Prairie Planting
Achillea filipendulina 'Cloth of Gold'
Fernleaf Yarrow€2.45Achillea filipendulina ‘Cloth of Gold’ is an easy to grow plant which tolerates a fair amount of neglect which makes it a very versatile plant for use in many situations. It does require full sun for best flower production, but this is little to ask for such a grand reward.
Achillea millefolium 'Cerise Queen'
Yarrow, Milfoil€2.15Achillea ‘Cerise Queen’ is a carefree and generously blooming perennial which requires little maintenance to create an explosion of late summer colour. The large, flat-topped clusters of vibrant, pink flowers with tiny white centers are irresistible to butterflies, and also make excellent cut flowers.
Achillea sibirica var. camtschatica 'Love Parade'
Siberian Yarrow, Kamchatka Yarrow€2.85Achillea sibirica var. camtschatica 'Love Parade' is an upright, tufted, perennial yarrow that is native to Siberia. Very different from the common yarrow, with dense clusters of large flat-topped soft pink flowers and glossy, dark green, fern-like leaves, they remain attractive throughout the growing season.
Anemanthele lessoniana 'Pheasant’s Tail Grass'
formerly Stipa arundinacea€2.95In summer Anemanthele lessoniana produces open, airy panicles of purple-green flowers that give the plant a pleasing overall arching habit. The leaves become bronzed and turn orange-red in winter - This is still one of the most beautiful of all light grasses.
Artemisia ludoviciana
Louisiana sage€2.25Out of stock
Prized for its beautiful silvery foliage, the fine grey-white stems of Artemisia ludoviciana bear silvery-white leaves that are fragrant, fuzzy and soft. This finely textured plant adds a different element to the garden, the texture and leaf form setting them apart from those other garden plants with rather less refined foliage.
Asphodeline lutea
King's Spear, Yellow Jacob's Rod€2.80Asphodeline lutea is an easy to grow perennial that has great architectural form. The overall impression is distinctly upright, so it is good for adding vertical interest to the garden. In early summer leafy stems arise that bear dense, unbranched cylindrical spikes of gorgeous yellow, star-shaped flowers.
Calamagrostis brachytricha
Feather Reed Grass€3.55Calamagrostis brachytricha is a beautiful ornamental grass that is well suited to perennial herbaceous borders and naturalistic planting schemes. It is tolerant of a wide range of soils and growing conditions and is one of the few flowering grasses that can be grown in shade. In late summer fluffy, silvery-white flower heads emerge that in autumn take on buttery shades.
Catananche caerulea 'Amor Blue'
Cupids Dart, Love Plant.€2.25Catananche caerulea 'Amor Blue' is a charming plant, with blue, star like flowers each with a dark eye and unique papery petals. They look best when grown in groupings, rather than one or two plants and don’t mind crowding. Plant en-masse in prairie style or meadow plantings, mix them up a little with other hardy perennials and grasses.
Catananche caerulea 'Amor White'
Cupids Dart, Love Plant.€2.25Catananche caerulea 'Amor White' produces stunning blooms of white, star like flowers each with a dark purple-blue eye and unique papery petals. The blooms rise on single stems above neat clumps of grey-green foliage. Super when planted the border, they also make a wonderful, long lasting cut or dried flowers.
Centaurea dealbata
Persian Cornflower€2.35Out of stock
Persian Cornflower is an attractive clump forming cornflower, with bushy, branched plants and the unusual characteristic of being perennial and flowering in the first year. Very adaptable to both dry and moist locations. Large deep lavender-pink blooms adorn the divided foliage throughout summer.
Centaurea montana
Mountain Cornflower, Mountain Bluet€2.25Native to the meadows and woods of the mountains of Europe, Centaurea montana flowers from late spring with large flowers that are fringed in an intense violet-blue with deep purple centres and most attractive, very deeply cut petals. Easy to grow, it is an excellent garden plant as well as cut flower.
Centranthus ruber alba 'Snow Cloud’
Keys of Heaven, Jupiter's Beard.€2.25Centranthus 'Snow Cloud’ produces airy clusters of white flowers that appear from July to October on tall, fleshy stems with glaucous leaves. Very long flowering, sweetly-perfumed and easy-to-grow from seed, given an early sowing Centranthus will flower from July right through to October.
