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  1. Nicotiana alata 'Lime Green' is a sought after variety which produces a mass of bright green flowers which open fully in the afternoon.

    Nicotiana alata var. grandiflora 'Lime Green'

    Jasmine Tobacco, Flowering Tobacco
    Nicotiana affinis var. grandiflora
    Nicotiana alata 'Lime Green' is a sought after variety which produces a mass of bright green flowers which open fully in the afternoon. It provides a new and refreshing alternative to the usual shade annuals: the unusual colouring lifts the summer border and act as a foil to hotter colours.
  2. Pennyroyal has attractive whorls of lilac-blue flowers appear in mid to late summer, held above the foliage on stout stems.

    Pennyroyal, Mentha pulegium

    Pudding Grass, Pulegium
    Wildflower of Britain and Ireland, Ancient Crop

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    Pennyroyal is a cottage garden plant of old. This highly aromatic herb has a strong peppermint scent to its dark green leaves, even more so than other mints. With attractive whorls of lilac-blue flowers, it can be used to carpet a shady corner or make a 'lawn' smelling deliciously of peppermint.

  3. Tall enough to give the same airy effect, yet so much easier to place in the garden.

    Persicaria orientalis 'Cerise Pearls'

    Dwarf Kiss Me Over the Garden Gate

    Persicaria orientalis ‘Cerise Pearls’ is a new, modern-day variety that grows to a more manageable height of 100 to 140cm . Tall enough to give the same airy effect, yet so much easier to place in the garden. From August to October the whole plant is spectacularly draped with long, dangling, velour-like cerise tassels.

  4. Polemonium caeruleum album

    Polemonium caeruleum album

    White Jacob’s Ladder, Greek Valerian
    Wildflower of Britain and Ireland

    The white form of the lovely Jacobs Ladder, named after the slender, fresh green leaflets arranged like the rungs of a ladder. Blooming in late spring to early summer, the bright foliage and white flowers will brighten shady locations. Both the flowers and the attractive ferny foliage are excellent for cutting.

  5. The original seed was collected at altitude in Japan where it is already accepted as one of the largest flowered gems of the race.

    Polemonium yezoense 'Purple Rain'

    Japanese Jacob's Ladder

    Collected at altitude in Japan and introduced in 2006, Polemonium yezoense 'Purple Rain' is one of the best new introductions in recent years. With bronze-purple lacy foliage, dark stems and violet-blue flowers, it is the darkest flower form of Polemonium available.

  6. Polygonatum multiflorum is always a welcome addition to the woodland or shade garden.

    Polygonatum multiflorum 'Solomon's Seal'

    Common Solomon's Seal
    Wildflower of Britain and Ireland

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    Polygonatum multiflorum is a long cultivated pan-European perennial. Alternate bright green leaves are held upright like the wings of a bird on the upstroke of flight. Tubular white flowers, edged with tiny lime-green petals spring from their axils in spring.
  7. Prunella vulgaris is an interesting and quite beautiful little wildflower plant.

    Prunella vulgaris 'Self-heal'

    Wildflower of Britiain and Ireland

    Prunella vulgaris is an interesting and quite beautiful little wildflower plant. The plants produce pretty blue-violet flowers in summer, the flowers freely produce nectar and are highly attractive to bees. If you’re looking for something to add to a meadow garden, or something for those shady areas this is the plant for you.

  8. Rosularia is a rosette forming succulent that closely resemble other rosette forming Crassulaceae such as Sempervivum and Echeveria,

    Rosularia rechingeri

    Syn: Prometheum rechingeri

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    Rosularia is a rosette forming succulent that closely resemble other Crassulaceae such as Sempervivum and Echeveria. It distinguishes itself in spring time when the small green clusters change to a vibrant rich reddish tone. Rare yet hardy, they are seldom seen other than in specialist nurseries or rock garden collections.

  9. Rudbeckia Cherry Brandy produces a mass of spectacular cherry-coloured blooms all summer long.

    Rudbeckia hirta 'Cherry Brandy'

    Black-Eyed Susan, Annual Coneflower

    Considered by many gardeners as the most complete border flower, when Rudbeckia ‘Cherry Brandy’ was first introduced, it took the plant world by storm. This stunning cultivar is the world’s first red Rudbeckia, it produces a mass of spectacular cherry-coloured blooms all summer long.

  10. 'Denver Daisy' has large, golden daisies with chocolate brown centres and marks at the base of each petal.

    Rudbeckia hirta 'Denver Daisy'

    Black-Eyed Susan. Coneflower

    Rudbeckia hirta 'Denver Daisy' has large, golden daisies with chocolate brown centres and marks at the base of each petal. Growing to around 75cm (30in) tall, this lovely variety performs well, is exceptionally heat tolerant and blooms for a long time in summer.

  11. Rudbeckia hirta 'Irish Eyes'

    Rudbeckia hirta 'Irish Eyes'

    Black-Eyed Susan. Coneflower

    The heavy blooming ‘Irish Eyes’ has fantastic bright yellow and gold daisies with emerald green eyes, a far cry from your typical black-eyed Susan. It is easy to grow, great for cutting and offers lots of blooms in the heat of summer. This popular ornamental is at home in wildlife gardens, cutting gardens and mixed borders.

