Echinacea hybrida 'Paradiso Yellow'
Coneflower€3.95Out of stock
Echinacea 'Paradiso' is an outstanding series of the familiar 'Cone Flower' and one of late summer's most garden worthy forms. A first year flowering perennial they are distinguished by the exceptionally large flowers which grow 8cm to 10cm (3 to 4in) wide. Echinacea 'Paradiso Yellow' blooms in beautiful, illuminating warm yellow shades.
Echinacea pallida
Pale Purple Coneflower€2.70Out of stock
Echinacea pallida is one of the more rare members of the Echinacea family. They have much longer, ray flowers than those of the more familiar purple coneflower, the plants bloom earlier and continue to bloom sporadically through the autumn months.
Echinacea paradoxa
Yellow Coneflower€2.75Echinacea paradoxa is a true paradox – a rare and highly unusual yellow variety of the much loved 'Purple Coneflower'. With large, yellow ray flowers and the classical raised cone, the blooms are slightly fragrant and make excellent cut flowers. Echinacea paradoxa is a beautiful, elegant and easy plant to grow.
Echinacea purpurea, Organic
Purple Coneflower€2.70Echinacea purpurea is one of the most versatile perennials for the garden. Flowering from early July right through to September, it is sturdy and self-supporting, hardy and easy to grow, undemanding and suitable for both the formal border and the meadow look. Organic Seed. -
Echinops ritro 'Globe Flower'
Globe Thistle€2.10One of my favourites for the back row. The rounded, violet-blue flower heads on silvery, branched, leafy stems are actually much softer than they look. An unusual colour and structure, so a great conversation piece and an excellent dried flower. -
Erigeron karvinskianus 'Profusion'
Mexican Daisy, Fleabane€2.95Producing a profusion of daisy like blooms from May right through till November, the flowers open white but change to deep pink as they mature. Erigeron is easy to grow and an amazingly versatile plant, being low-growing, happy in sun or partial shade and thriving in any well-drained soil. -
Erysimum allioni, Cheiranthus allioni
Siberian Wallflower€1.55Siberian wallflowers are at their best in early to mid-May. With cheerful deep orange blooms, they are very easy to grow and combine well with other plants; indeed wallflowers demand companions and set the mind racing regarding potential planting combinations.
Erysimum cheiri, Cheiranthus Cheiri 'Blood Red'
English Wallflower. Also known as 'Covent Garden'€1.50This old English cottage plant is making a comeback, and no wonder. The astonishing, velvety Wallflower 'Blood Red' with deep crimson-red flowers is a favourite with gardeners. They are ideal for borders and edging, they could also be used in large containers….and of course, walls!
Erysimum cheiri, Cheiranthus Cheiri 'Cloth of Gold'
English Wallflower€1.50Wallflower ‘Cloth of Gold' is a favorite with gardeners, each plant wears a cloak of the finest gold and the large golden-yellow flowers are filled with a sweet fragrance, from mid-spring and throughout summer. They are a perfect foil for daffodils and many other spring bulbs.
Erysimum cheiri, Cheiranthus Cheiri 'Fair Lady Mixed'
English Wallflower€1.50‘Fair Lady Mixed' is a classic tried and trusted variety. Reliably hardy, this uniform mixture blooms in a wide range of colours, both pastels and bright colours and includes the more unusual dusky-pink shades. This marvellous; fragrant, floriferous flower is extremely easy to grow and very rewarding.
Erysimum cheiri, Cheiranthus cheiri 'Fire King'
English Wallflower€1.50Erysimum (formerly Cheiranthus) cheiri ‘Fire King' is another old and tried variety, with striking, flame-like, glowing orange-scarlet flowers. A compact variety with a bushy habit and a rich fragrance, they will supply the household with an abundance of cut flowers for many weeks.
Erysimum cheiri, Cheiranthus cheiri 'Ivory White'
English Wallflower€1.50What spring garden would be complete without a bed of delightful, sweet-scented Wallflowers, harbingers of warmer weather to come? “Ivory-White” is a fabulous, yet hard to find form. A compact variety with a bushy habit which is ideal as an underplanting to tulips and other spring bulbs.
