Ipomoea lobata 'Spanish Flag'
Formerly Mina lobata, Quamoclit lobata€2.45Out of stock
Ipomoea lobata is a fast growing climber with an exotic appearance. The tightly formed buds are flame-crimson in colour, but as they enlarge they transition to infused shades or orange and cream which brings the flowers to life. It will look spectacular for months and is one of the best climbers you can grow.
Lagurus ovatus
Hares-tail, Bouquet Grass, Ornamental Grass€2.00Out of stock
Lagurus ovatus is probably the most appealing of all the ornamental grasses. The name ‘Hare’s Tail’ perfectly accurately describes the creamy-white flower heads, which are hare's tail-shaped, fur-like and soft to the touch!
Lathyrus odoratus 'Matucana'
Grandflora Sweet Pea. 1907€2.45'Matucana' was first introduced into this country from Sicily in 1699, this delightful heirloom dates back at least three centuries, highly valued for its wonderfully strong, sweet scent as well as its brilliant bicoloured blooms of richest purple and violet .
Lathyrus odoratus, Grandiflora 'Lord Nelson'
Grandflora Sweet Pea. 1907€2.25Lathyrus odoratus 'Lord Nelson' received an RHS Award of Merit in 1907 when it was introduced. Rich dark blue flowers that are very strongly scented. They are perfect for cutting, producing 3 or 4 flowers per stem with an irresistible medley of fragrances. It is one of the finest sweet peas available.
Lathyrus odoratus, Grandiflora 'Miss Willmott'
Grandflora Sweet Pea. 1901€2.25A striking heirloom variety that creates a big impact, Sweet Pea 'Miss Willmott' dates back to 1901 but remains as attractive as ever, in the garden or as a cut flower. Attractive pale orange and salmon pink, unusual bicoloured flowers make a wonderful display, and have a superb fragrance.
Lathyrus odoratus, Grandiflora 'Queen Alexandria'
Grandflora Sweet Pea. 1905€2.25A highly scented heirloom sweet pea introduced by Henry Eckford in 1905 and named in honour of Queen Alexandria, wife of King Edward VII. Lathyrus odoratus 'Queen Alexandria' has bright scarlet-pink blooms with three flowers per stem. Strongly scented too.
Lavandula angustifolia 'Hidcote Superior'
English Lavender€2.65The deepest purple of all lavenders, the recently introduced 'Hidcote Superior' ensures a predictable and consistent quality. A compact variety, suitable for growing in borders or as dwarf hedging, with dense silver-grey foliage covered in fragrant, dark purple-blue flower spikes in mid-summer.
Lavandula stoechas 'French Lavender'
Butterfly Lavender, Spanish Lavender (US)€2.45Lavender stoechas is an old variety, cultivated for more than 400 years, it is a favourite both for its intense fragrance and for the short dense flower spikes. French Lavender blooms from spring to frost and has a good clean scent.
Limnanthes douglasii
Poached Egg Plant or Fried Egg Plant.Starting at: €1.75
The fragrant, abundant flowers of Limnanthes appear from summer to autumn and attract bees and butterflies for the duration. This lovely plant provides a carpet of fragrant golden and white blooms that will grace the front of the border, rockery or path edging.
Lunaria annua var. alba 'White Honesty'
Silver Dollars, Silver PenniesStarting at: €2.20
Lunaria annua alba has pure white starry blooms which are almost fluorescent at sunset. Over a long season it produces masses of silvery pods. It is properly grown as a biennial, and makes large, well-branched plants in its second year. Very easy to grow it is also a vital nectar plant.
Lupinus x russellii ‘The Pages’
Lupin Russell Hybrids, Aka 'Edelknaben'€2.25The Russell Hybrids 'Band of Nobles’ series have exceptionally bright and strong colours. ‘The Pages’ produce magnificent vertical stems of carmine red blooms. These hardy plants will surviving extreme temperatures withstanding frost to at least minus 25°C.
Lysimachia clethroides ‘Lady Jane’
Gooseneck Loosestrife€3.40Lysimachia ‘Lady Jane’ produces spires of white blossoms right above the foliage, they arch over then tip up at the ends and grow in beautiful curvy forms. Absolutely loved by butterflies, an additional feature is the good autumn foliage colour.
