Roots & Tubers
Carrot 'Nantes 2' Organic
Second Early & Maincrop
Heritage (1927)€2.65Originating from Nantes in France, Nantes 2 is an excellent variety for early and successional crops producing uniform blunt-ended cylindrical roots. With good carrot fly resistance, it is virtually coreless with a tender texture and sweet flavour.
Celeriac 'Verona'
Celery Root, Turnip-Rooted or Knob Celery.
Heritage (1871)€1.75Originally from Northern Italy and named for the fair city of Verona, this heirloom celeriac variety produces large white skinned globes with a sweet yet savory flavour and a creamy texture, similar to a potato. Crisp and delicious, and it keeps all winter, once you’ve grown it you’ll realise that ugly is only skin deep.
Kohl Rabi 'Azure Star' Organic
Purple Kohlrabi€2.70‘Azure Star’ is a highly regarded purple kohlrabi from Europe, considered to be one of the finest. It is the earliest blue-leaved, purple Kohlrabi and is also the most delicious. Raw or cooked, it is superb eating, Azure Star sets a new standard for excellence. Organic Seed.
Kohl Rabi 'Delicacy Purple'
Purple Kohlrabi€1.45'Delicacy Purple' is much improved over the previous Vienna varieties, producing a crop that is slightly more tender and with more flavour, it has good standing ability, is low growing and matures quickly, progressing from sowing to harvesting in a couple of months.
Kohl Rabi 'Delicacy White'
White or Green Kohlrabi€1.45'Delicacy White' is much improved over the previous Vienna varieties, producing pale green globe shaped roots with a crisp white flesh.Sow from late February to the end of August for a continuous supply. “Delicacy White” is an ideal companion to “Delicacy Purple” as it matures a little earlier.
Out of stock
'Hollow Crown' is one of the oldest varieties of parsnip, with probably still the best flavour of all, with a depth and richness unmatched by most other varieties. It has been grown since at least the 1850's and is still very popular among gardeners in the know.
Parsnip 'Tender and True' Organic
2022 harvest, for planting in 2023€2.95Out of stock
Parsnip Tender and True is a popular variety which forms long roots of high quality that are at least 3in wide across at the top. With good resistance to canker it is probably one of the best flavoured varieties to use for both the kitchen and exhibition. Organic Seed.
Radish 'Black Spanish Round'
Winter Radish.
Heritage variety (Europe 1558)€1.50The Black Spanish radish is a unique variety with a inky black, thick skin that resembles that of a rhinoceros. But that craggy, tough exterior is what protects the tender, spicy, crisp, pure-white flesh. They are reliable, last forever in the garden and in storage, and are one of the easiest things you will ever grow.
Radish 'Cherry Belle'
Globe Radish€1.65The globe shaped roots of Radish ‘Cherry Belle’ have appealing bright red skins, smooth white flesh and a crisp, crunchy texture. This fast maturing variety is reliable and versatile, producing early crops of sweet and succulent, mildly flavoured radish.
Radish 'China Rose'
Heritage variety. (China, Introduced 1850)€1.75Out of stock
Radish ‘China Rose’ is a traditional winter hardy variety that produces long, tapering roots with attractive rosy pink skins and crisp, pure white flesh. Its cylindrical roots grow 15 to 20cm long and add flavour to winter salads. The leaves can also be added to salads and stir fries.
Radish 'Long White Icicle'
Heritage variety. (China, Introduced 1540)€1.40Radish 'Long White Icicle' is a uniform strain which forms long, pure snow-white roots. The white flesh is crisp and mild and less pungent than that of the round varieties, they have a spice that warms the tongue, but doesn’t bite back. Very easy to grow and ready for harvest only 25 days after planting,
Radish 'Rainbow Mixed'
Globe Radish€1.65Quick to grow and beautiful to look at, Radish 'Rainbow Mixed' is a visually stunning selection of coloured-skinned radishes. A very exciting sight to see when picked and an excellent choice for salads and gourmet dishes.
Radish 'Sparkler'
Globe Radish€1.75Full of character but easy on spice, Radish ‘Sparkler’ is an attractive globe variety with shading from the brightest scarlet to pure white, dotted with merry flecks. There's no beating this delightful little two-tone jewel for quick harvest, mild peppery bite, and terrific plate appeal. RHS AGM.
