Interesting Foliage
Verbascum bombyciferum ‘Arctic Summer’
'Polar Summer', 'White Bride' or 'Silver Lining'€2.95One look at this species of Verbascum and you will realise why it is also called ‘Arctic Summer’. Tall, white, fleecy flower stems emerge from felted evergreen leaves in early summer. Its stems and leaves are covered in a silvery down that gives it an appearance of being permanently covered with frost.
Tiarella wherryi 'Silverado'
Foam Flower, Mitrewort€3.00Out of stock
Tiarella is a small plant with heart-shaped leaves which makes a dense patch of foliage that is an excellent groundcover. An easy plant to grow: low maintenance, good in shade, and a long bloomer. It also works well in pots and containers.
Thalictrum lucidum
Shining Meadow Rue€2.20Out of stock
Thalictrum lucidum is a less well known species of meadow rue, it sports luscious deep green, fern-like foliage. In mid-summer the plant is festooned with a superb array of fragrant flower stems, topped with airy puffs of soft cream flowers each with bright yellow stamens.
Thalictrum delavayi
Chinese or Yunnan meadow rue.€2.95Out of stock
Thalictrum delavayi are invaluable for providing a contrast with heavier flowers, with light airy sprays of flowers that look, from a distance, like a mauve mist hovering among other plants. They flower for several weeks and succeed in a broad range of conditions .
Thalictrum aquilegifolium 'Purpureum'
French Meadow-Rue, Greater Meadow Rue.€2.55Out of stock
Thalictrum aquilegifolium 'Purpureum' features a basal clump of lacy, blueish-green foliage topped by a hazy, fuzzy show of purple flowers. They produce a shimmering hazy effect in beds and borders wildflower gardens or meadows. Both leaves and flowers are good for flower arrangements.
Sweet Annie, Artemisia annua, Organic
Sweet wormwood, Qing Hao€2.65Out of stock
Artemisia annua, commonly called Sweet Annie is a graceful annual with tall stems with fine bright green ferny foliage. With sweetly fragrant foliage it has a wide variety of uses both medicinal and for handcrafting but is most often grown for fresh and dried arrangements. Organic Seeds.
Stipa tenuissima 'Pony Tails'
Recently renamed 'Nassella tenuissima'. Mexican Feather Grass€2.75Stipa tenuissima 'Pony Tails' is wonderfully impressive. In summer, plants are covered with masses of elegant pale feathery seed-heads which are held a little above the foliage. These can be cut for use in arrangements indoors. Alternatively they make a useful winter food source for finches and other seed-eating birds.
Stipa gigantea
Golden Oats€4.25Stipa gigantea is the most dramatically beautiful of all grasses. It has the wonderful and fashionably transparent quality of providing height without bulk, tall stems of golden oat-like flowers allow glimpses into the garden beyond.
Stachys byzantina
Lambs' ears, Woolly Betony
Also known as Stachys lanata, or olympica€2.25What can I say? Its a plant you can pet!...Bees love it…children love it….and you just have to stoke it on the way past! Lambs' ears is a well-known ground-covering perennial, popular for its soft, fluffy foliage, plus, it’s a great silver accent in between all the green going on in the garden.
Sporobolus heterolepis
Dropseed, Sacaton Grass€2.95Brought to the forefront of the design world by the Dutch plantsman Piet Oudolf, Sporobolus displays a magnificent fountain of fine textured, emerald-green leaves which develop rich shades of reddish-gold or deep orange in the autumn, but the great joy of this plant is that it produces a great cloudy haze of tiny flower heads.
Sempervivum tectorum
Hens 'n' Chicks, Houseleek€2.10Out of stock
Native to Europe, Sempervivum tectorum is a widely-planted succulent that has been grown in and around human settlements for millennia. Their rosettes are fascinating with their succulent leaves radiating around the centre, their colour hues are stunning and their tendency to produce offsets makes for easy increase.
Sempervivum hybridum 'Mixed Species'
Winter Hardy Varieties. Hens and Chicks or 'Hippy Chicks'€2.25Whether planted in large numbers or used as a single specimen Sempervivum are both beautiful and enduring. A selection of winter hardy species, the sheer variation of colour, texture and size of these fascinating succulents is almost infinite and their tendency to produce offsets makes for easy increase.
