Paulownia tomentosa
Royal Paulownia, Empress, Princess or Foxglove Tree€2.45Paulownia puts on an awe inspiring show in spring. Its soft chamois velvet buds open into large violet to blue, trumpet-like blossoms which fill the air with a sweet fragrance. Huge downy leaves appear after the flowers have opened. They are an architectural delight.
Eucalyptus pulverulenta 'Baby Blue'
Silver-leaved Mountain Gum, Florists Eucalyptus€3.95Wonderfully ornamental, Eucalyptus pulverulenta 'baby blue' is the silver dollar of florists worldwide. The elliptical, aromatic, blue-green leaves are stacked along lengthy, multi-branched stems. This cultivar of bridal bouquets and garlands, the bluish grey of its foliage makes it a wild card for floral arrangements.
Eucalyptus parvifolia 'Small leaved'
Syn: E parvi or E. parvula, Aka Kybean Gum€3.95Out of stock
Eucalyptus parvifolia is an extremely versatile variety that makes a wonderful bouquet addition. It can be grown as an annual from seed if started early, each shrub-sized plant produces loads of stems that are perfect for flower arranging and can also be dried for later use.
Eucalyptus gunnii 'Silver Drop'
Cider Gum, Gum Tree€3.95Out of stock
Eucalyptus gunnii 'Silver Drop' is a wonderful fragrant foliage in high demand in the cut flower trade. Bred especially to provide small round, blue-green leaves that are better for fine floral work. Use it as filler in mixed bouquets where they add interesting colour, texture and aroma.
Eucalyptus citriodora 'Lemon Scented Gum'
Syn: Corymbia citrodora€2.95Eucalyptus citriodora is a beautiful, fast growing species with sword shaped leaves that have an amazing citrus fragrance when crushed. the essential oils mainly consist of 80-90% citronella - at outdoor events a lush garland of eucalyptus helps keep insects at bay.
Eucalyptus cinerea 'Silver Dollar'
Tasmanian Blue, Florists Eucalyptus€3.95Currently one of the most desirable floristic materials, popularised by social media influencers, Eucalyptus cinerea has fragrant, blue-grey, round leaves that have remarkable durability and remain in good condition for weeks after cutting. The stems can be seen hanging in steaming showers where their fragrance can truly be appreciated.