Tomato 'Yellow Pear'
Teardrop Tomato, Heritage (USA 1700's)
Vine / Cordon (Indeterminate)€1.85Tomato 'Yellow Pear' is a popular pear shaped cocktail tomato, an open-pollinated heirloom variety that produces large indeterminate plants that are very productive, the fruits grow in large luscious clusters. They have a sweet fresh taste and a beautiful yellow colour, perfect for salads or for snacking.
Tomato 'Tigerella', Organic
Salad Tomato, Heritage (English)
Vine / Cordon (Indeterminate)€2.45Tigerella is a standard, indeterminate variety, an English heirloom variety that is highly productive and extremely attractive. About the size of a billiard ball, it has a unique, rich, tangy flavour and the stripes give it outstanding eye appeal. Ideal for children.
Tomato 'Tigerella'
Salad Tomato, Heritage (English)
Vine / Cordon (Indeterminate)€1.95Tigerella is a standard, indeterminate variety, an English heirloom variety that is highly productive and extremely attractive. About the size of a billiard ball, it has a unique, rich, tangy flavour and the stripes give it outstanding eye appeal. Ideal for children.
Tomato 'Sweetie'
Cherry Tomato
Vine / Cordon (Indeterminate)€2.25Tomato ‘Sweetie’ is a fantastic new variety, a super-sweet red cherry tomato with high sugar content and full bodied tomato flavour. The plants are early, vigorous and reliable, producing crack resistant, high quality fruit even in adverse conditions. 65 days.
Tomato 'Sugar Grape', Organic
Cocktail Tomato, Zuckertraube
Vine / Cordon (Indeterminate)€2.35Cherry Tomato 'Sugar Grape' is very vigorous variety that produces large trusses of sweet flavoured fruits. This is an excellent variety for indoor production, and a good early producer that is ideal for a short summer season. Organic Seeds
Tomato 'San Marzano'
Plum Tomato, Heritage (Italian 1770)
Vine / Cordon (Indeterminate)€1.75'San Marzano' is a classic plum/paste type of tomato from Italy, it produces clusters of delicious, elongated fruit.. This variety is a compact and prolific producer and performs best if staked. This heritage tomato is one of the jewels in Campania's crown.
Tomato 'Sambucca', Organic
Cherry or Cocktail Tomato
Semi-Bush (Semi-Determinate)€2.95Tomato 'Sambucca' is a semi-determinant cocktail tomato variety that is suitable for pot cultivation. An excellent variety for indoor production, and a good early producer that is ideal for a short summer season and can be eaten straight from the vine. Organic Seeds
Tomato 'Roma VF'
Plum Tomato, Heritage (Italian 1958)
Semi-Bush (Semi-Determinate)€1.75Roma VF is a traditional plum tomato that gives incredible yields of very richly flavoured, pear-shaped fruit. These fruits are meaty with few seeds and not much juice, perfectly suited to cooking, but delicious enough to eat fresh. The vines fruit heavily, occasionally needing some support.
Tomato 'Red Pear'
Teardrop Tomato, Heritage (USA 1700's)
Vine / Cordon (Indeterminate)€1.95Out of stock
This is a lovely variety of tomato which, whilst you would describe it as a cherry tomato, produces fruits in the shape of a pear. Tomato ‘Red Pear’ produce small, solid-bodied fruits that are have a sweet and flavoursome with soft and velvety textured flesh. Perfect for salads, the shape creating additional interest to any dish.
Tomato 'Matina' Organic
Early Variety, Heritage (German)
Vine / Cordon (Indeterminate)€2.45An heirloom variety of German origin, this bright red, golf ball sized tomato has the kind of perfect sweet and acidic balance that you normally find in larger, late season tomatoes. Easy to grow and very early maturing, it ripens 55 days after transplant. Organic Seed.