Centranthus ruber ‘Coccineus’
Keys of Heaven, Jupiter's Beard. Pretty Betsy€2.25Out of stock
Centranthus ruber is a Cottage garden favourite that’s made it into the style books. Sweetly-perfumed, dense clusters of reddish-pink flowers appear from July to October. They are ideal for attracting bees and butterflies and other pollinating insects into the garden and lovely when used as a cut flower.
Cephalaria gigantea 'Giant Scabious'
Giant Scabious, Caucasian scabious€3.50Cephalaria gigantea is a gentle giant that has an informal look that is perfect for looser planting styles. With pretty pale butter-yellow scabious shaped flowers, use it as you would Verbena bonariensis planted at the back of a mixed or herbaceous border. The stems are tall but airy and 'see-through'.
Cimicifuga racemosa var. cordifolia
Actaea racemosa var. cordifolia€2.35Out of stock
Actaea cordifolia comes into its own late in the season, when multiple stiff and stout stems emerge from the base of the plant. It displays impressive long racemes of chalky-white blooms that are composed of numerous, tiny individual star-like, fragrant flowers. -
Cimicifuga simplex 'Atropurpurea'
Actaea simplex Atropurpurea Group€2.70Actaea simplex 'Atropurpurea' is an exceptionally beautiful selection, valued for its large Astilbe-like leaves of purple black. Its dark hue makes a wonderful backdrop for colourful foliage and flowering shade plants. In late summer, long, fluffy spires in pale pinkish-white, rise above the dark foliage. -
Daucus carota 'Dara'
Also known as 'Chocolate Lace Flower' or 'Chocolate Queen Anne’s Lace'€2.75Daucus carota 'Dara' is a large flowered chocolate coloured Queen Anne’s Lace. Delicate, lacy, flat-topped clusters in shades of old rose-pink, through burgundy to chocolate, and bloom for most of the summer from just one planting. They look great en masse and the plant pairs well with almost anything in the garden or in the vase.
Daucus carota 'Purple Kisses'
Also known as 'Chocolate Lace Flower' or 'Chocolate Queen Anne’s Lace'€2.45Daucus carota 'Purple Kisses' is a striking ornamental carrot variety featuring delicate, lacy white flowers tinged with soft purple hues. The are spectacular when used in mixed bouquets or simply arranged in a great cloud of their own. The lacy umbels come in a range of sizes and shades and bloom for most of the summer from just one planting.
Deschampsia cespitosa
Tufted Hairgrass€1.95Deschampsia cespitosa is a lovely variety of ornamental grass especially valued for it’s tall flower plumes. The sprays of airy delicate flowers, eventually changing to bronze add texture and colour to the winter garden and deliver a knock-out punch to cut-flower arrangements.
Deschampsia cespitosa 'Pixie Fountain'
Dwarf Tufted Hairgrass€2.70'Pixie Fountain' is a dwarf variety of Deschampsia cespitosa, just as pretty as its larger cousin. The flower stems growing to a height of 60cm. Perfect for many situations, adding dimension, texture, and a breezy quality to the garden.
Echinacea hybrida 'Cheyenne Spirit F1'
Coneflower€4.25Echinacea purpurea 'Cheyenne Spirit' is the latest Gold Medal Winner of the species, this cultivar will provide a mix of flower colours. Not limited to one colour, each plant can bloom in a sumptuous range of colour, Gold, Scarlet, Orange, Rosy-Red, Cream, Purple and Yellow. This vivid new mixture is a complete innovation in first-year flowering seed perennials.
Echinacea hybrida 'Paradiso Tall Mix'
Coneflower€3.95Distinguished by its exceptionally large flowers, Echinacea 'Paradiso Tall Mix' blooms in a large range of shades including some lovely, soft hues. Very easy to grow, with good vigour and robust strong stems that branch from the base, the plants can be used for perennial beds and high-impact landscaping and as a cut or dried flower.
Echinacea hybrida 'Paradiso Yellow'
Coneflower€3.95Echinacea 'Paradiso' is an outstanding series of the familiar 'Cone Flower' and one of late summer's most garden worthy forms. A first year flowering perennial they are distinguished by the exceptionally large flowers which grow 8cm to 10cm (3 to 4in) wide. Echinacea 'Paradiso Yellow' blooms in beautiful, illuminating warm yellow shades.
Echinacea pallida
Pale Purple Coneflower€2.95Echinacea pallida is one of the more rare members of the Echinacea family. They have much longer, ray flowers than those of the more familiar purple coneflower, the plants bloom earlier and continue to bloom sporadically through the autumn months.