Isatis tinctoria 'Woad'
Dyers Woad, Wildflower€2.45Woad has been grown for its indigo-blue pigment and for its medicinal properties since the 13th century, recently capturing popular imagination as the blue dye for body paint used by the Celts. This fashionable plant has a fresh wildflower appearance that can brighten any garden.
Iris versicolor 'Kermesina'
Northern Blue Flag Iris€3.20Out of stock
'Kermesina' is an attractive and popular cultivar of Iris versicolor. Flowering from May through to July with claret-purple flowers with ruffled petals and bold purple veining. It may be grown in shallow standing water or moist shoreline soils and suitable to be grown in constantly moist humusy soils of a border.
Iris versicolor
Northern Blue Flag Iris€2.80Iris versicolor is one of the few species in garden cultivation. Although happiest at the waterside the plants will also perform well under average to moist border conditions. Flowering from May through to July, each stalk produces up to five violet-blue flowers with ruffled petals and bold purple veining.
Iris pseudacorus 'Yellow Flag Iris'
Fleur-de-lys, Flag Iris
Wildflower of Britain and Ireland€2.45Yellow Flag Iris is a common and widespread native plant in Britain. This good-looking plant is a wetland plant that is especially showy in bloom and has been transplanted into well-watered gardens all over the world.
Iris bulleyana
Bulley's Iris, Sino-Siberian Iris, Beardless Iris.€2.75Out of stock
Iris bulleyana is a classic species Iris from western China. It belongs to a small group of oriental species which are entirely hardy and are of great value to the gardener. The plants are successful in any moist garden soil. Flowering from June to July, the blooms with mid purple flowers and dark purple veins.
Ipomoea purpurea 'Kniola's Black'
Aka 'Kniolas or Knowlian´s Black Knight'. Morning Glory€1.95Ipomoea 'Kniolas Black' is one of the darkest of all Ipomoea varieties available. It blooms with the most stunning dark velvety purple-black flowers, each with cerise throats. Very easy to grow, this extremely carefree and free-blooming climber will bloom early and load itself with masses of attractive dark purple-black flowers all summer long.
Ipomoea purpurea 'Grandpa Ott'
Heirloom Morning GloryRegular Price: €1.95
Special Price €1.25
This heirloom morning glory originated in Bavaria in Germany and named for the original Seed-saver Baptist John Ott, Ipomoea purpurea 'Grandpa Ott' flowers of intense violet-blue, with a ruby red star. It is a good climber for walls, trellis work or if allowed to scramble through other plants or trees.
Ipomoea pennata 'Cypress Vine'
Hummingbird vine, Star Glory€1.95Ipomoea pennata is undoubtedly one of the most beautiful of all annual vines. The feathery foliage with thin, thread-like leaves give the plant a light, airy texture. In summer the plants burst into flower and are covered with hundreds of scarlet red, star shaped flowers.
Ipomoea nil 'Blue Picotee'
Asagao, Japanese Morning Glory€2.45Out of stock
Ipomoea nil ‘Blue Picotee’ produces large, ruffled cobalt-blue blooms that are edged with bright white surrounding a deep rose throat. This extremely carefree and free-blooming, annual climbing vine will grow to around 120 to 180cm (4 to 6ft) tall. It will bloom early and load itself with masses of attractive funnel shaped flowers up to 10cm (3in) wide all summer long.
Ipomoea lobata 'Spanish Flag'
Formerly Mina lobata, Quamoclit lobata€2.45Out of stock
Ipomoea lobata is a fast growing climber with an exotic appearance. The tightly formed buds are flame-crimson in colour, but as they enlarge they transition to infused shades or orange and cream which brings the flowers to life. It will look spectacular for months and is one of the best climbers you can grow.
Ipomoea alba 'Moonflower'
Lady-of-the-night€2.25Throughout the summer, large, pure white flowers of Ipomoea alba open quickly at night, releasing sweet perfume into the evening air. Position near to your patio where you can enjoy the fragrant scent in the evening. A wonderful plant for a moth, night, or fragrance garden, the large white blooms appear to illuminate the garden
Iberis sempervirens 'Snowflake'
Perennial or Evergreen Candytuft€1.95Iberis sempervirens is an early season favorite. This low bushy plant produces mounds of blinding white flowers in spring to early summer. An all round tough plant suitable for problem areas, use for containers, for pathways and crevices of ornamental walls.