Tomato 'Kremser Perle' Organic
Early Salad Tomato. Heritage (Austria)
Semi-Bush (Semi-Determinate)€2.45Tomato 'Kremser Perle' is the most famous heirloom Austrian tomato variety. Recognised for being robust and weather-tolerant, this semi-determinate variety bears abundant medium-sized, round, red fruits that have good taste. Very robust and disease resistant, they are eminently suited for cultivation in cooler climes under glass or outdoors. Organic Seeds
Tomato 'Indigo Rose', Organic
Black Salad Tomato
Semi-Bush (Semi-Determinate)€2.65Combining midnight purple skin with a rosy red interior, tomato 'Indigo Rose' is a dazzlingly delicious, medium-late ripening salad tomato, with semi-determinant growth. Outstanding in several ways with remarkably high levels of anthocyanins, but most importantly they taste amazing. Organic Seeds
Tomato 'Indigo Apple' Organic
Black Salad Tomato
Vine / Cordon (Indeterminate)€2.75'Indigo Apple' is a development from 'Indigo Rose', bred to be early ripening. Heavy sets of unripe fruit show lots of purple due to the high anthocyanin level, the same powerful antioxidant found in blueberries. The stunning colour is brought on by sunlight, and will eventually turn almost black. Organic Seeds
Tomato 'Gardeners Delight'
Cherry Tomato
Vine / Cordon (Indeterminate)€2.65If you are of the opinion tomatoes have lost their flavour 'Gardener's Delight' is a must for you. Easy to grow, heavy cropping and extremely sweet in flavour. The true flavour of tomatoes of a century or more ago. RHS AGM
Tomato 'F1 Modus'
Mini Plum or Grape Tomato
Vine / Cordon (Indeterminate)€3.95Tomato 'F1 Modus' is an early maturing 'mini-plum' or 'grape' type tomato. Slightly longer than F1 Rosada with a higher sugar content, they are suitable for loose and cluster picking. The prolific trusses of 14 to 18 attractive fruits have a deliciously sweet, full bodied flavour.
Tomato 'Clementine', Organic
Cocktail Tomato
Vine / Cordon (Indeterminate)€2.55Originally from France, Tomato 'Clementine' produces small, uniform, oval-round, golden fruits. An excellent variety for indoor production, the growth is well balanced, with a polite, open habit and can be grown at close quarters. They produce high yields and have an excellent flavour. Organic Seeds
Tomato 'Cerise' Organic
Mid-early, Cherry Tomato. Heritage (Italian)
Vine / Cordon (Indeterminate)€2.25Out of stock
Tomato 'Cerise' is a fantastic cherry variety with a delicious sweet flavour. This heirloom variety of Italian origin is mid to early maturing, the fruits ripen at about 60 days after transplant giving high yields of superb tasting small 18 to 25 gram fruits. Organic Seed.
Tomato 'Cerise'
Mid-early, Cherry Tomato. Heritage (Italian)
Vine / Cordon (Indeterminate)€1.95Tomato 'Cerise' is a fantastic cherry variety with a delicious sweet flavour. This heirloom variety of Italian origin is mid to early maturing, the fruits ripen at about 60 days after transplant giving high yields of superb tasting small 18 to 25 gram fruits.
Tomato 'Berner Rose' Organic
Early Beefsteak. Heritage (Swiss)
Vine / Cordon (Indeterminate)€2.95Tomato 'Bernese Rose' is a beautiful rose-pink Swiss heirloom that is earlier to ripen that other larger varieties. Fleshy, thin skinned and with the most exquisite tomato flavours this tomato is a firm favourite amongst gardeners and growers. Organic Seeds
Tomato 'Auriga' Organic
Early Salad Tomato
Vine / Cordon (Indeterminate)€2.75Tomato 'Auriga' is an orange fruited 'shirley' type. Early to ripen they weigh 70 to 80 grams. If you let them mature the flavour of the fruit changes to a gorgeous Melon taste. Very distinctive, they are ideal as an eye-catcher in salads. Organic Seeds
Sweetcorn 'Tasty Sweet F1'
Early variety. Supersweet.€3.55Out of stock
Sweetcorn 'Tasty Sweet F1' is a great, early, super sweet and new variety. This extra sweet type produces beautiful golden yellow kernels that have better flavour than regular sweetcorn and has been bred to have improved tolerance to cool weather. Early to ripen and very suitable for northern European gardens.
Sweetcorn 'Golden Bantam' Organic
Midseason. Heirloom (1902)€2.65Out of stock
The heirloom sweet corn variety ’Golden Bantam’ has been known since 1902. It thrives in cold soil and reliably produces delicious sweet and tender cobs that typically have 16 to 18 rows of medium sized, golden yellow grains. Organic Seed.
Squash 'Waltham Butternut'
Winter Squash€2.45'Waltham' is an improved version of the common Butternut squash. First bred in the 1960's they are reliable, productive and a long-keeper. It has very little seed cavity, thicker & straighter necks, fruits earlier, and produces more flesh per fruit.
Squash 'Uchiki Kuri' Organic
Winter, Onion, Hokkaido or Potimarron Squash€3.50Most people initially grow Uchiki Kuri squash because of its similarity to the familiar pumpkin. What they will not have anticipated is finding it a far superior squash to pumpkin. If you believe that they are only fit for Halloween lanterns allow yourself to be converted. Organic Seed.