Nigella damascena floraplena 'Albion Black Pod'
Love in a Mist€2.35'Albion Black Pod' is much less common than the usual Nigella varieties, It bears delicate romantic white flowers with intriguing little green stamens that are surrounded by ferny foliage. At the end of the season, the petals drop and the blossoms transform into dark plum fairy lanterns.
Nigella damascena alba 'Miss Jekyll, White'
Love in a MistStarting at: €1.85
Nigella “Miss Jekyll White” is one of the most interesting shaped flowers you will ever see. With pure white blooms, once the petals drop, the blossoms transform into little fairy lanterns and the seed pod can be dried for winter decoration indoors.
Nicotiana affinis var. grandiflora
Jasmine Tobacco, Flowering Tobacco
Also known as Nicotiana alata var. grandiflora€1.95Nicotiana affinis, also known as N. alata, is a classic tobacco plant with a delicious evening scent. It has been justly popular for over a century and a firm favourite with generations of gardeners: it is far lovelier than the modern improved forms of Nicotiana alata.
Nepeta subsessilis 'Snow Panther'
Misogawo-so, Japanese Catmint€2.50Recognised as having the largest flowers of all the nepetas and only one with white flowers, Nepeta subsessilis 'Snow Panther' flowers during the first year and can be grown as an annual or as a flowering perennial. This award winning variety is extremely attractive to bees and butterflies they are also excellent for containers.
Matthiola incana, 'Avalanche'
Column or Traditional Tall Stocks€2.35Matthiola incana 'Avalanche' is a marvellous cut flower strain that reliably produces densely populated panicles on strong, single stems. It produces a high percentage of double flowers that can be selected based on leaf colour. Sow anytime from January to July for flowering April to October.
Malva moschata f. alba
White Musk Mallow€2.65Considered by many gardeners to be the most desirable of the Malva species, this rare white-flowered form is even lovelier than the normal rose-pink Musk Mallow. Flowering throughout the summer, the pure white, scented flowers contrast beautifully with the ferny foliage.
Lysimachia clethroides ‘Lady Jane’
Gooseneck Loosestrife€3.40Lysimachia ‘Lady Jane’ produces spires of white blossoms right above the foliage, they arch over then tip up at the ends and grow in beautiful curvy forms. Absolutely loved by butterflies, an additional feature is the good autumn foliage colour.
Lunaria annua var. alba 'White Honesty'
Silver Dollars, Silver PenniesStarting at: €2.20
Lunaria annua alba has pure white starry blooms which are almost fluorescent at sunset. Over a long season it produces masses of silvery pods. It is properly grown as a biennial, and makes large, well-branched plants in its second year. Very easy to grow it is also a vital nectar plant.
Linaria purpurea ‘Canon J Went’
Toadflax€2.55Out of stock
With tall spikes of pink and mauve tiny flowers, Linaria ‘Canon J Went’ is an undemanding hardy perennial. Bone hardy, long-lived and drought-resistant, they are wonderful in the perennial border, for naturalised planting schemes, mass plantings or gravel gardens and a great choice for cut flowers.
Limonium tataricum, Statice, 'Woodcreek'
Limonium latifolium, German or Perennial Statice€2.95Coveted by every devotee of flower arranging, the perennial variety 'Woodcreek' is extremely useful and popular. Long lived and very productive year after year, it makes a stunning spectacle when in bloom. Airy clouds of tiny white papery flowers hover all summer, on leafless fine stems that are perfect for picking.
Leucanthemum vulgare, Ox-Eye Daisy, Organic
Ox-eye Daisy, Field Daisy, Marguerite, Wildflower of the British Isles€2.75Commonly found growing in bold swathes on grassy banks and roadside verges, the Ox-eye Daisy flowers from June through to August. The solitary composite flower of white rays are popular with Mason bees and hoverflies. Organic Seeds
Leucanthemum vulgare 'Ox-Eye Daisy'
Field Daisy, Marguerite
Wildflower of Britain and IrelandStarting at: €2.45
The Ox-eye Daisy is one of the most familiar of all summer flowers. They can be planted at almost any time of year. When seen naturalised in drifts in a sunny wildflower meadow, adorning roadside and meadows or even in a little corner of the garden they are spectacular.
