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  1. Paulownia tormentosa is known by many names; regardless of what you want to call it, there is no doubt about its impressive ornamental features.

    Paulownia tomentosa

    Royal Paulownia, Empress, Princess or Foxglove Tree
    Paulownia puts on an awe inspiring show in spring. Its soft chamois velvet buds open into large violet to blue, trumpet-like blossoms which fill the air with a sweet fragrance. Huge downy leaves appear after the flowers have opened. They are an architectural delight.
  2. Russian Sage is one of the great garden plants of all time. 'Taiga' is the first available as a first year flowering perennial.

    Russian Sage is one of the great garden plants of all time, but if you've been frustrated by their floppy nature, this new variety will be a welcome addition. Growing to about 60 to 75cm tall, Perovskia atriplicifolia 'Taiga' is also the first Russian sage available as a first year flowering perennial.

  3. Tall enough to give the same airy effect, yet so much easier to place in the garden.

    Persicaria orientalis 'Cerise Pearls'

    Dwarf Kiss Me Over the Garden Gate

    Persicaria orientalis ‘Cerise Pearls’ is a new, modern-day variety that grows to a more manageable height of 100 to 140cm . Tall enough to give the same airy effect, yet so much easier to place in the garden. From August to October the whole plant is spectacularly draped with long, dangling, velour-like cerise tassels.

  4. With its long period of flowering, Phlomis russeliana is a justifiably popular plant.

    Phlomis russeliana

    Jerusalem Sage, Turkish Sage
    Phlomis russeliana is a justifiably popular plant, with lovely sage-like rosettes of heart shaped leaves. From late spring, right through to early autumn, whorls of hooded, soft yellow flowers appear. Each plant can contain as many as fifty individual blooms creating a magnificent candelabra effect.
  5. Polygonatum multiflorum is always a welcome addition to the woodland or shade garden.

    Polygonatum multiflorum 'Solomon's Seal'

    Common Solomon's Seal
    Wildflower of Britain and Ireland

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    Polygonatum multiflorum is a long cultivated pan-European perennial. Alternate bright green leaves are held upright like the wings of a bird on the upstroke of flight. Tubular white flowers, edged with tiny lime-green petals spring from their axils in spring.
  6. Saponaria is a superb flowering, pretty little plant that makes a low carpet for ground cover or for rock features.

    Saponaria ocymoides

    Tumbling Ted, Trailing Rock Soapwort
    Saponaria is a pretty little plant that forms a mound of bright-green leaves, smothered by starry bright-pink clusters of flowers. Use as a ground cover, in paving or rock features or allow it to trail over the sides of raised beds and low walls. RHS Award of Garden Merit.
  7. Soapwort flowers appear in June to early September but the best time to admire their grace is July.

    Saponaria officinalis, Soapwort

    Bouncing Bet, Fuller's Herb

    Cleanliness is next to godliness even in history. For centuries Saponaria officinalis has helped keep us clean while providing a little loveliness in our gardens. The flowers are an important nectar source and emit a pleasant and intriguing clove-like scent, seducing both night moths and butterfly species.

  8. Scrophularia nodosa, the native Figwort is a hardworking perennial herb.

    Scrophularia nodosa 'Figwort'

    Wildflower of Britain and Ireland

    Our native Figwort is one of the most prolific nectar producers in the plant world, the long-lasting flowers attract more pollinators than any other plant around. The flowers, similar to tiny snapdragons ripen into egg-shaped seed pods, which are just the perfect bouquet filler for interest and movement!

  9. Trollius europaeus is a native wild flower of Europe and Western Asia. Found in damp ground in shady areas, woodland and scrub, pastures and woods in mountain areas.

    Trollius europaeus

    Globeflower, Wildflower of Britain and Ireland

    Trollius europaeus is a beautiful native wild flower of Europe and Western Asia. Found in damp ground in shady areas, it is a most attractive plant with dark green, deeply cut leaves and bears flowers, best described as egg-yolk yellow in colour.

  10. Trollius are clump-forming perennials that are suitable for full sun or part shade and require moist conditions

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    Trollius 'Golden Queen' has strong erect stems, rising up to three feet from out of its clump of serrated foliage. Each stem is topped by the largest brightest tangerine blossoms. Excellent for bouquets and magnets for butterflies and bees.
  11. Viola "Sorbet Hybrids" are a unique miniature hybrid that combines the charm of violas with the explosive colours of pansies.

    Viola hybrida 'F1 Sorbet Select Mix'

    Viola, Horned Violet.

