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Important For Bees

Important for Bees

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  1. Echinacea 'Paradiso Tall Mix' blooms in a large range of shades including some softer hues.

    Distinguished by its exceptionally large flowers, Echinacea 'Paradiso Tall Mix' blooms in a large range of shades including some lovely, soft hues. Very easy to grow, with good vigour and robust strong stems that branch from the base, the plants can be used for perennial beds and high-impact landscaping and as a cut or dried flower.

  2. Echinacea 'Paradiso Yellow' blooms in beautiful, illuminating warm yellow shades.

    Echinacea 'Paradiso' is an outstanding series of the familiar 'Cone Flower' and one of late summer's most garden worthy forms. A first year flowering perennial they are distinguished by the exceptionally large flowers which grow 8cm to 10cm (3 to 4in) wide. Echinacea 'Paradiso Yellow' blooms in beautiful, illuminating warm yellow shades.

  3. One of my favourites for the back row and I love the prickly blue balls in July.
    One of my favourites for the back row. The rounded, violet-blue flower heads on silvery, branched, leafy stems are actually much softer than they look. An unusual colour and structure, so a great conversation piece and an excellent dried flower.
  4. In summer Echium plantagineum bears the most beautiful dense spikes of exquisite, violet-blue flowers.

    Regular Price: €1.75

    Special Price €1.25

    In summer Echium plantagineum bears the most beautiful dense spikes of exquisite, violet-blue flowers. Compact and bushy and growing to only 30cm tall, they are rich in nectar and pollen and are ideal for attracting butterflies and bees. RHS AGM.
  5. In summer Echium 'White Bedder' bears the most beautiful dense spikes of exquisite, pure white flowers.

    Regular Price: €1.75

    Special Price €1.25

    If you don’t want plants that honeybees simply visit, but want to select plants that honeybees clearly love, choose Echium for your garden. Echium 'White Bedder' bears the most beautiful dense spikes of exquisite, pure white flowers. Make successive sowings for continuous flowering throughout the summer.

  6. Echium vulgare 'Vipers Bugloss'

    Echium vulgare 'Vipers Bugloss'

    Wildflower of Britain and Ireland

    Echium vulgare is a valuable native plant and is exotic enough to earn a place in a flower border. The plant is much loved by almost all bee species. If you don’t want plants that honeybees simply visit, but want to select plants that honeybees clearly love, choose Echium for your garden.

  7. Viper's bugloss is one of, if not THE very best plant to attract bees to your garden.

    Echium vulgare 'Vipers Bugloss', Organic

    Wildflower of Britain and Ireland
    Viper's bugloss is one of, if not THE very best plant to attract bees to your garden. Along with Borage and Phacelia, the plant is much loved by almost all bee species, especially bumblebees. For months this plant is a stable source of nectar. Organic Seed.
  8. The plants errupt in spring to produce countless sprays of fragrant lavender-blue flower spikes.

    Galega officinalis is an ancient ornamental plant that produces a delightful natural effect in the garden. The plants have handsome foliage and they errupt in spring to produce countless sprays of fragrant lavender-blue flower spikes, each with mini-sweet pea shaped flowers.

  9. One of the longest bloomers in the garden, hardy geranium bears flowers for months at a time. It produces jewel-tone, saucer-shape flowers and mounds of handsome, lobed foliage.

    Geranium - Hardy Geranium Mix

    Mixture of species and cultivars

    Hardy geraniums are undoubtedly one of the most popular groups of plants. Today’s hybrids are the modern flag bearers, they are beautiful, reliable and endlessly various produces jewel-tone, saucer-shape flowers for months at a time. Exceptionally good value this mix always contain a few real rarities.

  10. Geranium 'Orchid Blue' produces clusters of  saucer shaped flowers of a rarely seen shade of pure orchid-blue

    Geranium 'Orchid Blue' is a simply stunning plant, producing clusters of saucer shaped flowers of a rarely seen shade of pure orchid-blue, each with purple-violet veins. This new-on-the-scene plant soon spreads to form low hummocks of deeply cut soft green, leaves.

  11. Geranium endressii

    Geranium endressii

    French crane's-bill, Géranium d' Endress

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    Geranium endressii is one of the best choices for massed plantings, filling in quickly to create a bushy groundcover. The plant forms a mound of glossy, deeply-cut, green foliage, bearing a summer-long display of cup-shaped, bright pink flowers.
  12. Geranium pratense is one of our loveliest wild flowers and worthy of a place in any border.

    Geranium pratense

    Meadow Cranesbill, Hardy Geranium
    Wildflower of Britain and Ireland

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    The beautiful, soft violet-blue flowers make the meadow crane’s bill one of our most distinctive wildflowers. Perfect for a meadow, it is often planted in gardens as it flowers for a long time, it must be one of our loveliest wild flowers and worthy of a place in any border.

