Rhubarb 'Glaskins Perpetual'
Garden Rhubarb, English Rhubarb.
Heritage variety (English 1920's)€1.95Glaskin's Perpetual was first raised in Brighton and produces large, long stemmed, bright red stalks which are juicy and hold good flavour. Very reliable and quick to establish, it is the only rhubarb that can be harvested late in the season (hence the "Perpetual"). Excellent for tarts, pies, jam, wine, forcing etc.
Radish, Daikon 'White Summer', Organic
Mooli, Asiatic or Oriental Radish€2.60A popular Japanese daikon type, winter radish, requiring shortening day length and cool temperatures to form. Sow after mid-summer and harvest during cooler weather until the first mild frosts. They store beautifully and excel in stir-fries and roasts, the flesh is tender, buttery, and mild. Organic Seeds.
Radish, Daikon 'Watermelon Radish'
ShinRi-Mei, meaning 'Beauty in the Heart.'€2.45The colourful 'Watermelon Radish' of historic China. The magic is in their bright-magenta interior which is so sweet, crisp, and delicious. A winter radish, for autumn and winter sowing they will tolerate temperatures down to around -3°C. The bright pink and white flesh makes a beautiful accent for any salad. They are also good for pickling. 45 to 55 days.
Radish, Daikon 'F1 April Cross'
Mooli, Asiatic or Oriental Radish€2.95'F1 April Cross' is a Minowase type hybrid daikon radish. A market leader for its extra-slow bolting habit, tender mature flesh and reliable harvest. Recommended for late summer to early summer harvest and for early winter harvest, they are an excellent variety for home gardeners. Sow seeds after the last frost in spring or in late summer to early autumn. They have a mild taste that is tender, buttery, and mild. 60 days.
Radish 'Zurich Market', Organic
Heritage variety. (European)€2.55Radish 'Zurich Market' is a white elongated radish for early summer through to early autumn for bunching or for individual use. Sow from April to August it can be harvested from May to October. If sown under cover, this can be done from early March to April. Organic Seed.
Radish 'White Hailstone'
White Globe Radish€1.60Radish 'White Hailstone' is a brilliant white, sweet, white globe radish. Especially crisp, tender and with a mild flavour that keeps well once pulled. not too spicy and stay mild even as they grow larger.
Radish 'Viola'
Globe Radish€1.85Not your average radish, Radish ‘Viola’ is one of the jewels of veg patch. This dramatic, magenta-skinned variety is quick to mature and makes a delightful presentation on the plate. High yielding in limited space, they can be grown wherever there is sun and moist, fertile soil, even on the smallest city lot.
Radish 'Sparkler'
Globe Radish€1.75Full of character but easy on spice, Radish ‘Sparkler’ is an attractive globe variety with shading from the brightest scarlet to pure white, dotted with merry flecks. There's no beating this delightful little two-tone jewel for quick harvest, mild peppery bite, and terrific plate appeal. RHS AGM.
Radish 'Rainbow Mixed'
Globe Radish€1.65Quick to grow and beautiful to look at, Radish 'Rainbow Mixed' is a visually stunning selection of coloured-skinned radishes. A very exciting sight to see when picked and an excellent choice for salads and gourmet dishes.
Radish 'French Breakfast 3'
Heritage variety (Introduced before 1885)€1.75French Breakfast 3 is a solid, sweet, cylindrical shaped radish that sports crimson shoulders and a white tip. Quick-growing with crisp, tender roots and a sweet mild flavour. Suitable for planting from spring through to autumn even on the smallest city lot.
Radish 'Cherry Belle'
Globe Radish€1.65The globe shaped roots of Radish ‘Cherry Belle’ have appealing bright red skins, smooth white flesh and a crisp, crunchy texture. This fast maturing variety is reliable and versatile, producing early crops of sweet and succulent, mildly flavoured radish.
Radish 'Black Spanish Round'
Winter Radish.
Heritage variety (Europe 1558)€1.50The Black Spanish radish is a unique variety with a inky black, thick skin that resembles that of a rhinoceros. But that craggy, tough exterior is what protects the tender, spicy, crisp, pure-white flesh. They are reliable, last forever in the garden and in storage, and are one of the easiest things you will ever grow.
