Hardy Annuals
Leucanthemum vulgare 'Ox-Eye Daisy'
Field Daisy, Marguerite
Wildflower of Britain and IrelandStarting at: €2.45
The Ox-eye Daisy is one of the most familiar of all summer flowers. They can be planted at almost any time of year. When seen naturalised in drifts in a sunny wildflower meadow, adorning roadside and meadows or even in a little corner of the garden they are spectacular.
Limnanthes douglasii
Poached Egg Plant or Fried Egg Plant.Starting at: €1.75
The fragrant, abundant flowers of Limnanthes appear from summer to autumn and attract bees and butterflies for the duration. This lovely plant provides a carpet of fragrant golden and white blooms that will grace the front of the border, rockery or path edging.
Matthiola incana 'Miracle Crimson'
Column or Traditional Tall Stocks€2.35Florists’ bouquets often include stocks. They enchant us with the soft colours of the double flowers and with their intensely sweet scent. The Miracle series is specifically cultivated for cutting. With extremely large flower heads and upright strong stems, they do not branch but grow neatly to about 70cm tall.
Matthiola incana 'Miracle Mid Blue'
Column or Traditional Tall Stocks€2.35Out of stock
Florists’ bouquets often include stocks. They enchant us with the soft colours of the double flowers and with their intensely sweet scent. The Miracle series is specifically cultivated for cutting. With extremely large flower heads and upright strong stems, they do not branch but grow neatly to about 70cm tall.
Matthiola incana, 'Apricot'
Column or Traditional Tall Stocks€2.35Matthiola incana 'Apricot' is a variety of the traditional tall stocks that are grown for the floral industry. The plants have large flower heads and grow to a height of 75cm. Extremely fashionable, the delicate peachy-apricot flowers are long lasting and magnificently fragrant with a sweet and spicy clove scent.
Matthiola incana, 'Avalanche'
Column or Traditional Tall Stocks€2.35Matthiola incana 'Avalanche' is a marvellous cut flower strain that reliably produces densely populated panicles on strong, single stems. It produces a high percentage of double flowers that can be selected based on leaf colour. Sow anytime from January to July for flowering April to October.
Matthiola incana, 'Sweetheart'
Column or Traditional Tall Stocks€2.35Matthiola incana 'Sweetheart' with the delicate pale-pink blooms is a variety that is traditionally grown for the floral industry. They can be sown early in spring to give a good summer flower display or can be treated as biennials. Seedlings started inside in October will have the flowers ready for Valentine’s Day.
Matthiola incana, Lilac-Lavender'
Column or Traditional Tall Stocks€2.35Out of stock
Matthiola incana ‘Lilac-Lavender’ is a marvellous cut flower strain that reliably produces densely populated panicles on strong, single stems. Long lasting and magnificently fragrant with a sweet and spicy clove scent, this variety is particularly suited for beds and for cutting for the vase.
Matthiola longipetala 'Night Scented Stock'
Evening Scented Stock, Perfume Plant€1.75Night or Evening-scented Stock is one of the easiest and rewarding scented plants to grow. The flowers open in the late afternoon and emit a most delightful fragrance. The scent has been compared to vanilla, rose, spice and even cloves. It will become a summer fragrance you will never want to be without!
Moluccella laevis
Bells of Ireland, Shell FlowerStarting at: €1.85
'Bells of Ireland' are flowers to please anyone who loves flower arranging. Cut fresh, the bells will last for years and they are very useful for winter arrangements but they also look good in flower borders and with the recent fashion for green blooms are becoming more sought after.
Myosotis avensis
Forget-Me-Not, Mouse Ears
Wildflower of Britain and IrelandStarting at: €2.00
Out of stock
The much-loved, blue Forget-me-nots have the ability to stimulate nostalgic memories. They are a wonderful ground cover for a shady area, although they will also grow in full sun. They are easy to grow and if left alone, will create a lovely blue blanket of flowers.
Nepeta subsessilis 'Dark Blue Panther'
Misogawo-so, Japanese Catmint€2.50Nepeta ‘Dark Blue Panther’ is the dark blue flowered variety and sister to 'Pink Panther' and the beautiful white 'Snow' Panther. This award winning variety starts to flower just 15 weeks after sowing and can be can be grown as an annual or as a flowering perennial.