  13. Geranium pratense 'Dark Reiter’

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    'Dark Reiter’, is a fairly new cultivar originating from 'Victor Reiter' whose namesake was the legendary California nurseryman. What sets this plant apart is the new leaves that emerge a light maroon colour then fade to a purple-flushed deep green, it produces violet-blue flowers in spring.

  14. Very easy to grow, Geranium "Splish Splash" is a fascinating, rare and prized border plant.

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    "Splish Splash" is a fascinating, rare and prized border plant and one of the most beautiful, striking and unusual perennial geraniums. Very easy to grow, the clumps of divided foliage are topped with mauve-blue splashes and flecks on pure white petals, each petal appearing to be individually designed and painted.

  15. Geranium pyrenaicum is a European species and well known for being one of the most floriferous of Geraniums.

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    Geranium pyrenaicum is a European species and well known for being one of the most floriferous of Geraniums. 'Summer Snow' is an easy to grow, yet hard to find white flowered cultivar which produces profuse quantities of white flowers each with deeply notched petals.

  16. ‘Vision Light Pink’ produces masses of large luminescent flowers from early spring through to late summer.

    ‘Vision Light Pink’ produces masses of large luminescent light pink flowers with red veins from early spring through to late summer. This long-lived, drought-tolerant perennial is useful as a small scale groundcover and in mixed borders. Use it in rock gardens, stone walls or even in container plantings.

  17. ‘Vision Violet’ produces masses of large luminescent violet flowers from early spring through to late summer.

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    A beautiful, robust ground cover variety of the every popular Geranium sanguineum; ‘Vision Violet’ produces masses of large luminescent violet flowers from early spring to summer. The blooms cover this compact, mounding plant with intricately cut leaves.

  18. With masses of vibrant blooms in a spectrum of rich colours from gold to mahogany red.

    Helenium autumnale 'Helena'

    Helens's Flower, Autumn Helenium

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    If there's one plant that can inject a little razzle-dazzle into the border during gloomy late summers it is Helenium. From late July 'Helena' blooms with masses of vibrant blooms in a spectrum of rich colours from gold to mahogany red. Perfect for the back of the border and wonderful for cutting.

  19.  Heleniums are much under-rated garden plants. They are a mainstay of the summer and autumn border but are so often overlooked.

    Helenium hoopesii

    Mountain helenium, Owls-Claws

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    Helenium hoopesii is considered by some to be the most valuable of the species. It blooms with bright golden yellow disk florets that each form a kind of rounded knob that transforms the flower from your typical two-dimensional daisy into something much more interesting and sculptural.

  20. Hyssop is an aromatic herb similar to rosemary or lavender which is enjoying a revival with home gardeners.

    Hyssopus officinalis 'Alba' is a much less well known variety of hyssop. Also known as 'White Hyssop' the plants sport bright white flowers from July to October. Widely used as a 'taste enhancing' herb or wildlife plant, the plants are a dark, vibrant green with a spiky, upright habit and narrow tongue-like leaves which have a peppery scent when stroked.

  21. It is widely used as a 'taste enhancing' herb in cooking and in teas.

    Hyssop, once recognised as a medicinal herb is enjoying a revival with home gardeners. An aromatic herb similar to rosemary or lavender, it makes an excellent low hedge and more unusual alternative to box. The plants are a dark, vibrant green with a spiky, upright habit and narrow tongue-like leaves. 'Pink' Hyssop sports vibrant, pink flowers.

  22. Hyssop is an aromatic herb similar to rosemary or lavender which is enjoying a revival with home gardeners.

    Hyssop, Hyssopus officinalis, Blue Hyssop

    Blue Hyssop
    Wildflower of Britain and Ireland

    Hyssop is a strong-flavoured aromatic herb which is enjoying a revival with home gardeners. An ideal plant for use in containers or as a low hedge or border within the herb garden. Highly attractive to bees, it makes excellent honey and is a must for any wildflower garden.

  23. Ipomoea purpurea "Grandpa Ott" flowers of intense violet-blue, with a ruby red star produced in profusion on the plant.

    Ipomoea purpurea 'Grandpa Ott'

    Heirloom Morning Glory

    Regular Price: €1.95

    Special Price €1.25

    This heirloom morning glory originated in Bavaria in Germany and named for the original Seed-saver Baptist John Ott, Ipomoea purpurea 'Grandpa Ott' flowers of intense violet-blue, with a ruby red star. It is a good climber for walls, trellis work or if allowed to scramble through other plants or trees.

  24. Knautia arvensis is an attractive native perennial herb of well drained grassland.

    Knautia arvensis 'Field Scabious'

    Field Scabious
    Wildflower of Britain and Ireland

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    Knautia arvensis is an attractive native perennial herb of well drained grassland. It can be found throughout Europe in meadows, rough pasture, hedgerows and verges. Though it is by nature a perennial, it will flower and produce seed the first year if grown as an annual, either autumn or spring sown.

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