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  1. It can be used in borders and is excellent for trailing over the edges of containers, over stones or down walls.

    Arabis alpina subsp. caucasica 'Snowcap'

    syn A. alpina 'Schneehaube'
    Wall, White or Mountain Rockcress
    One of the earliest spring flowers to appear, Arabis 'Snowcap' with dense masses of snow-white flowers looks wonderful in containers or under spring-blooming bulbs, the pretty white flowers will fill the void when yearning for blooms is tugging at your core.
  2. Arenaria montana is a classic little alpine or rock garden plant, still relatively unknown to many gardeners.
    Arenaria montana is a classic little alpine or rock garden plant, still relatively unknown to many gardeners. The plant forms prostrate mats of evergreen foliage, blanketed by large white flowers. They are at their loveliest spilling over walls and will quickly fill in the spaces between stepping stones.
  3. Aubrieta hybrida 'Hendersonii' is a vigorous variety that is smothered by rich lilac-purple flowers for several months in spring.

    Aubrieta hybrida 'Hendersonii'

    False Rockcress, Large-flowered Aubrieta

    Aubrieta 'Hendersonii' is a vigorous variety that is smothered by rich lilac-purple flowers for several months in spring. It grows to only 10 to 15cm tall at maturity, but with a spread of around 45cm it makes a lively edging to a sunny border, growing over rock walls or placed in stonewalls.

  4. Aubrieta 'Leichtlinii' forms a low cushion of evergreen grey-green leaves and freely produces deep carmine flowers.

    Aubrieta hybrida 'Leichtlinii'

    False Rockcress, Large-flowered Aubrieta

    Commonly called ‘Rock Cress’, Aubrieta is a traditional rock garden plant that is lovely spilling out of crevices, growing over rock walls or placed in stonewalls. 'Leichtlinii' forms a low cushion of leaves that is, throughout the summer months, smothered by wonderful deep-carmine flowers.

  5. Aubrieta ‘Whitewell Gem’ has a ground-hugging habit and freely produces large, intense reddish-purple flowers.for several months.

    Aubrieta hybrida 'Whitewell Gem'

    False Rockcress, Large-flowered Aubrieta

    Aubrieta has long been treasured for its delightful spring show of brightly coloured flowers. ‘Whitewell Gem’ is smothered by large, intense reddish-purple flowers for several months. Lovely spilling out of crevices or over rock walls, the plants can also be used in paving with other ground hugging plants.

  6. Aubrieta x cultorum 'Cascade Mix'

    Aubrieta x cultorum 'Cascade Mix'

    False Rockcress, Large-flowered Aubrieta

    Aubrietia is a very versatile plant. They are well known for use in rockeries, but the cushion forming habit also makes it useful as a ground cover; it can be planted in beds and is perfect for underplanting shrubs. they can also be used between paving and walls, or create a wonderful foil for spring bulbs.

  7. Begonia boliviensis ‘F1 Sun Cities Mixed’

    Begonia boliviensis ‘F1 Sun Cities Mixed’

    Pendula or Hanging Begonia, Tuberous Begonia

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    Elegant cascades of vivid, elongated flowers with large, arrow-shaped, neatly serrated, green leaves. Begonia boliviensis ‘F1 Sun Cities Mixed’ feature the three ‘Sun Cities’ of the USA: ‘San Francisco’ has slmon-pink blooms, ‘Santa Barbara’ features white blooms and ‘Santa Cruz’, fiery red blooms

  8. Begonia x hybrida ‘F1 Funky Mixed’

    Begonia x hybrida ‘F1 Funky Mixed’

    Pendula or Hanging Begonia, Tuberous Begonia

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    Be prepared to get your funk on. The Funky Begonia has entered the dance floor, and she's ready to boogie all summer long. Huge, voluptuous flowers with superior heat tolerance and semi-trailing yet dense, sturdy growth habit, in six fantastic colours – Light Pink, Bright Pink, Orange, Red, Scarlet and White.

  9. Cerastium tomentosum var. columnae

    'Snow in Summer' lives up to its name in late spring when the foliage is smothered in luminous white flowers. Beautiful used as a path edging, in a stone wall or cascading over containers. Try it amongst your spring bulbs - tall lily flowering tulips above a dense carpet of white Cerastium… Breathtaking!

  10. Erigeron is an amazingly versatile plant, being low-growing, happy in sun or partial shade and thriving in any well-drained soil.

    Erigeron karvinskianus 'Profusion'

    Mexican Daisy, Fleabane
    Producing a profusion of daisy like blooms from May right through till November, the flowers open white but change to deep pink as they mature. Erigeron is easy to grow and an amazingly versatile plant, being low-growing, happy in sun or partial shade and thriving in any well-drained soil.
  11. This lovely bright green creeper spreads effortlessly in all directions filling up to two feet per plant.

    Herniaria glabra

    Smooth Rupturewort

    Herniaria glabra is a relatively unknown perennial that deserves to be used more often in our gardens. The nursery industry calls it ‘Green Carpet’ and well they should. This lovely bright green creeper spreads effortlessly in all directions. An excellent choice for between flagstones or as a lawn substitute.

