Lupinus x russellii ‘My Castle’
Lupin Russell Hybrids, Aka 'Mein Schloss'€2.25The magnificent vertical stems of Lupin ‘My Castle’ produce vibrant red blooms bringing height and grandeur to summer borders. The intense colour of this robust variety makes a real statement when planted in drifts, or dotted among other perennials.
Lupinus x russellii ‘The Chatelaine’
Lupin Russell Hybrids, Aka 'Schlobfrau'€2.25Bred for a long flowering period with unbeatable garden performance, George Russell developed one of the most popular and distinctive plants in history. Magnificent vertical stems of densely packed soft pink flowers each with a white flag. The Chatelaine’ provides that rare combination of power, poise and subtlety.
Lupinus x russellii ‘The Pages’
Lupin Russell Hybrids, Aka 'Edelknaben'€2.25The Russell Hybrids 'Band of Nobles’ series have exceptionally bright and strong colours. ‘The Pages’ produce magnificent vertical stems of carmine red blooms. These hardy plants will surviving extreme temperatures withstanding frost to at least minus 25°C.
Lysimachia atropurpurea ‘Beaujolais’
Crimson Loosestrife€3.25Out of stock
Recently introduced to gardens and a hit Chelsea Flower Show, Lysimachia ‘Beaujolais’ feature flower spikes of deep claret which bloom continuously from May to September. The plants give a good effect used in tight drifts through grasses and other perennials. Ideal for cutting, the dark flowers are adorable in bunches.
Lysimachia clethroides ‘Lady Jane’
Gooseneck Loosestrife€3.40Lysimachia ‘Lady Jane’ produces spires of white blossoms right above the foliage, they arch over then tip up at the ends and grow in beautiful curvy forms. Absolutely loved by butterflies, an additional feature is the good autumn foliage colour.
Lythrum salicaria 'Purple Loosestrife'
Red Sally, Long Purples
Wildflower of Britain and Ireland€2.65Magnificent and spectacular spikes of rose-purple flowers, which last from June throughout the summer distinguish this tall wetland plant. Purple loosestrife is an easy garden plant, thriving in any soil. It is a beautiful subject for late summer colour in a border, shrubbery, large pond or slow-moving water.