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    Viola 'F1 Sorbet Hybrids' are a unique miniature hybrid that combines the charm of violas with the explosive colours of pansies. The series has some of the most amazing colour selections you'll ever see.

  12. Viola hybrida 'Sorbet F1 Orchid Rose Beacon'

    Early-blooming and reliable, Viola Sorbet remains compact in both heat and cold, making it a standout performer in spring and autumn. One of the most striking colour combinations of the series, 'Orchid Rose Beacon' has a rose and purple-pink face, dark whiskers and a golden eye. Absolutely gorgeous, it can be slipped into almost any gaps where you need a little brightness.

  13. Viola "Sorbet Hybrids" are a unique miniature hybrid that combines the charm of violas with the explosive colours of pansies.

    Viola hybrida 'Sorbet F1 Raspberry'

    Viola, Horned Violet.

    Sorbet 'F1 Raspberry' has tricolour patterns with cap, face, whiskers and eye colours, with luscious deep raspberry red upper and lower petals with dark whiskers and a golden eye. It is a stunning new colour pattern, with a bright face that seems to be basking in the spring or autumn sunshine

  14. Introduced in Germany in 1900, 'Konigin Charlotte' are famously grown for their perfume.

    Viola odorata 'Queen Charlotte'

    Sweet Violet, Florist's Violet

    Introduced in Germany in 1900, 'Konigin Charlotte' are famously grown for their perfume. The violet coloured flowers are extremely fragrant, This cultivar is unique in that its flowers turn upward making them viewer friendly. It is also one of the longest flowering violets with scented flowers.

  15. Viola odorata 'Reine de Neiges' is one of the longest flowering violets with scented flowers.

    Viola odorata 'Reine de Neiges'

    Sweet Violet. 'Snow Queen'
    Also marketed as 'Scheekonigin' and 'Eismeer'.

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    Cultivated in Switzerland in 2004 from the famous 'Queen Charlotte', One would think that 'Reine de Neiges', or 'Snow Queen' would be a white bloomer. The flowers are almost white, a clear crisp ice-blue. Long blooming and upward facing, their fragrance is intense.

  16. Viola x wittrockiana 'Frizzle Sizzle F1' is possibly quite unlike any pansy that you have seen before.

    Viola x wittrockiana 'Frizzle Sizzle F1' has a unique flower, and is possibly quite unlike any pansy that you have seen before. Large flowers, completely ruffled along the edges. 'Frizzle Sizzle Lemonberry' produces ruffled lemon-yellow flowers with dark blotches and berry purple edges.

  17. Gorgeous ruffled red flowers with dark blotches and berry purple edges.

    Viola x wittrockiana 'Frizzle Sizzle F1' has a unique flower, and is possibly quite unlike any pansy that you have seen before. Large flowers, completely ruffled along the edges. 'Frizzle Sizzle Raspberry' produces gorgeous ruffled red flowers with dark blotches and berry purple edges.

  18. 'Yellow-Blue Swirl'  produces gorgeous ruffled, lemon-yellow flowers with dark blotches and edges painted in blue.

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    Viola x wittrockiana 'Frizzle Sizzle F1' has a unique flower, and is possibly quite unlike any pansy that you have seen before. Large flowers, completely ruffled along the edges. 'Frizzle Sizzle Lemonberry' produces ruffled lemon-yellow flowers with dark blotches and berry purple edges.

  19. Viola wittrockiana 'F1 Inspire Lavender Pink'

    The Viola 'Inspire' series represents a modern group of highly efficient early pansies intended for production of flowering plants for either spring or for autumn. Large and attractive blooms in a range of soft lilac-pink shades, but the greatest advantage of this group is that they have very compact growth and don´t overgrow in the container or flowerbed .

  20. Viola wittrockiana 'F1 Inspire Lilac Shades'

    Viola wittrockiana 'F1 Inspire Lilac Shades' produce beautiful blooms in a range of soft lilac shades. Perfect for both autumn and spring plantings, the series creates bushy, very compact plants that don´t overgrow in the container or flowerbed and have a beautiful appearance all season long.

  21. 'Inspire Peach Shades' produce large flowers in beautiful shades.

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    'Inspire Peach Shades' produce large flowers in beautiful shades of rose pink, apricot, honey, and cream with slight ruffling and occasional dramatic blotches. These highly efficient early pansies can be grown for production for either spring or for autumn. They are compact and don´t overgrow so the plants have a beautiful appearance all season long.

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