Erysimum cheiri, Cheiranthus cheiri 'Fair Lady Mixed'
English Wallflower€1.95‘Fair Lady Mixed' is a classic tried and trusted variety. Reliably hardy, this uniform mixture blooms in a wide range of colours, both pastels and bright colours and includes the more unusual dusky-pink shades. Marvelous, fragrant and floriferous, they are extremely easy to grow and very rewarding.
Erysimum cheiri, Cheiranthus cheiri 'Fire King'
English WallflowerRegular Price: €2.10
Special Price €0.95
Erysimum ‘Fire King' is another old and tried variety, with striking, flame-like, glowing orange-scarlet flowers. They are especially valuable because they bloom in the period between primroses and summer annuals and will supply the household with an abundance of cut flowers for many weeks.
Erysimum cheiri, Cheiranthus cheiri 'Ivory White'
English Wallflower€2.10What spring garden would be complete without a bed of delightful, sweet-scented Wallflowers, harbingers of warmer weather to come? Erysimum cheiri, formerly Cheiranthus cheiri 'Ivory-White' is a fabulous form. A compact variety with a bushy habit which is ideal as an underplanting to tulips and other spring bulbs.
Erysimum cheiri, Cheiranthus cheiri 'Persian Carpet'
English Wallflower€1.95This is a classic Wallflower mixture, with the super rich colours you'd expect to see in a Persian Carpet (at a fraction of the cost!) purple, gold, orange, rose, cream and apricot. It is not without reason that this bushy variety so impressed the RHS judges.
Erythronium dens-canis
Dog's Tooth Violet€2.95Erythronium dens-canis is attractive from the moment it pokes up from the soil in early spring. The oval pointed leaves with bronze patterns appear in early spring and are followed shortly by nodding rose pink to purple, elfin-cap flowers that bloom for several weeks.
Erythronium grandiflorum
Yellow Avalanche Lily, Glacier Lily€2.95Erythronium grandiflorum is a rarely offered species. Native to west North America, it is one of the largest of the genus. Blooming in early spring, each flower stem has up to ten golden yellow, nodding, star-shaped flowers with reflexed petals.
Geranium - Hardy Geranium Mix
Mixture of species and cultivars€3.75Hardy geraniums are undoubtedly one of the most popular groups of plants. Today’s hybrids are the modern flag bearers, they are beautiful, reliable and endlessly various produces jewel-tone, saucer-shape flowers for months at a time. Exceptionally good value this mix always contain a few real rarities.
Geranium bohemicum 'Orchid Blue'
Hardy Geranium€3.55Geranium 'Orchid Blue' is a simply stunning plant, producing clusters of saucer shaped flowers of a rarely seen shade of pure orchid-blue, each with purple-violet veins. This new-on-the-scene plant soon spreads to form low hummocks of deeply cut soft green, leaves.
Geranium endressii
French crane's-bill, Géranium d' Endress€2.70Out of stock
Geranium endressii is one of the best choices for massed plantings, filling in quickly to create a bushy groundcover. The plant forms a mound of glossy, deeply-cut, green foliage, bearing a summer-long display of cup-shaped, bright pink flowers.
Geranium pratense 'Dark Reiter’
Hardy Geranium.€3.75Out of stock
'Dark Reiter’, is a fairly new cultivar originating from 'Victor Reiter' whose namesake was the legendary California nurseryman. What sets this plant apart is the new leaves that emerge a light maroon colour then fade to a purple-flushed deep green, it produces violet-blue flowers in spring.
Geranium pratense 'Striatum' aka 'Splish Splash'
Hardy Geranium€3.95Out of stock
"Splish Splash" is a fascinating, rare and prized border plant and one of the most beautiful, striking and unusual perennial geraniums. Very easy to grow, the clumps of divided foliage are topped with mauve-blue splashes and flecks on pure white petals, each petal appearing to be individually designed and painted.
Geranium pyrenaicum 'Summer Snow'
Hardy Geranium€2.35Out of stock
Geranium pyrenaicum is a European species and well known for being one of the most floriferous of Geraniums. 'Summer Snow' is an easy to grow, yet hard to find white flowered cultivar which produces profuse quantities of white flowers each with deeply notched petals.
