Exhibition Varieties
Tomato 'Clementine', Organic
Cocktail Tomato
Vine / Cordon (Indeterminate)€2.55Originally from France, Tomato 'Clementine' produces small, uniform, oval-round, golden fruits. An excellent variety for indoor production, the growth is well balanced, with a polite, open habit and can be grown at close quarters. They produce high yields and have an excellent flavour. Organic Seeds -
Tomato 'Kremser Perle' Organic
Early Salad Tomato. Heritage (Austria)
Semi-Bush (Semi-Determinate)€2.45Tomato 'Kremser Perle' is the most famous heirloom Austrian tomato variety. Recognised for being robust and weather-tolerant, this semi-determinate variety bears abundant medium-sized, round, red fruits that have good taste. Very robust and disease resistant, they are eminently suited for cultivation in cooler climes under glass or outdoors. Organic Seeds -
Tomato 'Red Pear'
Teardrop Tomato, Heritage (USA 1700's)
Vine / Cordon (Indeterminate)€1.95Out of stock
This is a lovely variety of tomato which, whilst you would describe it as a cherry tomato, produces fruits in the shape of a pear. Tomato ‘Red Pear’ produce small, solid-bodied fruits that are have a sweet and flavoursome with soft and velvety textured flesh. Perfect for salads, the shape creating additional interest to any dish.
Tomato 'Sambucca', Organic
Cherry or Cocktail Tomato
Semi-Bush (Semi-Determinate)€2.95Tomato 'Sambucca' is a semi-determinant cocktail tomato variety that is suitable for pot cultivation. An excellent variety for indoor production, and a good early producer that is ideal for a short summer season and can be eaten straight from the vine. Organic Seeds -
Tomato 'Sugar Grape', Organic
Cocktail Tomato, Zuckertraube
Vine / Cordon (Indeterminate)€2.35Cherry Tomato 'Sugar Grape' is very vigorous variety that produces large trusses of sweet flavoured fruits. This is an excellent variety for indoor production, and a good early producer that is ideal for a short summer season. Organic Seeds -
Tomato 'Yellow Pear'
Teardrop Tomato, Heritage (USA 1700's)
Vine / Cordon (Indeterminate)€1.85Tomato 'Yellow Pear' is a popular pear shaped cocktail tomato, an open-pollinated heirloom variety that produces large indeterminate plants that are very productive, the fruits grow in large luscious clusters. They have a sweet fresh taste and a beautiful yellow colour, perfect for salads or for snacking.
Turnip 'Snowball'
Japanese Type. Heritage (Pre 1885)€2.00Recommended by the N.I.A.B, Turnip ‘Snowball’ is a very popular first-class, globe variety with solid flesh and a juicy, sweet, mild flavour. They are a fast crop, being ready in just five to eight weeks from sowing. With pure white flesh as its name suggests, Snowball is superb for both table and exhibition.