Heritage Varieties
Pepper, Sweet Pepper 'Golden Californian Wonder'
Bell Pepper
Heritage (USA, Introduced 1928)€1.95'Golden Californian Wonder' is the widely adapted standard variety, a favorite with gardeners and widely used for commercial production. The plant does well in both cool and warm weather. It consistently produces large yields of blocky, four-lobed thick-walled fruit that is mild and sweet, tender and flavourful.
Pepper, Sweet Pepper 'Runa' Organic
Tomato pepper (European Heirloom C1900's)€3.25Beautifully shiny, red and tomato-shaped, Sweet Pepper 'Runa' produces a large harvest of flat-round fruits, use as you would a regular sweet pepper. Their unusual shape make them visually appealing. Suitable for outdoor and greenhouse cultivation the plants grow 60cm tall. Organic Seed.
Pumpkin 'Musquée de Provence'
Fairy Tale Pumpkin, Winter Squash,
Heritage (French 1800's)€2.25Looking exactly like fairy tale pumpkins in children’s storybooks, Musquée de Provence is a gorgeous French pumpkin that is one of the only pumpkins that is eaten raw. Sweet with a light crunch and typical nutty taste, the very fine-grained flesh is considered by many to be superior to any other.
Pumpkin 'Spooky'
Winter Squash, Halloween Pumpkin. Heirloom (1966)€2.85Out of stock
If you have always wanted your very own pumpkin patch then Pumpkin 'Spooky' is a great place to start. It is quite simply, the most perfect all-purpose pumpkin - Bright orange, smooth-skinned and globe shaped. They are the perfect size for use in the kitchen and terrific for Halloween carving.
Radish 'Black Spanish Round'
Winter Radish.
Heritage variety (Europe 1558)€1.50The Black Spanish radish is a unique variety with a inky black, thick skin that resembles that of a rhinoceros. But that craggy, tough exterior is what protects the tender, spicy, crisp, pure-white flesh. They are reliable, last forever in the garden and in storage, and are one of the easiest things you will ever grow.
Radish 'China Rose'
Heritage variety. (China, Introduced 1850)€1.75Out of stock
Radish ‘China Rose’ is a traditional winter hardy variety that produces long, tapering roots with attractive rosy pink skins and crisp, pure white flesh. Its cylindrical roots grow 15 to 20cm long and add flavour to winter salads. The leaves can also be added to salads and stir fries.
Radish 'French Breakfast 3'
Heritage variety (Introduced before 1885)€1.75French Breakfast 3 is a solid, sweet, cylindrical shaped radish that sports crimson shoulders and a white tip. Quick-growing with crisp, tender roots and a sweet mild flavour. Suitable for planting from spring through to autumn even on the smallest city lot.
Radish 'French Breakfast 3' Organic
Heritage variety (Introduced before 1885)€2.00French Breakfast 3 is an excellent all-purpose variety for successional sowing from late spring, for harvest in early summer, right the way through to autumn. A favourite among French market gardeners, who considered it both attractive and tasty. They are ready to eat in just 20 or 30 days. Organic Seeds.
Radish 'Long White Icicle'
Heritage variety. (China, Introduced 1540)€1.40Radish 'Long White Icicle' is a uniform strain which forms long, pure snow-white roots. The white flesh is crisp and mild and less pungent than that of the round varieties, they have a spice that warms the tongue, but doesn’t bite back. Very easy to grow and ready for harvest only 25 days after planting,
Radish 'Zurich Market', Organic
Heritage variety. (European)€2.55Radish 'Zurich Market' is a white elongated radish for early summer through to early autumn for bunching or for individual use. Sow from April to August it can be harvested from May to October. If sown under cover, this can be done from early March to April. Organic Seed.
Rhubarb 'Victoria'
English Rhubarb, Garden Rhubarb.
Heritage (English 1837) aka 'Queen Victoria'€1.75Rhubarb Victoria was introduced by Joseph Myatt of Deptford in 1837. It is one of the easiest to raise from seed and can usually start to be harvested one year after sowing. It produces sweet, juicy, medium sized green stalks with green-red leaves. A popular forcing variety being extremely productive for years.
Root Parsley, Hamburg 'Half-Long'
Dutch Rooted Parsnip, Halflange
Heritage (Germany 16th C.)€1.50Root Parsley Hamburg is an off-beat, dual purpose vegetable that deserves to be better known. The root can be left in the ground all winter and dug up as and when your Sunday roast requires and the luxury of having plenty of leaves to snip from the garden in winter can’t be overstated.