Radish 'Viola'
Globe Radish€1.85Not your average radish, Radish ‘Viola’ is one of the jewels of veg patch. This dramatic, magenta-skinned variety is quick to mature and makes a delightful presentation on the plate. High yielding in limited space, they can be grown wherever there is sun and moist, fertile soil, even on the smallest city lot.
Radish 'White Hailstone'
White Globe Radish€1.60Radish 'White Hailstone' is a brilliant white, sweet, white globe radish. Especially crisp, tender and with a mild flavour that keeps well once pulled. not too spicy and stay mild even as they grow larger.
Radish 'Zurich Market', Organic
Heritage variety. (European)€2.55Radish 'Zurich Market' is a white elongated radish for early summer through to early autumn for bunching or for individual use. Sow from April to August it can be harvested from May to October. If sown under cover, this can be done from early March to April. Organic Seed.
Radish, Daikon 'F1 April Cross'
Mooli, Asiatic or Oriental Radish€2.95'F1 April Cross' is a Minowase type hybrid daikon radish. A market leader for its extra-slow bolting habit, tender mature flesh and reliable harvest. Recommended for late summer to early summer harvest and for early winter harvest, they are an excellent variety for home gardeners. Sow seeds after the last frost in spring or in late summer to early autumn. They have a mild taste that is tender, buttery, and mild. 60 days.
Radish, Daikon 'Watermelon Radish'
ShinRi-Mei, meaning 'Beauty in the Heart.'€2.45Out of stock
The colourful 'Watermelon Radish' of historic China. The magic is in their bright-magenta interior which is so sweet, crisp, and delicious. A winter radish, for autumn and winter sowing they will tolerate temperatures down to around -3°C. The bright pink and white flesh makes a beautiful accent for any salad. They are also good for pickling. 45 to 55 days.
Radish, Daikon 'White Summer', Organic
Mooli, Asiatic or Oriental Radish€2.60A popular Japanese daikon type, winter radish, requiring shortening day length and cool temperatures to form. Sow after mid-summer and harvest during cooler weather until the first mild frosts. They store beautifully and excel in stir-fries and roasts, the flesh is tender, buttery, and mild. Organic Seeds.
Root Parsley, Hamburg 'Half-Long'
Dutch Rooted Parsnip, Halflange
Heritage (Germany 16th C.)€1.50Root Parsley Hamburg is an off-beat, dual purpose vegetable that deserves to be better known. The root can be left in the ground all winter and dug up as and when your Sunday roast requires and the luxury of having plenty of leaves to snip from the garden in winter can’t be overstated.
Salsify ‘Sandwich Island’
Oyster Plant€1.50Out of stock
Salsify may be a chic new vegetable with the foodie crowd but it just happens to be an old-fashioned heritage root crop. This unprepossessing Mediterranean winter vegetable has a delicate taste, ever so slightly sweet, some say slightly reminiscent of oysters, so much so that it is also known as the 'oyster plant'.
Scorzonera hispanica, Organic
Oyster Plant€2.35Scorzonera is a root vegetable with an awkward name and an ugly appearance but with a delicious oyster-like flavour. ‘Duplex’ is a fine selection with long, truncated roots with a deep black skin. The root is considered to be finer textured, and remains so further into the winter. The plants can be also be grown for perennial greens. Organic Seeds
Swede 'Best of All'
Purple Top Rutabaga, Tumshie, Neep, Snadgies€1.95Swede is one of the easiest vegetables to grow and well-suited to the novice gardener, few other crops are quite so straightforward. A favorite with growers, Swede 'Best of All' is an old variety that produced globe shaped roots with purple tops and yellow flesh, it is very hardy and reliable with good storing qualities.
Swede 'Wilhelmsburger'
Golden Swede
Heritage (Germany 1935)€1.95This heirloom variety has been long favoured in the local markets of Germany and Northern Europe. Swede Wilhelmsburger is considered to have the best table quality and to be the most refined in terms of taste. Awarded the RHS AGM, it is well worth growing.