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Edible Flowers

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  1. 'Inspire Peach Shades' produce large flowers in beautiful shades.

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    'Inspire Peach Shades' produce large flowers in beautiful shades of rose pink, apricot, honey, and cream with slight ruffling and occasional dramatic blotches. These highly efficient early pansies can be grown for production for either spring or for autumn. They are compact and don´t overgrow so the plants have a beautiful appearance all season long.

  2. Viola wittrockiana 'F1 Inspire Lilac Shades'

    Viola wittrockiana 'F1 Inspire Lilac Shades' produce beautiful blooms in a range of soft lilac shades. Perfect for both autumn and spring plantings, the series creates bushy, very compact plants that don´t overgrow in the container or flowerbed and have a beautiful appearance all season long.

  3. Viola wittrockiana 'F1 Inspire Lavender Pink'

    The Viola 'Inspire' series represents a modern group of highly efficient early pansies intended for production of flowering plants for either spring or for autumn. Large and attractive blooms in a range of soft lilac-pink shades, but the greatest advantage of this group is that they have very compact growth and don´t overgrow in the container or flowerbed .

  4. 'Yellow-Blue Swirl'  produces gorgeous ruffled, lemon-yellow flowers with dark blotches and edges painted in blue.

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    Viola x wittrockiana 'Frizzle Sizzle F1' has a unique flower, and is possibly quite unlike any pansy that you have seen before. Large flowers, completely ruffled along the edges. 'Frizzle Sizzle Lemonberry' produces ruffled lemon-yellow flowers with dark blotches and berry purple edges.

  5. Gorgeous ruffled red flowers with dark blotches and berry purple edges.

    Viola x wittrockiana 'Frizzle Sizzle F1' has a unique flower, and is possibly quite unlike any pansy that you have seen before. Large flowers, completely ruffled along the edges. 'Frizzle Sizzle Raspberry' produces gorgeous ruffled red flowers with dark blotches and berry purple edges.

  6. Viola x wittrockiana 'Frizzle Sizzle F1' is possibly quite unlike any pansy that you have seen before.

    Viola x wittrockiana 'Frizzle Sizzle F1' has a unique flower, and is possibly quite unlike any pansy that you have seen before. Large flowers, completely ruffled along the edges. 'Frizzle Sizzle Lemonberry' produces ruffled lemon-yellow flowers with dark blotches and berry purple edges.

  7. Viola odorata 'Reine de Neiges' is one of the longest flowering violets with scented flowers.

    Viola odorata 'Reine de Neiges'

    Sweet Violet. 'Snow Queen'
    Also marketed as 'Scheekonigin' and 'Eismeer'.

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    Cultivated in Switzerland in 2004 from the famous 'Queen Charlotte', One would think that 'Reine de Neiges', or 'Snow Queen' would be a white bloomer. The flowers are almost white, a clear crisp ice-blue. Long blooming and upward facing, their fragrance is intense.

  8. Introduced in Germany in 1900, 'Konigin Charlotte' are famously grown for their perfume.

    Viola odorata 'Queen Charlotte'

    Sweet Violet, Florist's Violet

    Introduced in Germany in 1900, 'Konigin Charlotte' are famously grown for their perfume. The violet coloured flowers are extremely fragrant, This cultivar is unique in that its flowers turn upward making them viewer friendly. It is also one of the longest flowering violets with scented flowers.

  9. Viola "Sorbet Hybrids" are a unique miniature hybrid that combines the charm of violas with the explosive colours of pansies.

    Viola hybrida 'Sorbet F1 Raspberry'

    Viola, Horned Violet.

    Sorbet 'F1 Raspberry' has tricolour patterns with cap, face, whiskers and eye colours, with luscious deep raspberry red upper and lower petals with dark whiskers and a golden eye. It is a stunning new colour pattern, with a bright face that seems to be basking in the spring or autumn sunshine

  10. Viola hybrida 'Sorbet F1 Orchid Rose Beacon'

    Early-blooming and reliable, Viola Sorbet remains compact in both heat and cold, making it a standout performer in spring and autumn. One of the most striking colour combinations of the series, 'Orchid Rose Beacon' has a rose and purple-pink face, dark whiskers and a golden eye. Absolutely gorgeous, it can be slipped into almost any gaps where you need a little brightness.

  11. Viola "Sorbet Hybrids" are a unique miniature hybrid that combines the charm of violas with the explosive colours of pansies.

    Viola hybrida 'F1 Sorbet Select Mix'

    Viola, Horned Violet.

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    Viola 'F1 Sorbet Hybrids' are a unique miniature hybrid that combines the charm of violas with the explosive colours of pansies. The series has some of the most amazing colour selections you'll ever see.

  12. Uniform and compact in habit, the beautiful flowers are carried well above the foliage for maximum effect.

    Tropaeolum nanum 'Peach Melba Superior'

    Nasturtium, Compact Type

    Nasturtium “Peach Melba Superior” is a gorgeous variety, with bright cream, semi-double flowers with mahogany-red markings in the throat. Uniform and compact in habit, this dwarf plant is good excellent in containers, the beautiful flowers are carried well above the foliage for maximum effect.

