Heritage Varieties
Onion 'Ailsa Craig Prizewinner', Organic
White Bulbing, Exhibition Onion.
Heritage (English 1887)€2.45With outstanding quality and excellent keeping qualities, Ailsa Craig Prizewinner is much loved by both home gardeners and exhibitors producing weighty onions perfect for the kitchen or show bench. A heritage variety and great all-rounder, Ailsa Craig still takes some beating. Organic Seeds.
Onion 'Cipolle di Tropea', Sweet Red Onion of Tropea
Maincrop, Red Onion
Heritage (Italian 1500's)€2.00Out of stock
Italy boasts many varieties of onion, but perhaps the most famous is Cipolla di Tropea. It can be sown in either autumn, September to October or in spring, late February to early April. The shape of its bulbs, the deep purple colour, its extraordinary sweetness, and its refined taste, make it one of the most interesting products in the entire Italian agriculture.
Onion 'Long de Florence Simane'
Maincrop, Continental Red Onion
Rossa Lunga di Firenze, Heritage (Italian 1800's)€1.75A splendid carmine-red onion Long de Florence Simane is an old continental variety that is very popular in Europe. Elongated in shape, this maincrop variety can be picked still small and used raw sliced into salads or grown to maturity, they can be baked or roasted on skewers to retain their unusual 'bottle' shape.
Onion 'Red Amposta'
The Large Red/Bronze Onion of Amposta
Heritage (Spanish 1800's)€1.75'Morada de Amposta' is a large sweet onion named after the small Spanish town of Amposta. A heritage variety that produces attractive red-bronze onions, not too hot, with a pleasant, exceptional sweetness typical of Spanish onions. The beautiful, large globes weigh around 200 to 250 grams.
Onion 'Red Creole'
Red Bulbing Onion
Heritage (USA 1850's)€1.75Well adapted and very widely planted. ‘Red Creole’ is a medium maturing, open-pollinated short day red onion. It has a clear, spicy-sweet flavour of medium heat and develops a sweet, mellow flavour when caramelised. Drought tolerant, disease resistant and especially hardy, it is considered by many to be the ideal onion.
Onion 'Rijnsburger' Organic
Maincrop, White Bulbing Onion€2.55Out of stock
Onion 'Rijnsburger' is an excellent Dutch variety with uniform sized, large globe-shaped bulbs with thin necks. They have a beautiful firm straw coloured skin, pure white flesh and a good flavour. As a standard maincrop it offers excellent quality, high yields and a very good storage life. Organic Seeds
Onion 'Stuttgart', Organic
White or Yellow Bulbing Onion€1.95Onion ‘Stuttgart’ is a late-season variety, originating in the Netherlands where it is called ‘Stuttgarter Riesen’, this well-known heirloom variety can also be found as 'Giant Stuttgart' and 'Stoccarde'. It is traditionally the most popular variety for the home gardener. Organic Seeds
Onion, Bunching 'Kyoto Market'
Japanese Bunching Onion, Negi
Heritage (China)€1.75Out of stock
Bunching onion 'Kyoto Market' is an early, vigorous and heavy yielding bunching onion that does not bulb but forms long white stalks with long green foliage. suitable for later crops and for overwintering. This perennial variety splits into bunches as it grows, simply divide the clump to multiply your onion patch.
Onion, Spring Onion 'White Lisbon'
Spring, Salad or Bunching Onion, Scallion
Heritage (1787)€1.95Out of stock
White Lisbon is an old favorite and ever popular Spring Onion. It is a hardy and reliable variety which features long white stems with bright green tops. It is quick and easy to grow, sow in autumn or spring, Cropping in 60 days. NIAB Accreditation and RHS AGM.
Onion, Spring Onion 'White Lisbon' Organic
Spring, Salad or Bunching Onion, Scallion
Heritage (In use in 1787)€2.65Out of stock
White Lisbon is traditionally the most popular spring onion for successional sowings from March to September, it can also be sown in autumn and over wintered for early spring harvests. Matureing in 60 days, they are perfect for container growing and can be tucked into mixed containers or beds.
Parsley 'Champion Moss Curled'
Curly Parsley. Aka 'Extra Triple Curled'
Heritage (Pre 1866)€1.75Parsley 'Champion Moss Curled' is a selected strain with fine, tightly curled, dark green leaves. Growing to 30cm tall, this versatile herb is an ideal variety for containers, it can also look very ornamental as an edging to a large pot of nasturtiums! RHS AGM.
Parsley 'Moss Curled' Organic
Curly Parsley.
Heritage (Pre 1866)€1.85Parsley is the best known of all the garnishing herbs. Curly parsley can look very ornamental as an edging to a large pot of nasturtiums. It can also be grown in hanging baskets (keep well watered) window boxes (give it some shade in high summer) and containers. Organic Seed.