Milium effusum 'Aureum'
Bowles Golden Grass€2.95Milium effusum Aureum has a magical quality, bringing incandescent light to the shady places it prefers. As the season progresses tiny golden, bead-like flowers on hair-thin stems arch gracefully creating fountains of gold.
Mimosa pudica 'The Sensitive Plant'
Touch-me-not€1.95Mimosa pudica, the 'sensitive plant', is a source of fascination to adults and children alike. When touched, the narrow fern-like leaflets they almost instantaneously fold together and the leaf stalk droops. This sometimes sets off a chain reaction, with several leaf stalks falling on top of one another.
Nicotiana affinis var. grandiflora
Jasmine Tobacco, Flowering Tobacco
Also known as Nicotiana alata var. grandiflora€1.95Nicotiana affinis, also known as N. alata, is a classic tobacco plant with a delicious evening scent. It has been justly popular for over a century and a firm favourite with generations of gardeners: it is far lovelier than the modern improved forms of Nicotiana alata.
Nicotiana alata var. grandiflora 'Lime Green'
Jasmine Tobacco, Flowering Tobacco
Nicotiana affinis var. grandiflora€1.95Nicotiana alata 'Lime Green' is a sought after variety which produces a mass of bright green flowers which open fully in the afternoon. It provides a new and refreshing alternative to the usual shade annuals: the unusual colouring lifts the summer border and act as a foil to hotter colours.
Nigella damascena alba 'Miss Jekyll, White'
Love in a MistStarting at: €1.85
Nigella “Miss Jekyll White” is one of the most interesting shaped flowers you will ever see. With pure white blooms, once the petals drop, the blossoms transform into little fairy lanterns and the seed pod can be dried for winter decoration indoors.
Orlaya grandiflora 'White Finch'
Minoan Lace or French Meadow Parsley€2.65Orlaya grandiflora 'White Finch' is a true flower show star. This outstanding plant displays stunning pure white flowers that form in large, flat-topped clusters which resemble lace-cap hydrangeas. The plants bloom for a remarkably long period and mix easily with others in the garden or bouquet.
Papaver orientale 'Royal Wedding'
Oriental Poppy. Aka 'Choir Boy' or 'Checkers'.€2.50Out of stock
Nothing compares to the grace of the Oriental poppy, and 'Royal Wedding' is perhaps one of the most striking examples. It exhibits immense pure white satiny blooms with intricately decorated, deep purple-black hearts. They provide a real spectacle year after year.
Parthenocissus tricuspidata veitchii 'Boston Ivy'
Boston Ivy, Bostonian Ivy, Wall Ivy€2.70Out of stock
Boston ivy is a wonderful ornamental vine. The elegant, dark green glossy foliage is replaced with a vivid range of crimson reds in autumn. Sensational for covering walls, fences and arbors. If allowed, it will grow to impressive size and can turn the most mundane masonry building into a stately wall of foliage.
Passiflora caerulea 'Blue Crown'
Passionflower, Passionfruit, Granadilla€2.55Out of stock
Known as the Blue Crown Passion Flower or Hardy Passionflower. It is an extremely fast growing and beautiful plant. ‘Caerulea’ sparks with 10cm flowers with white petals and blue filaments. It is popular with gardeners because of its intricate, scented flowers that have an almost surreal appearance.
Passiflora mollissima
Passionflower, Passionfruit, Granadilla€2.55Out of stock
Passiflora mollissima produces beautiful pink flowers and edible long yellow fruits, like a short banana, which gives the vine its common name. The fruits taste delicious and are considered to be the finest of passionfruit juices; they are used to flavour ice creams, drinks, and cocktails.
Passiflora quadrangularis
Giant Passionflower, Passionfruit, Granadilla.€2.95Out of stock
There are dozens of species of passion vine grown, but one that always gets a lot of attention is the Giant Granadilla Passiflora quadrangularis. One of the most beautiful passionflowers with large, fragrant flowers with deep red petals and a centre crown that contains rows of numerous white and purple rays.
Paulownia tomentosa
Royal Paulownia, Empress, Princess or Foxglove Tree€2.45Paulownia puts on an awe inspiring show in spring. Its soft chamois velvet buds open into large violet to blue, trumpet-like blossoms which fill the air with a sweet fragrance. Huge downy leaves appear after the flowers have opened. They are an architectural delight.