Interesting Foliage
Helichrysum italicum
Italian Helichrysum, The Curry Plant€2.50Helichrysum italicum is an easy to care for silver-leaved, perennial. In addition to its lovely light silveriness the foliage is endowed with interesting textures which provides contrast among green-leafed plants and the clusters of yellow flowers are useful for cutting. -
Gunnera manicata
Giant Rhubarb€2.20Out of stock
Gunnera is one of the biggest and most spectacular, architectural, herbaceous plants. With gigantic, deeply lobed, deep green leaves, they look best standing as specimen plants or beside a large pond where the reflections reveal the undersides of the leaves -
Geranium pyrenaicum 'Summer Snow'
Hardy Geranium€2.35Out of stock
Geranium pyrenaicum is a European species and well known for being one of the most floriferous of Geraniums. 'Summer Snow' is an easy to grow, yet hard to find white flowered cultivar which produces profuse quantities of white flowers each with deeply notched petals.
Geranium pratense 'Dark Reiter’
Hardy Geranium.€3.75'Dark Reiter’, is a fairly new cultivar originating from 'Victor Reiter' whose namesake was the legendary California nurseryman. What sets this plant apart is the new leaves that emerge a light maroon colour then fade to a purple-flushed deep green, it produces violet-blue flowers in spring.
Geranium phaeum var. phaeum 'Samobor'
Dusky Cranesbill, Mourning Widow
Hardy Geranium€2.95Geranium phaeum ‘Samobor’ has considerable charm, with luxurious, deep maroon-black flowers which are held high on upright slender stems in late spring to early summer. This beautiful and useful hardy geranium is loved for its amazing deeply scalloped foliage with beautiful dark markings
Geranium endressii
French crane's-bill, Géranium d' Endress€2.70Geranium endressii is one of the best choices for massed plantings, filling in quickly to create a bushy groundcover. The plant forms a mound of glossy, deeply-cut, green foliage, bearing a summer-long display of cup-shaped, bright pink flowers. -
Geranium - Hardy Geranium Mix
Mixture of species and cultivars€3.75Hardy geraniums are undoubtedly one of the most popular groups of plants. Today’s hybrids are the modern flag bearers, they are beautiful, reliable and endlessly various produces jewel-tone, saucer-shape flowers for months at a time. Exceptionally good value this mix always contain a few real rarities.
Festuca glauca 'Blue Fescue Grass'
Blue Fescue€2.00Diminutive Festuca glauca makes a tight mound of steely blue, needle-like blades and is one of the most tactile of the evergreen grasses. Planted as a specimen or in swathes across a garden, the colour is so unexpected it can't help but catch the eye.
Fennel, Green Fennel
Herb Fennel, Green Fennel€1.50The green garden fennel is a handsome and popular perennial, often planted on its own for impact or combined with other flowers in borders. The airy feather foliage is crowned in late summer with large heads of tiny flowers. Both leaves and seeds are useful and seeds may be left to ripen as a crop.
Fennel, Bronze Fennel
Herb Fennel, Bronze Fennel.€2.25Used in many culinary dishes, the leaves and seeds of Fennel have a sweet aroma and an aniseed flavour. The fine clouds of feathery, bronze-purple leaves are wonderful in the herb garden or among tall perennials and grasses. The foliage acts as a delicate veil through which flower heads of plants can be seen.
Euphorbia polychroma
Cushion spurge, Many-coloured spurge.€2.75Euphorbias give us some of the best early spring herbaceous colour, but Euphorbia polychroma has the most impact. This compact variety grows to only 50cm with a great mound of yellow-green flowers in spring and echoes the daffodils. -
Euphorbia myrsinites
Myrtle Spurge€3.45Out of stock
Euphorbia myrsinites is a charming plant, a prostrate-growing evergreen with trailing stems that are clad in spiraling grey-blue leaves. An easy, tough, tidy groundcover and one of the most useful and highly ornamentally plants to grow in the garden. -
Euphorbia characias subsp wulfenii
Mediterranean Spurge€3.55Out of stock
One of the grandest of plants, Euphorbia characias 'Wulfenii' has upright stems clothed with whorls of fleshy, mat grey-green leaves that lend the whole plant a textural quality that is unparalleled. From March to June the plants are topped with intense chartreuse-green flowers'.