Sempervivum arachnoideum
The Cobweb Houseleek€2.35Always an interesting plant, Sempervivum arachnoideum is an exotic and interesting variation which forms small green rosettes of fleshy leaves, the tip of each leaf connected to another by a network of silvery filaments that resemble a spider’s web.
Sedum, 'Roof Garden Formula Mix'
Stonecrop€7.45Out of stock
Sedum Roof Garden Mix is a formula mixture of many important varieties for roof gardens in full foliage and flowering colour range. Low maintenance, durable and interesting, grow them on walls or banks, as a ground cover or as a green roof. Sedum strut their stuff where many other plants dare not venture!
Sedum, 'Mixed varieties'
Stonecrop,€1.75A mixture of many attractive low-growing sedum varieties representing a wide range of foliage types and flower colours. Low maintenance, durable and interesting, grow them on walls or banks, as a ground cover or as a green roof. Sedum strut their stuff where many other plants dare not venture!
Sedum ussuriense 'Pink Beacon'
Ussuri River Stonecrop
Recently renamed Hylotelephium ussuriense€2.80Sedum ussuriense is at its best in late summer and through autumn, the blue-green succulent, rounded leaves are followed by a glowing display or carmine-red flower clusters. It even pleases the eye in winter when its seed heads turn into a stage for dew drops and ice crystals.
Sedum telephium 'Emperor's Waves'
Emperor's Stonecrop
Recently renamed Hylotelephium telephium€2.95Hugely impressive in any garden, Sedum telephium ‘Emperors Wave’ boasts succulent, blue-green foliage and masses of star-shaped flowers in glorious shades of deep pink and purple. They are popular with late season perennials and ornamental grasses. The extreme contrast in flower shape enhance each other, adding to the textures and colours of the late season garden.
Scabiosa stellata
Paper moons, Star-flowers€3.25Out of stock
The papery bracts of Scabiosa stellata is an example of perfect geometry. A delicate geodesic sphere of translucent papery, cone shaped bracts adds a new shape to the garden. The everlasting seed heads make excellent cut flowers and are perfect for dried arrangements.
Santolina chamaecyparissus ssp tomentosa
Lavender Cotton€2.95Out of stock
Santolina, commonly known as Lavender Cotton is a small shrub with soft, woolly, finely divided foliage, that make neat, rounded bushes. They are valuable for mass planting, ideal for knot gardens and small hedging around herb gardens etc. It will stand any amount of clipping and shaping - a perfect plant for control freaks.
Salvia argentea, Artemis
Silver Sage€3.40Out of stock
Salvia argentea is prized for its spectacular, large, furry silver-grey leaves. The plants form an attractive mound that provide a dramatic background for colourful summer flowers. It complements purple or magenta flowers and looks gorgeous in a ‘white’ garden.
Rosularia rechingeri
Syn: Prometheum rechingeri€3.25Out of stock
Rosularia is a rosette forming succulent that closely resemble other Crassulaceae such as Sempervivum and Echeveria. It distinguishes itself in spring time when the small green clusters change to a vibrant rich reddish tone. Rare yet hardy, they are seldom seen other than in specialist nurseries or rock garden collections.
Pycnanthemum pilosum 'Mountain Mint'
American Mountain Mint€1.95Out of stock
This attractive plant will be equally at home in the flower border or keeping company with the sage and thyme in your herb garden. Delightfully aromatic, the floral-peppermint scent is subtly different from other mints. Mountain mint is a great nectar plant, its honey is much sought after.
Pennisetum villosum 'Cream Falls'
Chinese Fountain Grass€2.65Pennisetum villosum is one of the easiest and most visually stunning grasses to grow. Brilliant white, rabbit-tail spikes are produced in abundance from bushy, clump-forming deciduous plants. Eye-catching and early to flower in borders or large containers.
Pennisetum alopecuroides var. viridescens
Black Flowered or Dwarf Purple Fountain Grass€2.75Pennisetum alopecuroides var. viridescens has broader leaves and darker flower heads than the regular species and, growing to around 60cm tall, it is also slightly smaller. It has graceful smoky purple-black plumes that contrast nicely with the slender arching, glossy, deep green foliage.