Sorrel 'De Belleville' French Sorrel
French Sorrel
Heritage (French 1730's)€2.00Sorrel De Belleville is a small French cultivar. It is hardy and well-proven to be productive under almost any conditions with an excellent lemon flavour. One of the earliest green crops and embarrassingly easy to grow, it needs no attention other than when you want to eat it.
Sorrel 'De Belleville' French Sorrel, Organic
French Sorrel
Heritage (French 1730's)€2.45Sorrel De Belleville is a small French cultivar. It is hardy and well-proven to be productive under almost any conditions with an excellent lemon flavour. One of the earliest green crops and embarrassingly easy to grow, it needs no attention other than when you want to eat it. Organic Seed.
Spinach 'Matador'
Spinach. Baby Leaf, Micro Leaf€2.55Spinach 'Matador' is a reliable all-year-round variety that is disease resistant and slow to bolt and is beloved by many a gardener. This popular open pollinated heritage variety provides a generous haul of spinach that appears in a deep green shade and has a mild, sweet flavour.
Spinach 'Renegade F1' Organic
Leaf Spinach€2.65Spinach, like most leafy greens are on the ‘easy to grow’ list of home gardening, 'F1 Renegade' is even easier than most. This excellent tasting, good looking, sweet spinach variety has an upright habit with beautiful round, dark green leaves. Organic Seeds.
Squash 'Futtsu Black Early'
Black Futsu Winter Squash,
Heritage (Japan 1800's)€2.55Blocky, deeply ribbed and extremely bumpy, for most of the season they are a gorgeous dark green to charcoal black, but in autumn 'Futtsu Black Early' mature in a fascinating metamorphosis, to a grey-bloomed dusty orange. Harvest in the midst of their transformation for funky autumn displays or wait for them to ripen completely for maximum flavour, nutty and sweet with hints of chestnut.
Squash 'Groene Hokkaido', Organic
Japanese kabocha-type squash, Green Hokkaido
Heirloom (Japan 1500's)€3.25Squash 'Groene Hokkaido' is a traditional Japanese kabocha-type squash that has globe-shaped fruit with lovely dark green skin and dark golden flesh. A beautiful, versatile squash with thick, firm and fine-grained flesh that is sweet with a delicate taste of chestnut. Organic Seed.
Squash 'Marina di Chioggia'
Winter Squash, Zucca Barucca, Zucca Santa
Heritage (Italian 1600's)€2.35This very old Italian Heirloom rustic variety originates from near Venice and is considered the King of Italian Squashes. Round, short, and squat in shape, the dark green to grey-blue skin has slight, vertical ridging and is almost completely covered in bumps. When cooked, Marina di Chioggia squash is tender and sweet with nutty flavours.
Squash 'Turkish Turban'
Turks or French Turban, Winter Squash
Heirloom (French 1820's)€2.85A curiously-shaped heirloom winter squash from France that is named for the colour and shape of the fruit, Squash 'Turkish Turban' produces attractive, acorn shape fruit, at its blossom end is a Turban-like cap, thus its name. Closely related to the buttercup squash, the taste is similar to other Cucurbita maxima cultivars.
Strawberry 'Alexandria'
Alpine Strawberry€2.00This wonderful heritage variety of alpine Strawberry produces loads of little red strawberries that are bursting with flavour. Much sweeter than their traditional commercial cousins they possess a fine, old fashioned flavour. Plants have compact growth with few runners. An alpine Strawberry that is very hard to find, excellent for high altitude climates!
Swede 'Wilhelmsburger'
Golden Swede
Heritage (Germany 1935)€1.95This heirloom variety has been long favoured in the local markets of Germany and Northern Europe. Swede Wilhelmsburger is considered to have the best table quality and to be the most refined in terms of taste. Awarded the RHS AGM, it is well worth growing.
Sweetcorn 'Golden Bantam' Organic
Midseason. Heirloom (1902)€2.65Out of stock
The heirloom sweet corn variety ’Golden Bantam’ has been known since 1902. It thrives in cold soil and reliably produces delicious sweet and tender cobs that typically have 16 to 18 rows of medium sized, golden yellow grains. Organic Seed.
Tomato 'Arancia'
Large salad / small beefsteak.
Vine / Cordon (Indeterminate)€1.95Those who love colourful bright coloured tomatoes will definitely like Tomato 'Arancia'. A beautifully rounded, orange-yellow tomato with an average weight of around 175 grams and with a remarkably sweet taste, this is a commercial variety with Polish origins. Famously cold, drought and disease resistant it reliably bears fruit steadily throughout the season .