Geranium sanguineum 'Vision Light Pink'
Hardy Geranium€3.75‘Vision Light Pink’ produces masses of large luminescent light pink flowers with red veins from early spring through to late summer. This long-lived, drought-tolerant perennial is useful as a small scale groundcover and in mixed borders. Use it in rock gardens, stone walls or even in container plantings.
Geranium sanguineum 'Vision Violet'
Hardy Geranium€3.55Out of stock
A beautiful, robust ground cover variety of the every popular Geranium sanguineum; ‘Vision Violet’ produces masses of large luminescent violet flowers from early spring to summer. The blooms cover this compact, mounding plant with intricately cut leaves.
Gunnera manicata
Giant Rhubarb€2.20Out of stock
Gunnera is one of the biggest and most spectacular, architectural, herbaceous plants. With gigantic, deeply lobed, deep green leaves, they look best standing as specimen plants or beside a large pond where the reflections reveal the undersides of the leaves
Helleborus niger
Christmas Rose, Christmas Hellebore, Black Hellebore€3.75Helleborus niger is smaller and more compact than any of its relatives and is the first in bloom, producing a succession of delicate white flowers throughout winter. It is a welcome sight when the snow thaws to see something so pretty in bloom.
Iris bulleyana
Bulley's Iris, Sino-Siberian Iris, Beardless Iris.€2.75Out of stock
Iris bulleyana is a classic species Iris from western China. It belongs to a small group of oriental species which are entirely hardy and are of great value to the gardener. The plants are successful in any moist garden soil. Flowering from June to July, the blooms with mid purple flowers and dark purple veins.
Iris pseudacorus 'Yellow Flag Iris'
Fleur-de-lys, Flag Iris
Wildflower of Britain and Ireland€2.45Yellow Flag Iris is a common and widespread native plant in Britain. This good-looking plant is a wetland plant that is especially showy in bloom and has been transplanted into well-watered gardens all over the world.
Iris versicolor
Northern Blue Flag Iris€2.80Iris versicolor is one of the few species in garden cultivation. Although happiest at the waterside the plants will also perform well under average to moist border conditions. Flowering from May through to July, each stalk produces up to five violet-blue flowers with ruffled petals and bold purple veining.
Iris versicolor 'Kermesina'
Northern Blue Flag Iris€3.20Out of stock
'Kermesina' is an attractive and popular cultivar of Iris versicolor. Flowering from May through to July with claret-purple flowers with ruffled petals and bold purple veining. It may be grown in shallow standing water or moist shoreline soils and suitable to be grown in constantly moist humusy soils of a border.
Knautia arvensis 'Field Scabious'
Field Scabious
Wildflower of Britain and Ireland€2.95Out of stock
Knautia arvensis is an attractive native perennial herb of well drained grassland. It can be found throughout Europe in meadows, rough pasture, hedgerows and verges. Though it is by nature a perennial, it will flower and produce seed the first year if grown as an annual, either autumn or spring sown.
Knautia macedonica 'Crimson Scabious'
Often marketed as 'Red Knight' or 'Red Cherries'€3.25Knautia macedonica has been hugely fashionable for years and is likely to remain so for many more. This lovely and versatile perennial blooms from late spring to autumn with dark-crimson, richly glamorous pompoms. Established plants produce literally hundreds of blooms in one season.
Lathyrus odoratus 'Matucana'
Grandflora Sweet Pea. 1907€2.45'Matucana' was first introduced into this country from Sicily in 1699, this delightful heirloom dates back at least three centuries, highly valued for its wonderfully strong, sweet scent as well as its brilliant bicoloured blooms of richest purple and violet .
Lathyrus odoratus, 'Mammoth Crimson'
Early Multiflora Gigantea Sweet Pea€2.25Mammoth Sweet Peas belongs to a type of sweet pea called an 'Early Multiflora Gigantea'. Marked by the longest stems, and large fragrant blooms, they are very popular with commercial cut flower growers. 'Mammoth Crimson' produce large crimson-red flowers that are borne on beautifully long stems.