  12. Iberis sempervirens is low-growing perennial and an early season favorite.

    Iberis sempervirens 'Snowflake'

    Perennial or Evergreen Candytuft
    Iberis sempervirens is an early season favorite. This low bushy plant produces mounds of blinding white flowers in spring to early summer. An all round tough plant suitable for problem areas, use for containers, for pathways and crevices of ornamental walls.
  13. Ipomoea alba 'Moonflower'

    Ipomoea alba 'Moonflower'


    Throughout the summer, large, pure white flowers of Ipomoea alba open quickly at night, releasing sweet perfume into the evening air. Position near to your patio where you can enjoy the fragrant scent in the evening. A wonderful plant for a moth, night, or fragrance garden, the large white blooms appear to illuminate the garden

  14. Saponaria is a superb flowering, pretty little plant that makes a low carpet for ground cover or for rock features.

    Saponaria ocymoides

    Tumbling Ted, Trailing Rock Soapwort
    Saponaria is a pretty little plant that forms a mound of bright-green leaves, smothered by starry bright-pink clusters of flowers. Use as a ground cover, in paving or rock features or allow it to trail over the sides of raised beds and low walls. RHS Award of Garden Merit.
  15. Thunbergia alata 'Black Eyed Susan' Mixed Colours

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    The Black-eyed Susan vine has recently become a firm garden favourite. They grow quickly and starts flowering at an early age. This twining vine blooms in a bright blend of creamy white, orange and yellow flowers all with the characteristic chocolate-purple centre which inspired the common name.

  16. Thunbergia alata 'Sunrise White with Eye'

    Thunbergia alata 'Sunrise White with Eye'

    Sunrise White with Black Eye

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    'Sunrise White' is a white form of the Black Eyed Susan vine. Very quick to bloom, the flowers smother the vine throughout summer to first frosts. White petals surrounded by a bold black eye, these are plants that add a dash of chic to the summer terrace or border.

  17. Thymus serpyllum ‘Creeping Thyme’

    Starting at: €2.45

    Thymus serpyllum is one of the most versatile groundcovers. Forming dense evergreen cushions of flowers these low maintenance plants don’t require mowing, watering or care, and can take a lot of abuse. Its leaves can be used as a culinary herb and its uses in the garden are almost unlimited.

  18. A throwback to the highly decorative nasturtiums at the turn of the 20th century.

    Tropaeolum majus 'Bloody Mary'

    Compact Trailing Nasturtium

    Nasturtium 'Bloody Mary' is an award winning Nasturtium with a unique flower pattern. Dramatic 5cm flowers in shades of dark red, coral red, cream, and unique bicolours, make a melodramatic scene in the flower bed, container or vase. Highly decorative they are in flower from May right through to October.

  19. Nasturtium ‘Gleam Hybrids’ is a moderate spreading variety, recommended for hanging baskets and for containers.

    Tropaeolum majus 'Gleam Hybrids'

    Trailing Nasturtium

    Nasturtium ‘Gleam Hybrids’ is a moderate spreading variety and the variety we would recommend for hanging baskets and for containers. They offer a particularly nice colour selection with all the shades you expect, primrose, gold, orange, red and mahogany plus a few surprises.

  20. Tropaeolum majus 'Purple Emperor'

    Tropaeolum majus 'Purple Emperor'

    Trailing Nasturtium

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    Tropaeolum 'Purple Emperor' is an exciting brand new palette of nasturtium, with a vintage colouration that is quite unique to nasturtiums. The buds initially open a dusky, antique burgundy and fade in the most beautiful way to a vintage lavender-rose.

  21. Tropaeolum majus 'Salmon Baby'

    Tropaeolum majus 'Salmon Baby'

    Nasturtium, Dwarf Double

    Tropaeolum 'Salmon Baby' is a very striking and attractive nasturtium that produces an abundance of semi-double salmon-pink flowers which contrast beautifully against the dark foliage. Extremely easy to cultivate, this neat and compact variety has edible flowers and is an excellent companion plant.

  22. Glowing cherry-coral blooms give this variety a warm, tropical quality

    Glowing cherry-coral blooms give this variety a warm, tropical quality, and the versatile colour mixes well with so many things. Nasturtium 'Jewel Cherry Rose' has a more mounding growth habit than other trailing nasturtiums, but stem length is sufficient for arranging, and it won’t overtake the garden.

  23. 'Tip Top Apricot’ blooms in multiple hues of apricot, the petals have a darker veining with a deeply shaded throat

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    In multiple hues of apricot, the petals of Tropaeolum ‘Tip Top Apricot’ have a darker veining with a deeply shaded throat. This award winning, premium series produce 45 to 50cm mounded plants that are extremely floriferous and have a long flowering season.

  24. ‘Tip Top Pink Blush’ sports vintage cream flowers with a pink blush veining to the petals.

    Tropaeolum ‘Tip Top' is a premium series that provides uniquely coloured flowers that are a great addition to the nasturtium family. ‘Pink Blush’ sports tender, vintage-cream flowers, finely veined with apricot-pink. The subtle palette gives a relaxed, modern look to borders and larger containers alike.

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