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Interesting Foliage

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  1. Wizard Coral Sunrise feature coral pink heart-shaped leaves with contrasting shades of olive and intense bright green margins.

    Coleus blumei, 'Wizard Coral Sunrise'

    Painted Nettle. Flame Nettle

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    Coleus have been perfected, the new varieties have colours that intensify in sun, but can also thrive in shade. “Coral Sunrise” is an excellent example of the new developments, The beautiful coral pink heart-shaped leaves have neatly serrated edges, with shades of olive and intense bright green margins.

  2. Cyclamen coum has some remarkable qualities which make it well-adored as a cultivated ornamental plant.

    Cyclamen coum

    Hardy Cyclamen

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    Cyclamen coum is adored as a cultivated ornamental plant. The flowers vary from white to rosy-purple with every hue in between and in such quantity to obscure the leaves. They open from early winter and continue unabated into spring.
  3. Whether you are into the culinary arts or edible landscapes, you may want to put this plant at the top of your list.
    Whether you are into the culinary arts or edible landscapes, you may want to put this plant at the top of your list. Chosen by the RHS as one of the top plants of the last 200 years, Cardoons are aristocrats in both the ornamental and the vegetable world.
  4. The Umbrella Plant is a very popular house plant and commonly grown as a marginal pond plant.

    Cyperus alternifolius is a very popular both as a house plant and pond plant. The bracts are symmetrically arranged in an umbrella formation and held atop elegant stems that sway with the breeze, giving a tropical touch to the garden. They are also excellent when used in fresh or dried floral arrangements.

  5. Deschampsia cespitosa is a lovely variety of ornamental grass especially valued for it’s tall flower plumes.

    Deschampsia cespitosa

    Tufted Hairgrass

    Deschampsia cespitosa is a lovely variety of ornamental grass especially valued for it’s tall flower plumes. The sprays of airy delicate flowers, eventually changing to bronze add texture and colour to the winter garden and deliver a knock-out punch to cut-flower arrangements.

  6. Deschampsia cespitosa 'Pixie Fountain'

    'Pixie Fountain' is a dwarf variety of Deschampsia cespitosa, just as pretty as its larger cousin. The flower stems growing to a height of 60cm. Perfect for many situations, adding dimension, texture, and a breezy quality to the garden.

  7. Teasel Blooms

    Dipsacus sativus fullonum

    Fuller’s Teasel, Wildflower of Britain and Ireland

    Fullers Teasel a sub-species of the common teasel. The bristly flower heads were cultivated, matured and dried. Inserted into wooden frames, they were used to bulk up the pile on woolen cloth. The variant name 'fullonum' refers to the name of the trade of the 'fullers' to raise the nap on woolen cloth - to 'tease' it. Teasel is still used today by some who weave wool by hand.

  8. One of my favourites for the back row and I love the prickly blue balls in July.
    One of my favourites for the back row. The rounded, violet-blue flower heads on silvery, branched, leafy stems are actually much softer than they look. An unusual colour and structure, so a great conversation piece and an excellent dried flower.
  9. A highly ornamental plant often grown in gardens for its metallic bluish flowers and intensely whitish-glaucous leaves.

    Eryngium maritimum

    Seaside Eryngo, Sea Holly.
    Ancient Crop. Wildflower of Britain and Ireland

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    Eryngium maritimum is an evergreen perennial plant native to Europe. Often found on sea shores, it is a protected species in many parts of the world. Highly ornamental, it is grown in gardens for its metallic bluish flowers and intensely whitish-glaucous leaves, it is very attractive to bees and butterflies.

  10. Eryngium variifolium ‘Miss Marble’

    Eryngium variifolium ‘Miss Marble’

    Variable-Leaved Sea Holly, Moroccan Sea Holly

    Eryngium variifolium ‘Miss Marble’ is a spectacular evergreen perennial. The neat mound of basal leaves are attractively marbled with silver veining. In summer upright stems bear silvery-blue flowers, each thimble is surrounded by long, slender bracts which splay outwards, adding to the prickly appearance.

  11. Erythronium dens-canis is attractive from the moment it pokes up from the soil in early spring.

    Erythronium dens-canis

    Dog's Tooth Violet
    Erythronium dens-canis is attractive from the moment it pokes up from the soil in early spring. The oval pointed leaves with bronze patterns appear in early spring and are followed shortly by nodding rose pink to purple, elfin-cap flowers that bloom for several weeks.
  12. Dainty diminutive Festuca glauca is one of the most tactile of the evergreen grasses.

    Diminutive Festuca glauca makes a tight mound of steely blue, needle-like blades and is one of the most tactile of the evergreen grasses. Planted as a specimen or in swathes across a garden, the colour is so unexpected it can't help but catch the eye.

  13. Gunnera is one of the biggest and most spectacular, architectural, herbaceous plants, commonly thought of as giant rhubarb.