Pycnanthemum pilosum 'Mountain Mint'
American Mountain Mint€1.95Out of stock
This attractive plant will be equally at home in the flower border or keeping company with the sage and thyme in your herb garden. Delightfully aromatic, the floral-peppermint scent is subtly different from other mints. Mountain mint is a great nectar plant, its honey is much sought after.
Purslane, Claytonia 'Winter Purslane'
Miner's Lettuce, Indian Lettuce€1.75This incredibly succulent, melt-in-your-mouth raw salad green has recently gained popularity in the gourmet greens world, attracting both world class growers and chefs. Best used fresh and tiny, these elegant leaves bring a rich, tart-creaminess to delicate, micro-green salads.
Pennyroyal, Mentha pulegium
Pudding Grass, Pulegium
Wildflower of Britain and Ireland, Ancient Crop€1.45Out of stock
Pennyroyal is a cottage garden plant of old. This highly aromatic herb has a strong peppermint scent to its dark green leaves, even more so than other mints. With attractive whorls of lilac-blue flowers, it can be used to carpet a shady corner or make a 'lawn' smelling deliciously of peppermint.
Passiflora quadrangularis
Giant Passionflower, Passionfruit, Granadilla.€2.95Out of stock
There are dozens of species of passion vine grown, but one that always gets a lot of attention is the Giant Granadilla Passiflora quadrangularis. One of the most beautiful passionflowers with large, fragrant flowers with deep red petals and a centre crown that contains rows of numerous white and purple rays.
Passiflora mollissima
Passionflower, Passionfruit, Granadilla€2.55Out of stock
Passiflora mollissima produces beautiful pink flowers and edible long yellow fruits, like a short banana, which gives the vine its common name. The fruits taste delicious and are considered to be the finest of passionfruit juices; they are used to flavour ice creams, drinks, and cocktails.
Passiflora edulis 'Purple Giant'
Passionflower, Passionfruit, Granadilla€1.95A Passiflora that produces very fragrant, unusual flowers. The flowers are white, except the base of the corona which is purple; the filaments are curly, as long as the petals, 5 to 7cm across. The edible fruits possess pleasant flavour, kind of sweet and a little tart.
Passiflora caerulea 'Blue Crown'
Passionflower, Passionfruit, Granadilla€2.55Out of stock
Known as the Blue Crown Passion Flower or Hardy Passionflower. It is an extremely fast growing and beautiful plant. ‘Caerulea’ sparks with 10cm flowers with white petals and blue filaments. It is popular with gardeners because of its intricate, scented flowers that have an almost surreal appearance.
Pak Choi 'Dwarf Canton White'
Baby Bok Choi, Pak Choy,
Spoon cabbage, Taisai, Chinese mustard.Starting at: €1.85
Dwarf Canton White is a short and squat variety, often known as Baby or Squat Pak Choi. Tender and delicious, with a compact habit, this fast growing vegetable can be harvested at any stage, for 'baby leaf or left to mature to thick succulent white stems.
Oregano, Greek Oregano
True Oregano€2.10The difference in taste between fresh oregano and the store-bought dried variety is like night and day. Its spicy yet refreshing flavour contributes to Italian, Greek, and Spanish cuisine. Fresh oregano adds a boost of flavour that just can't be beat. Easy to grow either in the garden or indoors.
Onion, Welsh Red Stem
Spring onion, Negi, Japanese Bunching Onion,€2.10Out of stock
The Red Welsh is an old form of the perennial bunching onion with very decorative red stalks and a slightly stronger flavoured than the white variety. Once established, tend to look after themselves. The flowers are attractive to bees and is an effective insect repellent.
Onion, Welsh Green Stem, Organic
Spring onion, Negi€2.45Out of stock
Allium fistulosum is a non-bulbing, leaf onion that produces clumps of tube-like hollow leaves with large creamy white globe shaped flowers. With a mild, sweet flavour it is an important ingredient in Asian cuisine. Organic Seed.
Onion, Welsh Green Stem
Spring onion, Negi€1.95The Welsh onion has a mild, sweet flavour and although the Welsh onion is much more delicate, it is strongly reminiscent of the leek in appearance and taste and is similar to the scallion. It is distinguished from the bulb onion by its round hollow leaves and only slight bulb formation.