Nepeta subsessilis 'Pink Panther'
Misogawo-so, Japanese Catmint€2.50Nepeta subsessilis 'Pink Panther' is the pink form of large-flowered Nepeta which is grown from seed and flowers during the first year. It can be grown as an annual or as a flowering perennial. Flowering from June until the end of September, they work well as an informal low hedge or mixed in the border with other annuals or perennials.
Nepeta subsessilis 'Snow Panther'
Misogawo-so, Japanese Catmint€2.50Recognised as having the largest flowers of all the nepetas and only one with white flowers, Nepeta subsessilis 'Snow Panther' flowers during the first year and can be grown as an annual or as a flowering perennial. This award winning variety is extremely attractive to bees and butterflies they are also excellent for containers.
Nigella damascena 'Miss Jekyll, Rose'
Love in a Mist€1.95'Miss Jekyll Rose' is much less common than the usual blue varieties of Nigella, bearing wonderful rose-pink flowers which seem to float amongst the finely cut leaves. One of the most interesting shaped flowers you will ever see, and once the petals drop, the blossoms transform into little fairy lanterns and the seed pods can be dried for winter decorations
Nigella damascena 'Moody Blues'
Love in a Mist€2.25Nigella 'Moody Blues' produces blooms in many shades of blue, from sky blue right through to deep midnight blue. Nigella are ridiculously easy to grow. Sown directly, they will be flowering in just three months and bloom right through to October. In cool summer climates, additional sowings can be done every 3 to 4 weeks until mid-summer.
Nigella damascena alba 'Miss Jekyll, White'
Love in a MistStarting at: €1.85
Nigella “Miss Jekyll White” is one of the most interesting shaped flowers you will ever see. With pure white blooms, once the petals drop, the blossoms transform into little fairy lanterns and the seed pod can be dried for winter decoration indoors.
Nigella damascena floraplena 'Albion Black Pod'
Love in a Mist€2.35'Albion Black Pod' is much less common than the usual Nigella varieties, It bears delicate romantic white flowers with intriguing little green stamens that are surrounded by ferny foliage. At the end of the season, the petals drop and the blossoms transform into dark plum fairy lanterns.
Nigella damascena floraplena 'Albion Green Pod'
Love in a Mist€2.35'Albion Green Pod' is an unusual species of Nigella. The flowers are followed by fresh green, very ornamental seed capsules, are held on stiff stems that are perfect for use as a cut flower. They dry readily and easily, are very decorative and very useful for fresh and dried bouquets and winter decorations indoors.
Nigella orientalis ‘Transformer’
Yellow Fennel Flower, Love in a Mist€1.95An unusual twist on the classic cottage garden flower, Nigella 'Transformer' adds intriguing texture with its uniquely shaped flowers and upright, seed pods. A good choice for borders, mass plantings or cut flowers. Used fresh or dried the seed pods are a great filler in bouquets, cut flower production is just 12 to 16 weeks.
Nigella papillosa ‘African Bride’
Aka Nigella hispanica, Spanish Love in a Mist€2.45Nigella papillosa ‘African Bride’ is a most attractive variety. Deep rich purple stamens that highlight pure white blooms are followed by intriguing red seed pods. A hardy annual that is very easy to grow, it is rather special as a cut flower, and lovely in summer borders too.
Nigella papillosa ‘Delft Blue'
Aka Nigella hispanica, Spanish Love in a Mist€2.45Named for the famous Dutch Delft blue pottery, Nigella papillosa ‘Delft Blue’ is an eye catching hardy annual with flower petals in varying shades of blue and grey, and intricate deep-purple centres. They make a splendid addition to mixed beds and border displays and the flowers attract and feed bees as well as other beneficial insects.
Nigella papillosa ‘Midnight'
Aka Nigella hispanica, Spanish Love in a Mist€2.25Nigella papillosa ‘Midnight' is a very handsome variety with gorgeous, velvety, dark purple flowers which stand above attractive, lush green feathery foliage. Ornamental, dark purple, spider-like seed pods extend the interest of this border star well into autumn. Sowing to flowering takes just three months.
Orlaya grandiflora 'White Finch'
Minoan Lace or French Meadow Parsley€2.65Orlaya grandiflora 'White Finch' is a true flower show star. This outstanding plant displays stunning pure white flowers that form in large, flat-topped clusters which resemble lace-cap hydrangeas. The plants bloom for a remarkably long period and mix easily with others in the garden or bouquet.