    Gunnera manicata

    Giant Rhubarb

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    Gunnera is one of the biggest and most spectacular, architectural, herbaceous plants. With gigantic, deeply lobed, deep green leaves, they look best standing as specimen plants or beside a large pond where the reflections reveal the undersides of the leaves
  14. Helianthus annuus 'Sunfill Green F1'

    Helianthus annuus 'Sunfill Green F1'

    A cut filler for bouquets.

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    With most sunflowers, the beauty is in the flower petals, but the multi-layered, green outer calyxes of Helianthus 'Sunfill Green' create the show. This fast growing annual source of cut fillers for bouquets produce geometric flower heads for use as bouquet greenery. Sow successionally, mid spring right through to mid summer.

  15. Helianthus annuus 'Sunfill Purple F1'

    Helianthus annuus 'Sunfill Purple F1'

    A cut filler for bouquets.

    Helianthus 'Sunfill Purple' is a novel purple sunflower with sumptuous dark centers and petals tipped with edged hints of purple. These fast-growing sunflowers produce geometric flower heads for use as bouquet greenery. Just 50 days to maturity, sow successionally, mid spring right through to mid summer.

  16. This lovely bright green creeper spreads effortlessly in all directions filling up to two feet per plant.

    Herniaria glabra

    Smooth Rupturewort

    Herniaria glabra is a relatively unknown perennial that deserves to be used more often in our gardens. The nursery industry calls it ‘Green Carpet’ and well they should. This lovely bright green creeper spreads effortlessly in all directions. An excellent choice for between flagstones or as a lawn substitute.

  17. Hordeum jubatum with silky, golden-grey panicles in early and mid summer

    Hordeum jubatum

    Squirrel-Tail, Foxtail Barley
    Squirrel-Tail Grasses are the ultimate architectural plant, adding see-through effects, autumn colour and winter shapes. They carry silky, golden-greyish panicles in early and mid summer, which develop a reddish or purple tinge at the tips. Fantastic in massed groups, or around taller, more stately plants.
  18. Lagurus ovatus

    Lagurus ovatus

    Hares-tail, Bouquet Grass, Ornamental Grass

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    Lagurus ovatus is probably the most appealing of all the ornamental grasses. The name ‘Hare’s Tail’ perfectly accurately describes the creamy-white flower heads, which are hare's tail-shaped, fur-like and soft to the touch!
  19. Lepidium sativum, Persian Cress or Ornamental Cress

    Persian Cress or Ornamental Cress is a trendy filler green among floral artists and they keep it in regular demand. This easy to grow filler foliage grows upright, sturdy branches decorated with tiny, silvery seed pods by the thousands.The flower stems are durable and age well, turning golden at the end of the season.

  20. Milium effusum Aureum takes on an almost magical quality, bringing incandescent light to the shady places it prefers.

    Milium effusum 'Aureum'

    Bowles Golden Grass
    Milium effusum Aureum has a magical quality, bringing incandescent light to the shady places it prefers. As the season progresses tiny golden, bead-like flowers on hair-thin stems arch gracefully creating fountains of gold.
  21. Miscanthus sinensis 'Early Hybrids'

    Miscanthus sinensis 'Early Hybrids'

    Maiden Grass or Eulalia Grass

    An icon for well over a hundred years, the range of Miscanthus cultivars expanded dramatically in the 1950's when the German plant breeder Ernst Pagels persuaded two of his plants to set seed at the same time. The result of his work has provided us with some of the finest flowering grasses available today. ‘Early Hybrids’ are a selection of early blooming cultivars with differing colours and forms.

  22. Miscanthus cultivars provide airy, plumed seed heads that endure from August until late January or longer.

    Miscanthus sinensis 'New Hybrids'

    Maiden Grass or Eulalia Grass

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    Miscanthus are the queen of ornamental grasses. Miscanthus sinensis ‘New Hybrids’ provide a multitude of cultivars with varying heights, leaf widths and bloom times. Some plants will be upright growing and others will have a cascading habit, also expect variation in colouring.

  23. Molinia caerulea ssp.arundinacea feature clumps of arching foliage and tall, see-through flower spikes.

    Molinia caerulea ssp. arundinacea

    Tall Moor Grass, Purple Moor Grass

    Few other grasses have such a great separation between foliage and flowers than Molinia caerulea ssp. arundinaceae. With clumps of arching, blue-green leaves above which the most slender stems and delicate see-through flowers grow to six foot or more. In autumn they turn golden yellow to deep copper.

  24. Muhlenbergia capillaris display dramatic arching plumes of soft pink flowers,  reminiscent of headdresses worn by Vegas showgirls.

    Even people who aren’t familiar with ornamental grasses often know Muhlenbergia capillaris. With dramatic arching plumes of soft pink flowers reminiscent of headdresses worn by Vegas showgirls, a large planting of the wonderful Ruby Muhly Grass is enough to stop traffic.

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