of the new developments, The beautiful coral pink heart-shaped leaves have neatly serrated edges, with shades of olive and intense bright green margins.

  21. Excellent in full sun, they work well alone making distinctive container plants and combine well with the warmer colours in the border.

    Coleus blumei, 'Wizard Sunset'

    Painted Nettle. Flame Nettle

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    Ten years back coleus were gaudy relics from Grandmother's generation, but now coleus are back and teetering on the cutting edge. “Wizard Sunset” is one of the softer colours from the Wizard series, with heart-shaped leaves in beautiful shades of bronze - apricot. Excellent in full sun.

  22. The Umbrella Plant is a very popular house plant and commonly grown as a marginal pond plant.

    Cyperus alternifolius is a very popular both as a house plant and pond plant. The bracts are symmetrically arranged in an umbrella formation and held atop elegant stems that sway with the breeze, giving a tropical touch to the garden. They are also excellent when used in fresh or dried floral arrangements.

  23. Masses of beautiful silky flowers in various shades of gold, one of the loveliest of all naturalised flowers.

    Eschscholzia californica

    California Poppy. Aurantiaca Orange

    Eschscholzia are of the easiest and most colourful annuals to grow, with masses of beautiful silky flowers in shades of gold. They bloom profusely over a very long season, succeed in all soils and garden positions and are heat and drought-resistant. They give a garden performance second to none!

  24. Masses of beautiful silky flowers in various shades of gold, one of the loveliest of all naturalised flowers.

    Eschscholzia californica, Organic

    California Poppy. Aurantiaca Orange
    Masses of beautiful silky flowers in shades of gold, Eschscholzia californica is one of the loveliest of all naturalised flowers. With fine dissected foliage they are fascinating to the eye and are breathtaking in massed plantings or containers. The flowers are extremely attractive to bees and butterflies. Organic Seeds

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