Lavandula angustifolia ‘Ellagance Ice’
Aka 'Elegance Snow' White Lavender€3.10Out of stock
'Ellagance' are first year flowering lavenders, 'Ellagance Ice’ is the white flowered variety. The deliciously perfumed, pure white blooms make an enchanting informal aromatic hedge in the garden. The flowers are produced from July onwards and are highly attractive to bees.
Lathyrus odoratus, Spencer Traditional 'Royal Wedding'
Spencer Traditional Sweet Pea, 1981€2.45Introduced in 1981 in celebration of the wedding of Prince Charles and Lady Diana, Lathyrus 'Royal Wedding' produces wonderfully large, slightly ruffled flowers with four to five blooms to a stem. They are of course perfect for wedding work.
Lathyrus odoratus, Spencer Traditional 'Ice Cream'
Spencer Traditional Sweet Pea, 1959€2.25Long-stemmed creamy-white with extra-long, thick stems and a wonderful fragrance, Lathyrus 'Ice-Cream' is a romantic addition to the garden and perfect for wedding work. Stunningly beautiful, with the most delicious vanilla ice cream coloured large undulating petals.
Lathyrus odoratus, Modern Grandiflora 'Moody Blues'
Keith Hammett introductions 2009.
Three varieties - 'North Shore', 'Cocktail' and 'Big Blue'€2.95Dr Keith Hammett has bred many incredible new varieties, now referred to as the 'Modern Grandiflora's', they feature larger petal sizes and longer stem lengths and, importantly, their scent has been retained. 'Moody Blues' combines three of Keith's most popular varieties.
Ipomoea alba 'Moonflower'
Lady-of-the-night€2.25Throughout the summer, large, pure white flowers of Ipomoea alba open quickly at night, releasing sweet perfume into the evening air. Position near to your patio where you can enjoy the fragrant scent in the evening. A wonderful plant for a moth, night, or fragrance garden, the large white blooms appear to illuminate the garden
Iberis sempervirens 'Snowflake'
Perennial or Evergreen Candytuft€1.95Iberis sempervirens is an early season favorite. This low bushy plant produces mounds of blinding white flowers in spring to early summer. An all round tough plant suitable for problem areas, use for containers, for pathways and crevices of ornamental walls.
Hyssopus officinalis 'Alba' is a much less well known variety of hyssop. Also known as 'White Hyssop' the plants sport bright white flowers from July to October. Widely used as a 'taste enhancing' herb or wildlife plant, the plants are a dark, vibrant green with a spiky, upright habit and narrow tongue-like leaves which have a peppery scent when stroked.
Hesperis matronalis alba
White Sweet Rocket, Dames Violet, Summer Lilac.€2.10Gorgeously scented pure white flowers are held above rosettes of dark green leaves. Like all sweet rockets it is highly attractive to bees and other beneficial insects, the fragrant flowers perfume the air in late spring and early summer evenings. The night-scented stock is a close relative.
Helleborus niger
Christmas Rose, Christmas Hellebore, Black Hellebore€3.75Helleborus niger is smaller and more compact than any of its relatives and is the first in bloom, producing a succession of delicate white flowers throughout winter. It is a welcome sight when the snow thaws to see something so pretty in bloom.
Helichrysum bracteatum 'King Size Silvery White'
Strawflower, Everlasting, Paper Daisy, Immortelle€2.65Helichrysum bracteatum is the most well known and is probably the best of all the everlasting flowers. They make one of the finest subjects for bouquets, apart from being useful for beds and borders. It is the cut flower grower's staple. 'King Size Silvery-White' produce substantial slky-white blooms that are held atop strong multi-branching bright green stems.
Helichrysum bracteatum 'King Size Creamy White'
Strawflower, Everlasting, Paper Daisy, Immortelle€2.65Helichrysum 'King Size Creamy-White' produce creamy-white, vintage-toned blooms that are one of the finest subjects for bouquets and especially valued for wedding work. They are also an excellent dried flower, the papery flowers give an excellent natural colour.
Helichrysum bracteatum 'King Size Bright Rose'
Strawflower, Everlasting, Paper Daisy, Immortelle€2.65Growing to around 90cm tall, Helichrysum 'King Size Bright Rose' are very easy to cultivate, growing well with little or no attention. The flowers bloom non-stop from ten weeks after sowing and will continue to flower until late autumn. Useful for beds and borders and one of the finest subjects for bouquets, and to cap it all, pollinators love them.