Erysimum cheiri, Cheiranthus cheiri 'Persian Carpet'
English Wallflower€1.50This is a classic Wallflower mixture, with the super rich colours you'd expect to see in a Persian Carpet (at a fraction of the cost!) purple, gold, orange, rose, cream and apricot. It is not without reason that this bushy variety so impressed the RHS judges. -
Erythronium dens-canis
Dog's Tooth Violet€2.95Erythronium dens-canis is attractive from the moment it pokes up from the soil in early spring. The oval pointed leaves with bronze patterns appear in early spring and are followed shortly by nodding rose pink to purple, elfin-cap flowers that bloom for several weeks. -
Erythronium grandiflorum
Yellow Avalanche Lily, Glacier Lily€2.95Erythronium grandiflorum is a rarely offered species. Native to west North America, it is one of the largest of the genus. Blooming in early spring, each flower stem has up to ten golden yellow, nodding, star-shaped flowers with reflexed petals. -
Eupatorium fistulosum f. albidum 'Ivory Towers'
Hollow Joe Pye weed, Queen of the Meadow€2.95Introduced in 2010, Eupatorium ‘Ivory Towers’ is relatively new to our gardens yet has already been awarded the RHS Award of Garden Merit . This architectural plant bears generously clusters of ivory-white blooms which are long-lasting and beloved by butterflies. Given an early sowing, will flower the first year. -
Eupatorium maculatum atropurpureum
Spotted Joe Pye weed
Eutrochium purpureum subsp. maculatum€2.70Eupatorium maculatum atropurpureum is handsome in all of its parts. Invaluable for the late-summer border, the mid-green leaves and stems are suffused with a dusky purple. From July they are crowned with large domed panicles of pinkish-purple nectar-rich flowers. -
Euphorbia characias subsp wulfenii
Mediterranean Spurge€3.55Out of stock
One of the grandest of plants, Euphorbia characias 'Wulfenii' has upright stems clothed with whorls of fleshy, mat grey-green leaves that lend the whole plant a textural quality that is unparalleled. From March to June the plants are topped with intense chartreuse-green flowers'.
Euphorbia myrsinites
Myrtle Spurge€3.45Out of stock
Euphorbia myrsinites is a charming plant, a prostrate-growing evergreen with trailing stems that are clad in spiraling grey-blue leaves. An easy, tough, tidy groundcover and one of the most useful and highly ornamentally plants to grow in the garden. -
Euphorbia polychroma
Cushion spurge, Many-coloured spurge.€2.75Euphorbias give us some of the best early spring herbaceous colour, but Euphorbia polychroma has the most impact. This compact variety grows to only 50cm with a great mound of yellow-green flowers in spring and echoes the daffodils. -
Evening Primrose, Oenothera biennis, Organic
Evening Primrose, Herb Primrose, King's cure-all
Wildflower of Europe€2.65Oenothera biennis provides a wonderful splash of summer colour in the garden. Flowering begins in June and plants continue growing throughout the season so there is a constant succession until about September. In early summer the sweetly scented, bright yellow flowers open towards evening and are faintly phosphorescent. -
Galega officinalis, Goat's Rue
Goat's Rue€2.00Galega officinalis is an ancient ornamental plant that produces a delightful natural effect in the garden. The plants have handsome foliage and they errupt in spring to produce countless sprays of fragrant lavender-blue flower spikes, each with mini-sweet pea shaped flowers.
Gaura lindheimeri ‘Sparkle White’
Lindheimer's Bee Blossom€3.95Out of stock
Gaura lindheimeri 'Sparkle White' is a stunning hardy perennial. A Winner of the Fleuroselect Gold Medal, this bushy, clump forming variety has a neat, compact habit and produces a flurry of dazzling white, starry blooms on graceful slender stems from early summer right through to autumn.
Gaura lindheimeri ‘Summer Breeze’
Lindheimer's Bee Blossom€2.95Out of stock
Introduced in 2008, Gaura lindheimeri 'Summer Breeze' has now been made available in seed form. A hardier, more robust variety, long blooming and floriferous, it produces open, willowy, vase-shaped plants, with long graceful stems that suspend numerous little, dainty, butterfly shaped flowers at their tips.