  12. Rudbeckia hirta 'Large Flowered Mix'

    Rudbeckia hirta 'Large Flowered Mix'

    Black-Eyed Susan. Coneflower

    Rudbeckia hirta ‘Large Flowered Mix’ produces a spectacular mix of giant double and semi-double daisy-like flowers that are carried on long stems and are perfect for cutting. In a spectacular mix of warm colours including golden-yellow, orange, bronze and mahogany, they flower profusely all summer long.

  13. Rudbeckia hirta 'Maya'

    Rudbeckia hirta 'Maya'

    Black-Eyed Susan. Coneflower

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    Rudbeckia hirta ‘Maya’ is a fabulous award winning variety, bearing beautifully doubled golden daisies with petals so dense they almost look like pincushions. Golden yellow, with a kiss in the centre — almost like a Zinnia in appearance. An outstanding cut flower and wonderful in mixed containers.

  14. Semi-double and double velvety blooms in subtle shades of pale cappuccino, deep caramel, copper and dusty raspberry.

    Rudbeckia hirta 'Sahara'

    Black-Eyed Susan, Annual Coneflower

    Semi-double and double velvety blooms in subtle shades of pale cappuccino, deep caramel, copper and dusty raspberry and everything in between. Rudbeckia 'Sahara' is one of the most spectacular blooms in the late summer border, coming to its peak just as others are starting to fade.

  15. Each stem is topped with a profusion of lilac-white blossoms and brilliant white bracts

    Salvia sclarea var. turkestanica 'Vatican White'

    Biennial Clary, Muscatel Sage

    Salvia sclarea var. turkestanica 'Vatican White' is a choice white cultivar that is not that easy to find. A nobly architectural Sage, each of its branched stems is topped with a profusion of blossoms with brilliant white bracts. The flowers are attractive and are boosted in impact by the large petioles that surround them.

  16. A truly architectural plant with branched stems, each stem is topped with a profusion of pale blue blossoms and large pinkish white bracts,

    Salvia sclarea var. turkestanica, Clary Sage

    Biennial Clary, Muscatel Sage

    This hardy biennial Sage has been grown in almost every botanical sanctuary in human history and has many plus points: it grows well in poor soil resists slugs and other beasties, and doesn’t slump or need staking. It copes well in sun or light shade and the blooms are a magnet for bees and butterflies.

  17. A truly architectural plant with branched stems, each stem is topped with a profusion of pale blue blossoms and large pinkish white bracts,
    This hardy biennial Sage has been grown in almost every botanical sanctuary in human history. Each stem is topped with a profusion of pale blue blossoms and large pinkish white bracts. A truly architectural plant. Organic Seed.
  18. Scrophularia nodosa, the native Figwort is a hardworking perennial herb.

    Scrophularia nodosa 'Figwort'

    Wildflower of Britain and Ireland

    Our native Figwort is one of the most prolific nectar producers in the plant world, the long-lasting flowers attract more pollinators than any other plant around. The flowers, similar to tiny snapdragons ripen into egg-shaped seed pods, which are just the perfect bouquet filler for interest and movement!

  19. The rosettes of Sempervivum arachnoideum are covered with a network of silvery filaments that resemble a spider’s web.

    Sempervivum arachnoideum

    The Cobweb Houseleek
    Always an interesting plant, Sempervivum arachnoideum is an exotic and interesting variation which forms small green rosettes of fleshy leaves, the tip of each leaf connected to another by a network of silvery filaments that resemble a spider’s web.
  20. Whether planted in large numbers or used as a single specimen Sempervivum are both beautiful and enduring.

    Sempervivum hybridum 'Mixed Species'

    Winter Hardy Varieties. Hens and Chicks or 'Hippy Chicks'

    Whether planted in large numbers or used as a single specimen Sempervivum are both beautiful and enduring. A selection of winter hardy species, the sheer variation of colour, texture and size of these fascinating succulents is almost infinite and their tendency to produce offsets makes for easy increase.

  21. Native to Europe, Sempervivum tectorum is a widely-planted succulent that has been grown in and around human settlements for millennia.

    Sempervivum tectorum

    Hens 'n' Chicks, Houseleek
    Native to Europe, Sempervivum tectorum is a widely-planted succulent that has been grown in and around human settlements for millennia. Their rosettes are fascinating with their succulent leaves radiating around the centre, their colour hues are stunning and their tendency to produce offsets makes for easy increase.
  22. The name ‘Toothache plant’ comes from the numbing properties it produces when the leaves and flowers are chewed.

    Spilanthes acmella

    Syn. Acmella oleracea
    Toothache Plant, Peek-A-Boo, Electric Daisy

    Spilanthes acmella is a unique and versatile plant that will add texture and interest to your garden. Used by herbalists, the pretty yellow and red cone-shaped flowers and leaves have properties similar to Echinacea and has numbing properties when the leaves and flowers are chewed.

  23. Tellima make excellent semi-evergreen groundcover, they thrive in moist shade between flowers in a border.

    Tellima grandifora

    Fringecups, Bigflower Tellima

    Related to Heuchera and Tiarella, Tellima grandiflora form a tidy clump of rounded leaves and are topped by lime-green airy spires. They make excellent groundcover, thrive in shade between flowers in a border and make a good filler for separating strong shapes or bright colours.

  24. Long, kitten-like tails hold many tight jade green buds that open to form plush spikes of lavish purple-red shades.

    Summer-blooming spiky flowering plants - in garden design parlance ‘the verticals’. We all need some, and there are lots of contenders, but a plant that can go just about anywhere in the garden, cope with almost all situations and bloom with copious plush spikes over several weeks is a very rare treat.

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