Out of stock
'Hollow Crown' is one of the oldest varieties of parsnip, with probably still the best flavour of all, with a depth and richness unmatched by most other varieties. It has been grown since at least the 1850's and is still very popular among gardeners in the know.
Pea 'Blauwschokker'
Ezetha's Krombeks Purple Podded Pea
Capucijners. Heritage (Europe 15th C)€2.85‘Blauwschokker’ produce good yields of succulent, bright green peas with an abundance of red and violet flowers are followed by deep purple pods. Dual purpose it is delicious when harvested young as mangetout or can be left to mature to shell the delicious green peas.
Pea 'Blauwschokker' Organic
Ezetha's Krombeks Purple Podded Pea
Capucijners. Heritage (Europe 15th C)€3.50‘Blauwschokker’ produce good yields of succulent, bright green peas with an abundance of red and violet flowers are followed by deep purple pods. Dual purpose it is delicious when harvested young as mangetout or can be left to mature to shell the delicious green peas. Organic Seeds.
Pea, Mangetout 'Carouby de Maussane' Sugar Pod
Snow pea, Chinese Snow Pea.
Heritage variety (France 19th C.)€2.35Although not widely available commercially, the vintage, sugar pod type pea 'Carouby de Maussane' has been enjoying a small-scale renaissance among heritage vegetable enthusiasts. Not only is the flavour superior, but the vines are covered with beautiful lavender and purple flowers.
Pea, Mangetout 'Oregon Sugar Pod'
Snow pea, Chinese Snow Pea.
Heritage variety (USA)€2.55Introduced by Oregon State University, this disease resistant variety is extremely hardy and one of the best choices for cooler climates. It gives high yields of four inch translucent flat green pods that hold their colour well. Crisp, tender and full of flavour.
Pepper, Chili Pepper 'Anaheim'
Mild: 500 to 1,000 SHU.
Heritage (USA 1890)€1.75One of the most well known of the New Mexico peppers, the Anaheim is a slightly sweet pepper with just a little pop, they are great for people who typically don’t like spicy foods. Versatile, family friendly and big enough to be stuffed, if you are bored of the bell pepper, try moving up this small notch.
Pepper, Chili Pepper 'Golden Greek Pepperoncini'
Very Mild: 100 to 500 SHU. Heritage€2.45Out of stock
Pepperoncini peppers originally hail from Europe, specifically Italy and Greece, often served in salads and on antipasti platters. They barely nudge the pepper scale and have a slightly sweet 'tang’ especially when pickled. Mild, tasty and crunchy, they bring many foods to life.
Pepper, Chili Pepper 'Scotch Bonnet'
Very Hot: 100,000 to 350,000 SHU. Heritage€2.65Out of stock
The 'Scotch Bonnet' was the first Caribbean Hot Pepper to be known by a specific name in the export market. Most commonly found in hot Caribbean dishes, use sparingly, fresh or dried to recipes. Also great for pickling, garnishes, sauces and jerk rubs, it develops a rich, multi-sided, tropical-fruity flavour.
Pepper, Sweet Pepper 'Californian Wonder'
Bell Pepper
Heritage (USA, Introduced 1928)€1.95Out of stock
Californian Wonder is the widely adapted standard variety, a favorite with gardeners and for commercial production. It consistently produces large yields of blocky, four-lobed thick-walled fruit that is mild and sweet, tender and flavourful. Perfect for salads, to stir-fries, grilling or stuffing.
Pepper, Sweet Pepper 'Corno di Toro Giallo'
‘Horn of the Bull’. Heritage (Italian)€2.25Corno di Toro Giallo peppers have thin skin and thick walls and ripen to a golden-yellow. With a sweet, crisp, full-bodied flavour they are so popular that they have spawned an almost fanatical following.
Pepper, Sweet Pepper 'Corno di Toro Rosso'
‘Horn of the Bull’. Heritage (Italian)€2.25With a sweet, crisp, full-bodied flavour and a full, tapered shape, the gorgeous deep crimson sweet pepper ‘Horn of the Bull’ grow up to 25cm long. These uncommon peppers are a traditional favorite of Italy. Suitable for the greenhouse or outdoors.
Pepper, Sweet Pepper 'Cubanelle'
Mild: 500 to 1,000 SHU.
Italian Frying Pepper. Heritage€1.95Out of stock
Think of the Cubanelle like a sweeter, more flavourful bell pepper, and you’ll understand why they are so popular. While stuffing is a possibility, fried with a little olive oil, the Cubanelles mild sweet taste really comes to life. It is perhaps best thought of as providing 'taste' rather than 'heat'.