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  1. Amaranthus 'Mira' have a unique ombre colour that transitions from light sage green, to lilac, to deep purple.

    Amaranthus caudatus 'Mira'

    Cascading, Rope Amaranthus

    The blooms of Amaranthus caudatus 'Mira' have a unique ombre colour that transitions from light sage green, to lilac, to deep purple. The trailing locks are like jeweled necklaces, thick, pendulous tassels that extend 60 to 90cm long. They add exceptional texture and visual interest to gardens and floral designs alike.

  2. Amaranthus caudatus ‘viridis’ is the gorgeous green form of the popular drooping amaranthus.

    Amaranthus caudatus viridis

    Weeping Green Amaranth, Emerald Tassels

    Amaranthus caudatus viridis is the green form of the popular drooping amaranthus. The lime green flowers, which slowly fade to cream as they age, form dramatic tassel-like panicles which can grow to 60cm long and seem to drip from the branches in profusion throughout summer and early autumn.

  3. Amaranthus cruentus 'Autumn's Touch'

    Amaranthus cruentus 'Autumn's Touch'

    Aka: Amaranthus Bronze-Pistachio

    Blending perfectly into the late summer and autumn landscape, the large plumes of Amaranthus 'Autumn's Touch' combine soft pistachio-green and bronze tones to create restful, airy beauty in the garden and make exciting vase material that hold their colour longer than other amaranths and delight the songbirds who flock to feast on their seeds throughout autumn.

  4. Amaranthus cruentus 'Hot Biscuits'

    Amaranthus cruentus 'Hot Biscuits'

    Foxtail Amaranthus, Everlasting Flower

    Amaranthus 'Hot Biscuits' is a rather splendid ornamental addition to the garden and the vase. This gorgeous and graceful amaranth feature bold spikes of coppery-bronze branching plumes. They make an excellent cut flower and make exciting vase material that hold their colour longer than other amaranths.

  5. Amaranthus cruentus 'Velvet Curtains'

    Amaranthus cruentus 'Velvet Curtains'

    Foxtail Amaranthus, Everlasting Flower
    Amaranthus 'Velvet Curtains' provides intense crimson inflorescence which makes exciting vase material. Flower heads retain their colour, for a long season before turning to seed. The gluten free, protein rich seeds can be eaten as a grain, perfect for vegetarians and vegans.
  6. Amaranthus tricolour is grown for its beautiful foliage.

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    Amaranthus tricolour is grown for its beautiful foliage. 'Summer Poinsettia Mix' is a colourful mix of tropical splendors. Juicy colour combinations: deep green leaves topped with creamy chartreuse, vivid yellow, purple with red, and a tricolor mix of red, green and gold.

  7. Anchusa italica 'Dropmore' spikes of rich gentian blue, giant forget-me-not type flowers

    Anchusa italica 'Dropmore'

    Aka Anchusa azurea or Italian Bugloss

    Anchusa italica is a wonderfully statuesque plant with vibrant, gentian blue flowers, dense foliage and lance shaped mid green leaves. 'Dropmore' is a 1905 selection that is still available today. They will thrive in a sunny border and make a great companion to rich plums and purple tones.

  8. Aquilegia atrata is a beautiful free flowering species that is native to the alpine meadows and forest clearings of Switzerland and Northern Europe.

    Aquilegia atrata

    The Dark Columbine

    Aquilegia atrata is a beautiful free flowering species that is native to the alpine meadows and forest clearings of Switzerland and Northern Europe. With many branching stems of deepest coloured, almost black flowers. This is an outstanding, highly sought species that would be a showstopper in any garden.

  9. This superb variety is quite unlike the usual Aquilegia with dark-green foliage and eye-catching, scarlet and lemon-yellow flowers

    Aquilegia canadensis

    Rock Bells, Dwarf Red Columbine

    Native to Canada and the US in all states east of the Rockies, this superb variety is quite unlike the usual Aquilegia. Growing just twelve to eighteen inches tall, with dark-green foliage and eye-catching, scarlet and lemon-yellow flowers which hang like drifts of softly illuminated lanterns.

  10. Aquilegia chrysantha ‘Golden Queen’ has large soft golden-yellow blooms, each with long swept back spurs
    Aquilegia chrysantha ‘Golden Queen’, is quite simply one of the most beautiful Aquilegias. With mid-green foliage and long-spurred, golden-yellow flowers. The large blooms are upward facing and are produced generously in early summer. This is one plant that is guaranteed to create a stunning display.
  11. Aquilegia var. stellata 'Barlow Mix' is the first Aquilegia series with fully double, spurless flowers.

    Aquilegia var. stellata 'Barlow Mix'

    Clematis Flowered or Rose Columbine.

    Aquilegia var. stellata 'Barlow Mix' is one of the really exceptional doubles forms of Aquilegia. It is the first Aquilegia series with fully double, spurless flowers. Stylish and elegant, with a graceful upright habit they grow to around 80cm tall. It produces many stems and makes an ideal cut flower.

  12. 'Munstead White' is a handsome and very vigorous form selected by early twentieth-century garden writer and designer Gertrude Jekyll.