Eucalyptus pulverulenta 'Baby Blue'
Silver-leaved Mountain Gum, Florists Eucalyptus€3.95Wonderfully ornamental, Eucalyptus pulverulenta 'baby blue' is the silver dollar of florists worldwide. The elliptical, aromatic, blue-green leaves are stacked along lengthy, multi-branched stems. This cultivar of bridal bouquets and garlands, the bluish grey of its foliage makes it a wild card for floral arrangements.
Eucalyptus parvifolia 'Small leaved'
Syn: E parvi or E. parvula, Aka Kybean Gum€3.95Out of stock
Eucalyptus parvifolia is an extremely versatile variety that makes a wonderful bouquet addition. It can be grown as an annual from seed if started early, each shrub-sized plant produces loads of stems that are perfect for flower arranging and can also be dried for later use.
Eucalyptus gunnii 'Silver Drop'
Cider Gum, Gum Tree€3.95Out of stock
Eucalyptus gunnii 'Silver Drop' is a wonderful fragrant foliage in high demand in the cut flower trade. Bred especially to provide small round, blue-green leaves that are better for fine floral work. Use it as filler in mixed bouquets where they add interesting colour, texture and aroma.
Eucalyptus citriodora 'Lemon Scented Gum'
Syn: Corymbia citrodora€2.95Eucalyptus citriodora is a beautiful, fast growing species with sword shaped leaves that have an amazing citrus fragrance when crushed. the essential oils mainly consist of 80-90% citronella - at outdoor events a lush garland of eucalyptus helps keep insects at bay.
Eucalyptus cinerea 'Silver Dollar'
Tasmanian Blue, Florists Eucalyptus€3.95Currently one of the most desirable floristic materials, popularised by social media influencers, Eucalyptus cinerea has fragrant, blue-grey, round leaves that have remarkable durability and remain in good condition for weeks after cutting. The stems can be seen hanging in steaming showers where their fragrance can truly be appreciated.
Eryngium yuccifolium
Button Sea Holly, Rattlesnake Master€2.45Long sword-shaped leaves that launch an architectural wonder of tight set thistle-style, white spheres, the flowers of Eryngium yuccifolium are borne on tall branching stems. The unique structure and colour make it highly desirable to gardeners as accent plants in borders and wildflower meadows.
Eryngium variifolium ‘Miss Marble’
Variable-Leaved Sea Holly, Moroccan Sea Holly€2.75Eryngium variifolium ‘Miss Marble’ is a spectacular evergreen perennial. The neat mound of basal leaves are attractively marbled with silver veining. In summer upright stems bear silvery-blue flowers, each thimble is surrounded by long, slender bracts which splay outwards, adding to the prickly appearance.
Eryngium maritimum
Seaside Eryngo, Sea Holly.
Ancient Crop. Wildflower of Britain and Ireland€3.25Out of stock
Eryngium maritimum is an evergreen perennial plant native to Europe. Often found on sea shores, it is a protected species in many parts of the world. Highly ornamental, it is grown in gardens for its metallic bluish flowers and intensely whitish-glaucous leaves, it is very attractive to bees and butterflies.
Echinops ritro 'Globe Flower'
Globe Thistle€2.10One of my favourites for the back row. The rounded, violet-blue flower heads on silvery, branched, leafy stems are actually much softer than they look. An unusual colour and structure, so a great conversation piece and an excellent dried flower. -
Didiscus caerulea 'Blue Lace Flower'
Marketed as 'Lacy Blue'€2.20Out of stock
Didiscus caerulea, known as the Blue Lace Flower for its unusual sky-blue flower colour. With delicate lacy umbel shaped flowers, each flower head is composed of tiny, star-shaped, sweetly fragrant flowers. Perfect for the cutting garden and suitable for country cottage style or contemporary arrangements.
Deschampsia cespitosa 'Pixie Fountain'
Dwarf Tufted Hairgrass€2.70'Pixie Fountain' is a dwarf variety of Deschampsia cespitosa, just as pretty as its larger cousin. The flower stems growing to a height of 60cm. Perfect for many situations, adding dimension, texture, and a breezy quality to the garden.