  13. ‘Tip Top Pink Blush’ sports vintage cream flowers with a pink blush veining to the petals.

    Tropaeolum ‘Tip Top' is a premium series that provides uniquely coloured flowers that are a great addition to the nasturtium family. ‘Pink Blush’ sports tender, vintage-cream flowers, finely veined with apricot-pink. The subtle palette gives a relaxed, modern look to borders and larger containers alike.

  14. 'Tip Top Apricot’ blooms in multiple hues of apricot, the petals have a darker veining with a deeply shaded throat

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    In multiple hues of apricot, the petals of Tropaeolum ‘Tip Top Apricot’ have a darker veining with a deeply shaded throat. This award winning, premium series produce 45 to 50cm mounded plants that are extremely floriferous and have a long flowering season.

  15. Glowing cherry-coral blooms give this variety a warm, tropical quality

    Glowing cherry-coral blooms give this variety a warm, tropical quality, and the versatile colour mixes well with so many things. Nasturtium 'Jewel Cherry Rose' has a more mounding growth habit than other trailing nasturtiums, but stem length is sufficient for arranging, and it won’t overtake the garden.

  16. Tropaeolum majus 'Salmon Baby'

    Tropaeolum majus 'Salmon Baby'

    Nasturtium, Dwarf Double

    Tropaeolum 'Salmon Baby' is a very striking and attractive nasturtium that produces an abundance of semi-double salmon-pink flowers which contrast beautifully against the dark foliage. Extremely easy to cultivate, this neat and compact variety has edible flowers and is an excellent companion plant.

  17. Tropaeolum majus 'Purple Emperor'

    Tropaeolum majus 'Purple Emperor'

    Trailing Nasturtium

    Tropaeolum 'Purple Emperor' is an exciting brand new palette of nasturtium, with a vintage colouration that is quite unique to nasturtiums. The buds initially open a dusky, antique burgundy and fade in the most beautiful way to a vintage lavender-rose.

  18. Nasturtium ‘Gleam Hybrids’ is a moderate spreading variety, recommended for hanging baskets and for containers.

    Tropaeolum majus 'Gleam Hybrids'

    Trailing Nasturtium

    Nasturtium ‘Gleam Hybrids’ is a moderate spreading variety and the variety we would recommend for hanging baskets and for containers. They offer a particularly nice colour selection with all the shades you expect, primrose, gold, orange, red and mahogany plus a few surprises.

  19. A throwback to the highly decorative nasturtiums at the turn of the 20th century.

    Tropaeolum majus 'Bloody Mary'

    Compact Trailing Nasturtium

    Nasturtium 'Bloody Mary' is an award winning Nasturtium with a unique flower pattern. Dramatic 5cm flowers in shades of dark red, coral red, cream, and unique bicolours, make a melodramatic scene in the flower bed, container or vase. Highly decorative they are in flower from May right through to October.

  20. Thymus serpyllum ‘Creeping Thyme’

    Starting at: €2.45

    Thymus serpyllum is one of the most versatile groundcovers. Forming dense evergreen cushions of flowers these low maintenance plants don’t require mowing, watering or care, and can take a lot of abuse. Its leaves can be used as a culinary herb and its uses in the garden are almost unlimited.

  21. Gorgeous to the point of excess, Tagetes 'Queen Sophia' produces blooms with deep orange-to-russet petals, intricately edged with russet and gold.
    Tagetes 'Queen Sophia' is an extremely popular, award winning variety that was introduced in the early 1900’s. Gorgeous to the point of excess, it produces semi-double blooms. Deep orange-to-russet petals that are intricately edged with russet and gold.
  22. Sweet Cicely was formerly a widely cultivated culinary herb, but now only occasionally grown in the herb garden.

    Sweet Cicely, Myrrhis odorata

    Garden Myrh, Anise

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    Sweet Cicely is an attractive plant that is a striking component of herb gardens and hedgerows. Growing to around 90cm, umbels of tiny white flowers appear from spring to early summer. Formerly a widely cultivated culinary herb, the fern-like leaves are deeply divided and smell of aniseed when crushed.

  23. Strawberry "Alexandria" are much sweeter than their traditional commercial cousins and possess a fine, old fashioned flavour.

    Strawberry 'Alexandria'

    Alpine Strawberry

    This wonderful heritage variety of alpine Strawberry produces loads of little red strawberries that are bursting with flavour. Much sweeter than their traditional commercial cousins they possess a fine, old fashioned flavour. Plants have compact growth with few runners. An alpine Strawberry that is very hard to find, excellent for high altitude climates!

  24. The name ‘Toothache plant’ comes from the numbing properties it produces when the leaves and flowers are chewed.

    Spilanthes acmella

    Syn. Acmella oleracea
    Toothache Plant, Peek-A-Boo, Electric Daisy

    Spilanthes acmella is a unique and versatile plant that will add texture and interest to your garden. Used by herbalists, the pretty yellow and red cone-shaped flowers and leaves have properties similar to Echinacea and has numbing properties when the leaves and flowers are chewed.

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