    Aquilegia vulgaris 'Munstead White'

    Also known as 'Nivea'

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    'Munstead White', also known as 'Nivea' is a most handsome and vigorous Aquilegia. Reputed to have been specially selected by early twentieth-century garden writer and designer Gertrude Jekyll. Their abundant, bee-pleasing, white flowers will bloom in late spring and early summer are perfect for shade.
  13. Nora Barlow is a modern name attached to this ancient type of  "rose" columbine

    Aquilegia vulgaris var. stellata 'Nora Barlow'

    Clematis Flowered or Rose Columbine.
    Emma Nora Barlow was a formidable woman and a granddaughter of Charles Darwin. She enjoyed hybridising plants and gave some seeds to the nurseryman Alan Bloom who named his commercial stock after her. Together they produced a cottage garden classic.
  14. Arenaria montana is a classic little alpine or rock garden plant, still relatively unknown to many gardeners.
    Arenaria montana is a classic little alpine or rock garden plant, still relatively unknown to many gardeners. The plant forms prostrate mats of evergreen foliage, blanketed by large white flowers. They are at their loveliest spilling over walls and will quickly fill in the spaces between stepping stones.
  15. Asphodeline lutea is an easy to grow perennial that has great architectural form.

    Asphodeline lutea

    King's Spear, Yellow Jacob's Rod

    Asphodeline lutea is an easy to grow perennial that has great architectural form. The overall impression is distinctly upright, so it is good for adding vertical interest to the garden. In early summer leafy stems arise that bear dense, unbranched cylindrical spikes of gorgeous yellow, star-shaped flowers.

  16. Aubrieta hybrida 'Hendersonii' is a vigorous variety that is smothered by rich lilac-purple flowers for several months in spring.

    Aubrieta hybrida 'Hendersonii'

    False Rockcress, Large-flowered Aubrieta

    Aubrieta 'Hendersonii' is a vigorous variety that is smothered by rich lilac-purple flowers for several months in spring. It grows to only 10 to 15cm tall at maturity, but with a spread of around 45cm it makes a lively edging to a sunny border, growing over rock walls or placed in stonewalls.

  17. Aubrieta 'Leichtlinii' forms a low cushion of evergreen grey-green leaves and freely produces deep carmine flowers.

    Aubrieta hybrida 'Leichtlinii'

    False Rockcress, Large-flowered Aubrieta

    Commonly called ‘Rock Cress’, Aubrieta is a traditional rock garden plant that is lovely spilling out of crevices, growing over rock walls or placed in stonewalls. 'Leichtlinii' forms a low cushion of leaves that is, throughout the summer months, smothered by wonderful deep-carmine flowers.

  18. Aubrieta ‘Whitewell Gem’ has a ground-hugging habit and freely produces large, intense reddish-purple flowers.for several months.

    Aubrieta hybrida 'Whitewell Gem'

    False Rockcress, Large-flowered Aubrieta

    Aubrieta has long been treasured for its delightful spring show of brightly coloured flowers. ‘Whitewell Gem’ is smothered by large, intense reddish-purple flowers for several months. Lovely spilling out of crevices or over rock walls, the plants can also be used in paving with other ground hugging plants.

  19. Aubrieta x cultorum 'Cascade Mix'

    Aubrieta x cultorum 'Cascade Mix'

    False Rockcress, Large-flowered Aubrieta

    Aubrietia is a very versatile plant. They are well known for use in rockeries, but the cushion forming habit also makes it useful as a ground cover; it can be planted in beds and is perfect for underplanting shrubs. they can also be used between paving and walls, or create a wonderful foil for spring bulbs.

  20. Bupleurum rotundifolium 'Green Gold'

    A classic filler adding colour and texture, Bupleurum provide charming foliage and blooms of chartreuse green for the vase. Developed for the florist trade and recently introduced, 'Green Gold' produces wonderfully upright plants. Its flowers are produced on long, sturdy stems that have an exceptionally long vase life, lasting up to 10 days in a vase.

  21. Cupid's Dart was historically used in love potions, hence the name, and still symbolises love in the language of flowers.

    Catananche caerulea 'Amor Blue'

    Cupids Dart, Love Plant.

    Catananche caerulea 'Amor Blue' is a charming plant, with blue, star like flowers each with a dark eye and unique papery petals. They look best when grown in groupings, rather than one or two plants and don’t mind crowding. Plant en-masse in prairie style or meadow plantings, mix them up a little with other hardy perennials and grasses.

  22. 'Amor White' produces stunning blooms of white, star like flowers each with a dark purple-blue eye.

    Catananche caerulea 'Amor White'

    Cupids Dart, Love Plant.

    Catananche caerulea 'Amor White' produces stunning blooms of white, star like flowers each with a dark purple-blue eye and unique papery petals. The blooms rise on single stems above neat clumps of grey-green foliage. Super when planted the border, they also make a wonderful, long lasting cut or dried flowers.

  23. Cephalaria gigantea have very pretty pale butter-yellow scabious shape flowers.

    Cephalaria gigantea 'Giant Scabious'

    Giant Scabious, Caucasian scabious

    Cephalaria gigantea is a gentle giant that has an informal look that is perfect for looser planting styles. With pretty pale butter-yellow scabious shaped flowers, use it as you would Verbena bonariensis planted at the back of a mixed or herbaceous border. The stems are tall but airy and 'see-through'.

  24. This uncommon Clematis is a graceful, vigorous and very floriferous climber. Flowering only three months after sowing it is very easy to grow.

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    This uncommon Clematis is a graceful, vigorous and very floriferous climber. During summer and all the way through to autumn the plant is covered with golden yellow nodding lanterns. In the autumn the flowers of 'Radar Love' turn into beautiful large tufts of long silvery, silky seed heads that are just as ornamental.

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